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Cannabis Spotlight
Jill Giles What field are you in within the
Cannabis space?
I am one of two owners in a large medical
Green Palms Health and Wellness cannabis conference. We educate physicians and
What benefits do you see for patients throughout Florida with- clinicians as well as bring opportunity and educa-
in this space? tion to industry professionals and patients. My
business partner, Dawn Yarnell, and I have grown
When you obtain a medical cannabis card, you will be able to legally shop at Florida Medical Cannabis Conference into an
licensed dispensaries in the state of Florida for quality medical cannabis. One of the experience and an outstanding platform of medi-
biggest benefits of becoming a cannabis patient in Florida is that it opens the door to cine, advocacy and education. We also own and
an incredible array of all-natural, plant based treatment options that can be cus- operate a medical cannabis clinic in Naples, FL and Jill Giles
tomized to suit your individual conditions, symptoms, and lifestyle. are privileged to work alongside of Dr. Paul Weisman. As if that is not enough, we
What motivates you to be a part of the Cannabis Industry? have a CBD line we have invested countless hours of research and time in called Zilis.
Outside of of my personal passion, which comes from a 20 year diagnosis of Lupus How can people in Florida benefit from the
and now able to say I am seizure free and in remission for nearly three years (a result company you represent?
of medical cannabis), I am driven to bring education on a clinical platform. I am part Patients can benefit by obtaining answers to their questions, physicians, clinicians
of a movement that is not only committed to a healthier alternative to dangerous and healthcare providers have the opportunity to learn from their peers from all over
pharmaceuticals it is focused on changing minds and literally saving lives. That, to the world. Industry professionals and law makers benefit as well. Medically, all indi-
me, is why I got into healthcare 25 years ago. To be a part of something so much big- viduals have the opportunity to treat chronic illness naturally and holistically. I hear
ger than any one of us are is truly the most empowered and whole I have felt in many testimony after testimony almost daily and even after three years in the industry I
years. I can honestly say that I am proud of what I do and want to give as many indi- find myself still shocked at 2 things:
viduals the same blessings and opportunities I have had. Love your work and you 1. How on earth have we not had a better understanding of how and why this med-
will never work a day in your life. icine is literally life changing to so many and
2. The miracle behind the medicine and the success it provides to so many.
Continued on following page
38 September 2019 Cannabis News Florida