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Insurance for
Physicians and
CBD Going Independent!
It’s a common misconception that
BMH Ventures’ Physician’s Choice and Swiss Relief™ legal marijuana dispensary insurance
is very expensive and unattainable, but
Are the Chosen Brands for IMCO it is actually very reasonably priced.
We can provide you with many types
of comprehensive insurance coverage
BY LIMOR BEN ARI custody that ensures its purity. Their 3rd party which will help your business stay on
testing and certification process is thorough; its feet should some type of calamity or
In a new partnership with BMH Ventures, what is on the label is in the bottle. Through unfortunate event arise.
IMCO announced the mega-CBD brand as their this special program, IMCO Members have two
new vendor. distinct labels to choose from: the Physician’s • General Liability
In their announcement to members they Choice line of professional CBD products not • Property Protection
said: marketed or sold at the retail level, and the • Medicine Coverage
• Business Income
“A number of medical distributors have been familiar Swiss Relief™ items, including their • Extra Expense Insurance
selling CBD products since they first became Tincture Oils, Salves, Gel Caps, and Vitamin • Product Liability
available just a few short years ago, and accord- Gummi Supplements. CBD is a rapidly growing
ing to the headline of the HIDA Daily Clips product category, and IMCO Members have a Danna-Gracey is the leading indepen-
email of August 9, 2019: “One in seven [14% great opportunity to increase sales by selling dent medical malpractice insurance
of] Americans say they personally use Physician’s Choice and Swiss Relief™.” agency in Florida, and the top agency
cannabidiol, or CBD, products, according to a The National Director of Sales for BMH for several of the lead-
new survey. Joe Levenson Ventures, Joe Levenson, is thrilled for the ing insurers in Florida.
They have proliferated since last year’s passage of a federal opportunity. As a pharmaceutical industry veteran working for For more information
law legalizing this hemp form of cannabis. Forty percent of over 35 years with leading Pharma brands, he took the leap in contact Jessica Hoehn
of Danna-Gracey at
those who use CBD products say they do so to manage pain. May 2019 to move over to the CBD industry, and joined BMH 888.496.0059.
Other reasons given include managing anxiety, insomnia, Ventures: “I am a true believer in CBD. It impacted my life per-
arthritis, and migraines.” sonally. It’s my daily routine, and my mission is to share it with
Recognizing the need and benefits of adding a line of CBD everyone. I know the products we produce. I trust the pure
products for IMCO Members, we began researching the possi- form of CBD we have. This is the brand I am willing to bring
bilities nearly a year ago. We discovered that not all CBD is cre- over to the pharmacy world. Brands physicians can trust.”
ated equal and have located a top quality, proven line of prod-
ucts in this category. BMH Ventures’ CBD is processed from For more information, visit or 888.496.0059 •
organically-grown industrial hemp to bottle, with a chain of or
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Cannabis News Florida September 2019 43