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FLORIDA                                       CANNABIS
                                                                                HEMP                                          SPOTLIGHT:
                                                                                COUNCIL                                       Jill Giles

                                                                                         page 36-37                                   page 38

                                       September 2019

                                                    Wholistic ReLeaf: Empowering

                                                  Families and Patients to Choose

                                                    the Best Treatment Approach

                                                         BY DANIEL CASCIATO

                                               With over 20 years of experience as a board-certi-
                                             fied pediatrician and wholistic family care physician,
                                             Dr. David Berger came to the medical cannabis indus-
                                             try with a level of knowledge and experience unpar-
                   Dr. Mark Chaet                                                                                                   Noah Kauffman
                                             alleled among cannabis-certifying physicians.
                                               Dr. Berger is the founder of Tampa-based Wholistic
                American                     ReLeaf, the medical cannabis division of his full-ser-                         Strainprint:
                                             vice practice, Wholistic Pediatrics & Family Care. He
                  Medical                    named the cannabis clinic Wholistic ReLeaf because                             For Patients
                                             it combines the elements he believes are most impor-
                                             tant for providing patient-centered medical cannabis
               Marijuana                     education and treatment.                                                        By Patients
                                               “Wholistic is a term I have always used to describe   Dr. David Berger
               Physicians                    the type of medicine I practice because it emphasizes                          Data Driven
                                             the importance of considering the whole patient, the whole environment, and the
           Association to                    whole community in effectively treating each patient.” He continued, “Using the   User Analytics
                                             word ‘leaf’ credits the cannabis plant as the source which provides our patients the
                                             relief they seek.”
               Host Third                      Long before medical cannabis became a legal treatment option, Dr. Berger used   BY BARBARA R. FALLON
                                                                                                   Continued on page 40
                  Annual                                                                                                that with the evolution of medical
                                                                                                                          The casual observer might conclude
            Conference in                              Broad Spectrum Products                                          cannabis’ therapeutic benefits, changes
                                                                                                                        in social values and legislative regula-

        Lake Buena Vista                             Offer Unique Advantages to                                         tions have moved cannabis into main-
                                                                                                                        stream medicine; that once a doctor
                                                                                                                        prescribes a medical marijuana card, it’s
                                                                                                                        as simple as buying over the counter
                                                      Spektrum Life’s Customers                                         medications.
               BY DANIEL CASCIATO
                                                                                                                          The   founders  of   Strainprint
          The American Medical Marijuana                                                                                Technologies, a leading Canadian med-
        Physicians Association’s (AMMPA)                   BY VANESSA ORR                                               ical cannabis data and analytics compa-
        Annual Conference will be held October                                                                          ny, would probably differ with that
        4-6 at the Hilton Orlando in Lake Buena  There are always concerns when using a new                             uninformed observation. Most of the
        Vista, FL. The membership-driven asso-  health product, especially for first-time CBD buyers.                   team have first-hand experience with
        ciation focuses on providing physicians  While there is a vast amount of information out                        achieving optimal patient outcomes
        and healthcare professionals with the  there, there is also a lot of confusion, which is why                    from medical cannabis and know it can
        resources they need to safely and effec-  Tiffany and Andres Guaty, owners of Spektrum Life,                    be a confusing, time consuming and
        tively utilize medical marijuana recom-  spend much of their time educating people about                        overwhelming experience for patients
        mendations as an alternative treatment  CBD products.                                                           and their clinical providers.
        modality for their patients.           “Both Andres and I did our own research on CBD,                            In fact, four years ago one of the co-
          AMMPA was started a few years ago by   trying many different brands to help with his back                     founders, Stephanie Karasick, noticed
        Florida physicians knowing that the state   injury and my anxiety, and the knowledge we                         how little information and scientific
        would soon have medical marijuana leg-  acquired was used to create our company, Spektrum                       validation there was on various treat-
        islation approved.                   Life,” said Tiffany Guaty, who has been involved in                        ments when she first started to navigate
          “We wanted to get organized to help   the CBD industry since 2016. “Through customer   Tiffany and Andres Guaty   cannabinoid medical treatment. She
        each other as well as the new doctors   feedback, we have found that the majority of people                     kept a personal journal and soon her
        coming on board to manage this new   who take opiates or over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen are constantly   technologically-minded husband, Evan
        specialty,” says Mark Chaet, MD,     searching for a more natural, non-addictive alternative. We strive to help a wide   Karasick, designed a prototype app for
        AMMPA President. “We came together   range of individuals by introducing them to our broad spectrum CBD products.”   her to record her observations. That
        with the mission to educate physicians   While researching different brands and product lines, the couple realized that they   personal experience was the seed that
        and advocate for the type of care they   wanted a broad spectrum oil that contained all of the phytocannabinoids of the   developed into a passion for the team at
        were delivering as well as work on leg-  hemp plant without the THC.
                                                                                                                        Strainprint Technologies; the company
                         Continued on page 34                                                      Continued on page 33                Continued on page 35
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