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Back Cover Story: Wholistic ReLeaf:

                                                                                  Empowering Families and Patients to

                                                                                  Choose the Best Treatment Approach

                                                                                  Continued from Back Page            lies. And patients with chronic pain have
                                                                                  herbs and other supplements to success-  been able to get off of highly addictive
                                                                                  fully treat his patients. Early in his career,   opioid prescriptions. The list goes on and
                                                                                  he began creating individual dosing pro-  on.”
                                                                                  tocols for herbs and other supplements   Wholistic ReLeaf is dedicated to help-
                                                                                  based on the patient’s age and medical   ing patients achieve optimal health and
                                                                                  condition. When medical cannabis    happiness through a caring, knowledge-
                                                                                  became legal in the State of Florida, for   able approach to medical cannabis edu-
                                                                                  Dr. Berger it was just another herb with   cation and treatment. They empower
                                                                                  medicinal properties. It was second   families and patients to choose the best
                                                                                  nature for him to determine the best dos-  treatment approach for the patient’s med-
                                                                                  ing strategies and educate patients on   ical condition; and, are devoted solely to
                                                                                  safely introducing CBD and THC.     the evaluation, certification, and treat-
                                                                                   “I have long believed in the medicinal   ment of qualified patients who meet the
                                                                                  properties of cannabis. In fact, my inter-  State of Florida legal requirements for
                                                                                  est dates back to the first paper I wrote in   receiving medical cannabis.
                                                                                  college," he recalls. “When the Florida   In late September, Wholistic ReLeaf
                                                                                  law passed in 2016 that allowed full med-  will open a newly renovated suite within
                                                                                  ical cannabis to be used, I was one of the   Wholistic Pediatrics & Family Care that
                                                                                  first physicians to become certified in the   is dedicated solely to providing compre-
                                                                                  Tampa Bay Area. I am also told that I was   hensive care for cannabis patients.
                                                                                  the first pediatrician to be certified in the   Under Wholistic ReLeaf’s new educa-
                                                                                  State of Florida.”                  tion-centered model, in addition to being
                                                                                   When Dr. Berger reflects on the num-  evaluated by the certifying physician,
                                                                                  ber of patients medical cannabis has   each patient meets one-on-one with the
                                                                                  helped over the past few years, he is   clinic’s Patient Educator. During the edu-
                                                                                  amazed at how many different medical   cation session, patients learn about
                                                                                  conditions can be improved using this   routes of administration and dosing
                                                                                  versatile herb.                     strategies based on the physician’s rec-
                                                                                   “I have patients who suffered from   ommendations, are shown samples of
                                                                                  severe, long-term seizure disorders who   various products offered by the dispen-
                                                                                  are now seizure free and no longer need   saries, and review in detail all the steps
                                                                                  seizure medications. I have patients who   required by the State to be certified and
                                                                                  successfully weaned off antidepressants   remain in compliance with ever-chang-
                                                                                  and anxiety medications,” he says.   ing state laws. The Patient Educator is
                                                                                  "Teens with autism who seemed destined   also available when questions arise
                                                                                  to need placement in residential facilities   between certification appointments,
                                                                                  because of violent behaviors, are now            Continued on following page
                                                                                  able to safely stay home with their fami-

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