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Back Cover Story: Strainprint: For Patients

         By Patients Data Driven User Analytics

         Continued from Back Page            available in the area to preserve scientific
                                             integrity and with user-friendly scales it
        which collects and shares patient report-  is easy to record and track one’s response
        ed data for patient use. Strainprint was   to the strain.”
        formed to advance the scientific under-  Additionally, for those who want to ask
        standing of cannabis and its legitimiza-  questions, seek opinions or share experi-
        tion by using patient reported data to   ences, Strainprint has created an online,
        guide responsible medical and recre-  anonymous community for users of all
        ational use.                         knowledge levels to learn, engage and

        The app                              support each other. It also contains curat-
                                             ed content, including articles and videos,
          From that point on, a group of diverse,   from industry leaders and members.
        creative folks with personal medical   The Strainprint Community is run by
        cannabis experiences (themselves,    patients who have found relief from
        friends, family members) are using their   cannabis and want to help others feel
        entrepreneurial talents to make the jour-  better. The community platform is a safe
        ney a bit easier for others. Noah    place where you can be as anonymous as
        Kauffman, Director of Sales explains the   you wish, and your information won’t
        value of a crowd-sourced medical     get into the hands of any third parties.
        cannabis tracking ecosystem via the   Strainprint supports shared experiences
        Strainprint app.                     as an essential part of cannabis’ global
          “The user selects what symptom needs   acceptance as a medicine.
        to be treated, checks the severity of the
        symptom, lists the strain and how it is   For patients, by patients
        consumed and then is reminded in a     Kauffman summed up the benefits of
        short period of time to record the effica-  the Strainprint mission to provide a
        cy of the treatment. Each 5-step session   proven platform of translating regulated
        is put into an aggregate database that is   cannabis use to efficacy for patients by
        HIPAA compliant and stored in Canada   patients.
        to ensure individual privacy,” he said.    “First, patients can compare which
          With the variety of products available,   strain, THC + CBD level, ingestion
        it is difficult to remember what you   method and dose amounts work best for
        tried, and which product worked best for   their individual symptoms with the
        you. Strainprint offers the individual a   assurance of privacy; second, use of the
        private, personally recorded history of   aggregate data allows clinicians and clin-
        which strain gave them the most symp-  ics to provide an elevated level of care
        tom relief. Everyone’s body reacts differ-  and direction to patients due to solid
        ently to cannabis’ therapeutic effects, but   medical data, not simple cannabis
        the app’s aggregate data and the individ-  reviews; third, as we continue our robust
        ual’s history can narrow the options and   and exponential collection of data, we
        lead to faster relief.               can provide even more analysis, scientif-
          Each app-user receives a unique access   ic proof and research to clinicians
        code that they can choose to share with   regarding a range of optimal dosage lev-
        their clinic which provides clinicians   els for symptom relief; and finally, as
        access to their data for optimal patient   employees the fulfillment of knowing
        outcomes faster than a trial and error   the Strainprint patient is at the forefront
        approach. A collective experiential rat-  of every activity we engage in exceeds
        ing is available for physicians and clinics   the size of any salary or commission
        when guiding their patients’ care plans.    earned from clocking in at a nine-to-five
          During the past 2 1/2 years Strainprint   widget factory!” he said.
        has had a significant growth spurt from
        400,000 sessions to 1.3 million sessions.   For information, visit
        Kauffman explained why that happened.               or call (647) 456-2546.
        “Before we enter a regional market, we
        pre-populate the app with the products

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