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Back Cover Story: American Medical Marijuana Physicians Association
to Host Third Annual Conference in Lake Buena Vista
Continued from Back Page bers to allow for a unified voice repre- resource to go to when you have ques- 1 Credits™ will be awarded.
islative issues that would come up.” senting all physicians currently interest- tions, and be part of an organization that The AMMPA Annual Conference is the
Since the field was also relatively new ed in cannabinoid medicine. Its members emphasizes really high quality education perfect opportunity to meet representa-
and there were not many experts yet in are leaders in the nation who provide and educational programs,” he says. “You tives of companies that can be beneficial
the cannabis industry in Florida, Dr. expertise to the public regarding will also be able to bring things to the to your practice.
Chaet says that they wanted to be cau- research, education, speaking engage- table yourself as you gain experience.” “We have really exciting speakers at
tious on how they took a position. ments, seminars, and industry recom- He points out that one of its biggest the conference,” says Dr. Chaet. “Nikki
“We started the organization as the mendations. challenges is that no one is allowed to do Fried, Florida’s Commissioner of
number of physicians who were getting At the AMMPA Annual Conference in any research on marijuana in the United Agriculture, will be speaking on one of
involved in the industry grew, and as a October, Dr. Chaet says that they will be States. “All we're allowed to do is review the very hot topics today, industrial
result, our membership began to grow,” announcing a few new projects that have outcomes of our own patients—observa- hemp and CBD. She is right in the mid-
he says. “There was just a vacuum that not been made public yet. “You will hear tional research. So the doctors can get dle of everything that has to do with that.
was created and we were happy enough more about advances that will make the together and add any findings to the cur- It's going to be exciting to hear what she
to fill it.” organization even more valuable to its rent information and teach all of us to be has to say. We've also invited and con-
Today, AMMPA is the largest physician members at the meeting.” better at our training.” nected with several international
medical cannabis association with more Dr. Chaet encourages physicians who Other benefits to joining include: researchers who are truly on the cutting
than 1,000 physician members. The are now recommending medical marijua- Practice Help: AMMPA provides edge of cannabis for years. it will be fun
organization serves as a physician advo- na and seeing patients who are using resources facilitating the use of medical for physicians to be able to hear from
cate helping to outline practice risks and cannabis to join the organization as a cannabis recommendations in your prac- people with literally decades of experi-
benefits, educational requirements, com- two-way street of education. tice. ence as opposed to what we hear about
pliance issues, and aggregates its mem- “You will receive information, have a Legislative Advocacy: AMMPA will locally."
maintain a strong legislative presence Most of all, however, Dr. Chaet is look-
aimed at protecting and strengthening ing forward to getting physicians togeth-
medical marijuana practices. It will sup- er and strengthening this social network
port policies that will advance and pro- that's just beginning. “We want to really
tect its physicians’ positions in the state promote the idea that we're not competi-
of Florida. tors; we’re colleagues and this is a new
Licensure Questions: AMMPA will fresh start for everyone. This is not a sur-
help answer any questions you have. gical society or an internal medicine
State Required CME: Recommending society or pulmonary society where the
Medical Marijuana or Low-THC members have been practicing for a long
cannabis may be new for a lot of physi- time. This is brand new to many of us.
cians, therefore AMMPA provides multi- It's up to us as the physicians who are
ple resources to facilitate the educational part of it to create its own personality. So
requirements physicians may need. I think the Conference is a great place for
For those physicians seeking to earn us to start doing that.”
CME credits at the annual meeting, CME
accreditation will be applied for once the For more information, visit
program is complete. It is anticipated
that between 17 – 19 AMA PRA Category
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34 September 2019 Cannabis News Florida