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T o join our growing community of Cannabis-related resources,
                              go to

                      Advertising, PR and
                       Marketing Agencies                             Educational Services                          Products and Supplies
          FLOGREENROUTES, LLC                             U.S. CANNABIS NETWORK                          BMH VENTURES, INC.
          Flogreenroutes-Marketing services, Merchant and Banking   U.S. Cannabis network is one of the best Cannabis training   CBD, CBD  Tinctures, CDB Hemp Oil, CBD eLiquid, CBD
          solutions and CBD isolates, Bio Mass and Distillates wholes   universities located in United States. Our university has high-  Gummies, CBD Products, CBD  Topicals, CBD Pets, Zero
          Distribution                                    ly experienced mentors for guiding the students about   THC
          Https://           cannabis business. We teach our students about the various   BMH Ventures, Inc. is a recognized pioneer in the CBD
                        income streams of the cannabis business such as flowers,   industry. Established in 2016, BMH has used the same
                                                          oils, edibles, flipping Cannabis products (brokering), opening   Kentucky vendor with seed-to-bottle sourcing. Using all
          420PR                                           your own collective or dispensary, distribution and produc-  plant-based ingredients in our formulations, combined with
          Full service PR / Advertising Firm with over 20 years of   tion, and much more. We also conduct many seminars which   premium packaging and knowledgeable marketing have
          experience dedicated to the 420 industry.       will help people to know more about the cannabis business   gained us the reputation for being “Best In Class”.
   and how to earn money from it easily.        Our evolution of brands include Blue Moon Hemp, Swiss
                                Relief, and Physician’s Choice continues to expand geo-
                                                                          graphically and in terms of market share. Our reach spans
                       Consultant Services                                                               the entire U.S. market with 5000+ retail locations and in 24
          CANNA-BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS                         Consultant Services                countries worldwide. With over 200 SKUs currently in the
          (CBMS)                                          ZING ONLINE SERVICES, INC.                     market and an ever-increasing product line, BMH Ventures,
          To facilitate sustainable growth among all medical marijuana   A web design and hosting company   Inc. continues its pioneering path, working to develop new
          treatment centers and all ancillary canna-businesses, as well   science, new markets, and new ways to reach our cus-
          as to assist in the ultimate success and advancement of          tomers.
          cannabis in the Sunshine State and around the country. Grow                                    2900 Gateway Drive, Pompano Beach, FL 33069
          your Canna-Business! Let CBMS help you better serve          Data & Analytics                  (888) 223-0420
          patients. What exactly is a canna-business? A canna-busi-  STRAINPRINT™ TECHNOLOGIES ,,
          ness is any business that deals either in full or in part with   Strainprint™  Technologies is the leader in demand-side
          cannabis. When most people think of legal medical or recre-  cannabis data and analytics. StrainprintTM was created by   KUSHBROS.LLC
          ational cannabis, images of greenhouses and dispensaries   patients for patients with a mission to advance the scientific   Current CBD Processors (CO)/CBD Products
          typically come to mind. However, the ever-evolving cannabis   understanding of cannabis and its legitimization as a main-  Manufacturers (FL), distribution (Nationally) , Future Florida
          industry requires the assistance of multiple ancillary business   stream therapy. We support cannabis patients, practitioners,   MMJ Dispensary Owners. Apparel and Smoking Accessory
          that are not necessarily specific to cannabis. Think of what is   industry and government with the most sophisticated digital   Producers
          needed to create a sustainable marketplace for marijuana. It   technologies for responsible cannabis use and global
          requires agricultural efforts, engineering, seed to sale soft-  research. Strainprint™ is privacy compliant, military-grade
          ware, realty services, logistic specialists, attorneys, physi-  encrypted and all patient data is completely anonymized and
          cians, packaging and labeling companies, security installation   at rest in Canada.            LAKE AND LASSEN HEMP CO
          and personnel, human resources, media relations, branding,           Specialty hemp and CBD products
          marketing, public relations, and advocacy, to name a few.      
                       Design and Construction
                                                          DOMINIONAG                                     MINDFUL MEDICINALS
                 Construction, Design, Project            Dominion Builders is a design build general contractor   Our products are sourced responsibly from industry leaders
                          Management                      based out of Miami Florida. Its Agricultural division,   focused on clean, eco-friendly practices. Our edibles are
          S.R. CONSTRUCTION                               DominionAG, specializes in the design and construction of   made with the highest-quality ingredients with a complete
          S.R. Construction is a ‘turnkey’ vertically integrated FL statewide   corporate cultivating and processing facilities on a national   balance of medicinal benefits and delicious flavors. Our
          General Contractor/Remediation invested in the cannabis industry.   level. With its inclusive Architecture, Engineering, Permitting   99%+ pure CBD Isolate is grown from proprietary strains of
          S.R.’s diversification in the industry allows us to provide our partners
          with a true ‘seed to sale’ model where all of your construction needs   and Construction services, DominionAG provides clients an   hemp, all the way from seed to its final isolate form. Our edi-
          from agriculture, labs, distribution and retail are single sourced   all-inclusive design build approach, resulting in a speed to   bles are meticulously crafted by award-winning chefs who
          under one roof.                                 market and direct cost savings for the client.   source only the finest all-natural, organic and non-GMO
          *Value Add - A true partnership                               products.
          *Construction Model - ‘Cost Plus project utilizing AIA contract format’
          True Transparency                                                                    
          *Speed to Market - Experience in all aspects of property acquisition
          and subsequent construction projects.                            Physicians
          *Real Estate - Proprietary database of available (properly zoned)   CANNABIS CARD ORLANDO      MORCHEABA, LLC
          retail dispensary, agriculture and lab/med locations.   Also providing Concierge Medicine program, Immigration   CBD extracts, oils, skincare products
                Exams, Emotional Support Animal Certifications
          (954) 358-3035 ext. 94                         

          ISLAND HYDROPONICS                              COLOWELL AMERICA                               KANNAWAY BRAND AMBASSADOR
          Organic Solutions … the quality of your operation is only as   At ColoWell America, Dr. Shiraz Farooq and his team specialize in   Innovative CBD/Hemp products
          good as the materials used in its cultivation. Running an   providing a holistic and comprehensive healing plan for patients,
          entirely organic solution can mean healthier plants and a   including medical marijuana recommendations for qualified patients
          more substantial harvest.                       and plant-based diet education. We care about your colon! As an
           innovative proctology practice, we offer  treatment options for hem-  TWEAKED ECO
                                                          orrhoids and more. We are here to help each other - that is our phi-
                         losophy.                                       Our main goal is to educate everyone on the magical powers
                                                                    of CBD! We are very passionate about an all natural lifestyle
          ROBERT HANSELMAN AIA ARCHITECT                  (813) 278-6430                                 and are strong believers about incorporating CBD into our
          Architectural Solutions for the Legal Cannabis Industry                                        everyday lives!
                                  Dr. King is a Board Certified Internal Medicine Physician. A
                                                          graduate of the University of Tennessee, School of
                                                          Medicine, she received her residency training at Alameda
                                                          County Medical Center, in Oakland, California.

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