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Cannabis in SPOTLIGHT:
Hospice and Eric Stevens
Palliative Care Deputy Executive
Florida for Care
page 35 page 38
A Ray of Hope:
How One Florida Girl Inspired
Florida’s Medical Marijuana Bill
by Daniel Casciato
RayAnn Moseley was
born with epileptic
seizures. Nearly every
day since birth, she’s
had multiple seizures—
Dr. Brazelia Lazzari some severe and some Victoria Walker
not so severe.
“Everything we were
Brazelia Med Spa doing seemed to have Trulieve Rapidly
negative side effects,
Integrative including increased Expanding
seizures,” says her
Wellness for the mother Holley, a regis- Footprint to
tered nurse. “It got to The Moseley family
Entire Family the point where she was Meet Patients’
maxed out on four anti-epileptic drugs and spending more time at the hospital or doc-
tor’s office than at home. Quality of life was minimal for her and for our family. We
wanted more for her.” Needs
As any parents would do, Holley and her husband Peyton explored other medical
No matter our age or gender or ethnicity treatments for their daughter such as epileptic surgery, different diets, implantable BY VANESSA ORR
we may find ourselves facing the following devices, and even alternative treatments. But it was after watching a CNN documen-
health dilemmas. Are you seeking pain tary on medical cannabis a few years ago that the family was convinced to take a fur- Two years ago, Trulieve, the first
control, hormone therapy, weight loss, ther look at cannabis. licensed medical cannabis dispensing
stress reduction, improved circulation, Continued on page 40 organization in Florida, opened its first
vaginal rejuvenation or erectile dysfunc- store in Tallahassee. Fast forward to 2018,
tion assistance? How do you choose your and the company has 20 stores in the state
doctor? How do you choose what to treat Autism and the Endocannabinoid and expects to open another 10 by the end
first? How do you find time to schedule of January.
and coordinate your health care? And System – PART 1 To what do they owe their success?
then, are you uncertain if your providers “Trulieve is unique in several ways; first,
know about potential contraindications or there’s our footprint, which puts a store
side effects when adding new therapies or BY JOSEPH ROSADO, MD, MBA within roughly an hour of most Florida
medications to your health regimen? residences,” explained Victoria Walker,
The Brazelia Medical Spa was founded in Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental Trulieve marketing and community rela-
2007 by a young woman, Dr. Brazelia disability that can cause significant social, communica- tions. “While we offer delivery, that isn’t
Lazzari, who expanded her corporate tion and behavioral challenges. The learning, thinking, our patients’ preferred method; they want
background and education in electronics, and problem-solving abilities of people with ASD can to develop a relationship with the store
physics and math, with a masters in range from gifted to severely challenged. A diagnosis of and its employees.
Oriental Medicine. The main premise of ASD now includes several conditions that used to be “We also offer a wide variety of prod-
the Medical Spa is recognition that many diagnosed separately: autistic disorder, pervasive devel- ucts, because patients all have different
health problems are pigeon holed into silos opmental disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), preferences, and many people want a com-
instead of taking a holistic approach to and Asperger syndrome. These conditions are now all bination of products,” she added. “And we
care and restoration. The Spa uniquely uti- called autism spectrum disorder. have great customer services; our call cen-
lizes a holistic patient-centered health Epidemiologically speaking, according to the Center ter is open seven days a week, and our
model and philosophy of Integrative for Disease Control, the United States is number one in Dr. Joseph Rosado employees are very patient-centric. We
Medicine, to blend standard treatments the incidence of autism i.e., 168 in 10,000 American chil- also have a 100 percent exchange policy; if
with complementary therapies to achieve dren have the disorder, which equates to 1 in 59 children! a patient isn’t happy or the product isn’t
optimal health. Since there is no medical test to diagnose the disorders, the provider must listen to working for them, we’ll swap it out.”
This Integrative approach is evident by the parent/caretaker and look at the child’s behavior and development to make a diag-
the staff which includes credentialed nosis. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that all children be Creating Quality Products
Medical Doctors, Doctors of Oriental screened for ASD at ages 18 and 24 months, along with regular developmental surveil- Trulieve began growing medical
Medicine, Physician Assistants, Nurse lance. Unfortunately, many children do not receive a final diagnosis until much older. cannabis as soon as they were licensed,
Practitioners, Medical Aestheticians, Causes and risk factors for autism include, but are not limited to the following: and oversees every part of the process from
Massage Therapists and other alternative • Genes (GRIN2B) are one of the risk factors that can make a person more likely to seed to sale.
health care professionals. These experts develop ASD.
Continued on page 41 Continued on page 39 Continued on page 38