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Physicians                  Products and Supplies
           RELEAFMD                          MINDFUL MEDICINALS
           Dr. King is a Board Certified Internal   Our products are sourced responsibly from
           Medicine Physician. A graduate of the   industry leaders focused on clean, eco-
           University of Tennessee, School of   friendly practices. Our edibles are made
           Medicine, she received her residency   with the highest-quality ingredients with a
           training at Alameda County Medical   complete balance of medicinal benefits
           Center, in Oakland, California.   and delicious flavors. Our 99%+ pure CBD
      Isolate is grown from proprietary strains of
                hemp, all the way from seed to its final iso-
                                             late form. Our edibles are meticulously
           ROBERT MARTINEZ MD PA             crafted by award-winning chefs who
           This is a long standing Neurology Practice   source only the finest all-natural, organic
           of over 30 years in the  Tampa, Florida   and non-GMO products.
           community providing General Neurology
           Care to all disorders for mainly  Adult
           Neurology Care. Practice inpatient care as
           well out of Baycare/St Joseph Facilities.   MORCHEABA, LLC
           Open 5 days a week and on call through-
           out week and weekend as well.     CBD extracts, oils, skincare products

           CLINIC                            KANNAWAY BRAND AMBASSADOR
                                             Innovative CBD/Hemp products
           Physician certifications and Patient edu-
           cation and advocacy     
                                             TWEAKED ECO
                                             Our main goal is to educate everyone on
           THE WELLNESS INSTITUTE            the magical powers of CBD! We are very
           OF DOWNTOWN                       passionate about an all natural lifestyle
           Wellness Institute of Downtown is the lead-  and are strong believers about incorporat-
           ing holistic health care center in Fort   ing CBD into our everyday lives!
           Myers, Florida. The Institute's board-certi-
           fied doctors, physician assistants, and
           nurses provide comprehensive wellness
           services.  These services include health   Training and Education
           screenings, annual physicals, preventive
           medicines, holistic therapies, and medical   420RXCCC CRUZ CANNABIS
           cannabis and cannabinoid treatments. (We
           pride ourselves in being a non-opioid pain   The founder of 420RxCCC Cruz Cannabis
                                             Cooking, Jaime Renee Cruz was cannabis
           management clinic) For more pressing
           injuries and acute illnesses, the clinic oper-  naive. In the quest to find a simple way to
                                             medicate in microdose strength, she found
           ates an urgent care facility with extended
           hours for conditions that don’t require a trip   the selection of microdosing-reworked
                                             recipes to be lacking, and a near complete
           to the emergency room.  This service is
           valuable if you need to see a doctor right   absence of short and precise instructional
           away. The providers at Wellness Institute
           of Downtown provide primary care treat-  Having spent 25 years in the medical field,
                                             both in the U.S. Air Force and as a civilian,
           ment through a concierge model. With this
           highly personalized form of medicine,   she knew there was a missing element for
                                             herself and many others. It started as a
           patients can access an elite team of health
           care providers who focus on their unique   hobby, producing concise instructional
                                             videos to assist others in creating micro-
           needs and offer extended consultations
           and longer appointment times.  The   dose edibles.  Tens of thousands have
                                             viewed her videos and learned to create
           concierge model comes in three member-
           ship options that fit various health care   microdose edibles in their own kitchens.
           goals, needs, and budgets. Whether you’re
           looking for primary care with concierge

           service, urgent care, nutritional guidance,
           or a more holistic approach to medicine,   MJ HYBRID SOLUTIONS
                                             MJ Hybrid is an online sales training and
           Wellness Institute of Downtown in Fort
           Myers, Florida welcomes you to the clinic.   cannabis education platform for cannabis
                                             retail professionals.

             Products and Supplies
                                             HEMP MENTOR
           LAKE AND LASSEN HEMP CO           Educating the Masses on Hemp and its
           Specialty hemp and CBD products    Benefits

           KUSHBROS.LLC                      CAREFREEVT
           Current CBD Processors (CO)/CBD   Consulting, education, sales, banding,
           Products Manufacturers (FL), distribution   marketing; master grow experience for
           (Nationally) , Future Florida MMJ   your business needs.
           Dispensary Owners. Apparel and    All inquiries accepted.
           Smoking Accessory Producers

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