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To join our growing community of Cannabis-related resources,
                              go to

                         Accounting/                               Consultant Services                                  Physicians
                                                         ISLAND HYDROPONICS                             COASTAL WELLNESS CENTERS
           HENNEP VESTOR                                 Organic Solutions … the quality of your operation is only   Coastal Wellness Centers is a private Medical Practice spe-
           We help regular people navigate cannabis businesses to   as good as the materials used in its cultivation. Running   cializing in Comprehensive Medical Marijuana  Treatment.
           select the proper investment opportunities. We’ve vetted   an entirely organic solution can mean healthier plants and   Our patients are evaluated by state approved, certified
           60+ businesses in the industry and are funding 4.   a more substantial harvest.              physicians Dr. Alyn Benezette D.O. and Dr. Joseph Rosado
                    M.D., both of whom are qualified to determine whether you,
                                       the patient, will benefit from the use of Medical Marijuana-
                                                                                                        particularly when other treatment options have been tried
           MELLOW BROS BUSINESS FUNDING AND CREDIT       ROBERT HANSELMAN AIA ARCHITECT                 and failed. Our goal is to provide a compassionate approach
           CONSULTATION                                  Architectural Solutions for the Legal Cannabis Industry   that is non-invasive, with minimal to no side effects. Patients
           At Mellow Bros Consulting, we provide completely unse-            with qualifying conditions, who are approved for a recom-
           cured business financing with extremely advantageous                        mendation, will be closely monitored as they are guided
           renewable 0% interest rates. We specialize in high risk                                      through the process of obtaining a registry ID card.
           industries that otherwise have a harder time qualifying for   Consultant Services            Afterwards, our doctors will design an individualized regi-
           credit on their own.                          U.S. CANNABIS NETWORK                          men that takes into account product selection, dosage, and
            U.S. Cannabis network is one of the best Cannabis training   potential drug interactions. Coastal Wellness Centers also
                  universities located in United States. Our university has   offers free phone consultations.
                                                         highly experienced mentors for guiding the students about
                    Advertising, PR and                  cannabis business. We teach our students about the vari-
                                                         ous income streams of the cannabis business such as flow-
                     Marketing Agencies                                                                 COLOWELL AMERICA
           FLOGREENROUTES, LLC                           ers, oils, edibles, flipping Cannabis products (brokering),   Comprehensive and compassionate cannabis recommen-
                                                         opening your own collective or dispensary, distribution and
           Flogreenroutes-Marketing services, Merchant and Banking   production, and much more. We also conduct many semi-  dation clinic for patients with multiple medical issues. The
           solutions and CBD isolates, Bio Mass and Distillates   nars which will help people to know more about the   clinic is owned and operated by board certified multiple spe-
           wholes Distribution                           cannabis business and how to earn money from it easily.   cialty doctors in Tampa, FL
           420PR                                         ZING ONLINE SERVICES, INC.                     ELITE BODY SPA
           Full service PR / Advertising Firm with over 20 years of   A web design and hosting company   Medically supervised Anti-Aging and Functional medicine
           experience dedicated to the 420 industry.              center with wellness programs through hormone optimiza-
                 tion, weight management and body sculpting, cannabinoids,
                                                                      and the latest facial rejuvenation treatment plans.
                                                                         Design and
                    Consultant Services                                                       
           CANNA-BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS                         Construction
           (CBMS)                                        DOMINIONAG                                     INNOVATE HEALTH LLC
           To facilitate sustainable growth among all medical marijuana   Dominion Builders is a design build general contractor   We are board certified physicians working on the front lines
           treatment centers and all ancillary canna-businesses, as well   based out of Miami Florida. Its Agricultural division,   of healthcare who believe in the multifaceted and compas-
           as to assist in the ultimate success and advancement of   DominionAG, specializes in the design and construction of   sionate treatment of disease. While other physicians may
           cannabis in the Sunshine State and around the country.   corporate cultivating and processing facilities on a national   feel conventional therapies are adequate, we understand
           Grow your Canna-Business! Let CBMS help you better serve   level. With its inclusive Architecture, Engineering,   the importance and necessity of alternative measures. We
           patients. What exactly is a canna-business? A canna-busi-  Permitting and Construction services, DominionAG pro-  are Florida licensed physicians with experience, training,
           ness is any business that deals either in full or in part with   vides clients an all-inclusive design build approach, result-  and knowledge of medical marijuana. Our doctors have
           cannabis. When most people think of legal medical or recre-  ing in a speed to market and direct cost savings for the   completed the state mandated course to certify patients to
           ational cannabis, images of greenhouses and dispensaries   client.                           obtain a Medical Marijuana Card.
           typically come to mind. However, the ever-evolving cannabis
           industry requires the assistance of multiple ancillary business
           that are not necessarily specific to cannabis. Think of what is
           needed to create a sustainable marketplace for marijuana. It   Physicians                    LIBERATE FORT MYERS
           requires agricultural efforts, engineering, seed to sale soft-  CANNABIS CARD ORLANDO        With a combined practice lifetime experience spanning
           ware, realty services, logistic specialists, attorneys, physi-  Also providing Concierge Medicine program, Immigration   nearly 60 years, the physicians at the Liberate Fort Myers
           cians, packaging and labeling companies, security installa-  Exams, Emotional Support Animal Certifications   and Liberate Naples Medical Marijuana Physician centers
           tion and personnel, human resources, media relations,   bring experience, education, and compassion to helping
           branding, marketing, public relations, and advocacy, to name   you to find alternatives to the conventional approaches to
           a few.                                                                                       many medical conditions.

                                              CHARLES FELIX                      CONTRIBUTING WRITERS                SUBSCRIPTIONS
                                              CAROL FELIX                        Daniel Casciato                     One Year - $40
                                              Publishers                         Barbara Fallon                      Two Years - $60
                                                                                 Vanessa Orr                         Three Years - $75
                                              ANDREW FELIX                       Lois Thomson
             Florida’s Resource for Medical &   Editor-in-Chief                                                      To subscribe, call (561) 368-6950
             Business Cannabis Developments                                      LOOK FOR OUR NEXT ISSUE             Or email:
                                              NANCY LAMMIE                       IN DECEMBER               
                    PO Box 812708             JMC Graphics                       TO REACH US FOR ADVERTISING
               Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708      Art/Production                     OR EDITORIAL                        All rights reserved. Reproduction
                 Phone: (561) 368-6950                                           Call (954) 296-9199 or email        In whole or part without written
                                              JUDY GRAMM                     permission is prohibited.
                       Website:               Editorial Manager                                                      Copyright ©2018

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