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Cannabis Spotlight

           Eric Stevens                                                           ical marijuana amendment on the ballot
                                                                                  (twice) and collected over a million signatures
           Deputy Executive Director                                              to do this. We passed the law to allow a variety
                                                                                  of forms of medical marijuana and not just low
           Florida for Care
                                                                                  thc and now we work on implementing this so
                                                                                  that patients, doctors, and businesses are able
             What benefits do you see for patients throughout Florida within      to have the best access. More than 180,000
           this space?                                                            patients have registered for the program since
             There are so many benefits in our state to patients from medical marijuana. We   last year.
           have been receiving calls from patients since we started campaigning in 2013 from
           so many people who have been helped by medical marijuana who wanted legal safe   How did you get started in the
           medical access. Now that we have 71% of Florida voters on board, many people are
           able to find out what products work best for them and many are getting off deadly   cannabis industry?
           prescription opiates and are able to get back to living their fullest life.   In 2009 I decided to apply for an endow-
                                                                                  ment grant from the University of Miami to bring medical marijuana laws to Florida
                                                                                  and Massachusetts after meeting and seeing so many people who were helped by
             What motivates you to be a part of the cannabis industry?            this medicine and nothing else. I got a small stipend for the summer and traveled
             I was motivated reading about other state policy change and then meeting Irv   around the country to meet with people from MPP, SSDP, DPA, and others to learn
           Rosenfeld (1 of 4 federal patients) and Cathy Jordan who suffers from ALS. Their   about how to change these laws and came back to Florida and worked on the first
           stories were eye opening and I could never imagine them being in jail for just trying   city decriminalization campaign for Miami Beach before being the first person hired
           to survive. I also saw that this was an industry making money and giving back to   by Ben Pollara and John Morgan to help run the 2013-4 campaign. We then formed
           the communities while helping people and I wanted to make sure we had a lawful   Florida for Care to be an advocacy arm that could continue after our political com-
           system for this in Florida.                                            mittee work was finished.

             What field are you in within the Cannabis space?                      Are you personally a MJ card holder?
             Florida for Care is a 501c4 social advocacy nonprofit working for the continued   All patients privacy should be protected: HIPPA
           implementation of better med Mj policies and to make sure we educate Florida on
           how to become a part of this system. We basically do a host of public relations, mar-  Do you see Florida moving forward with recreational
           keting, lobbying, and government relations work to make sure we continue to see
           the best policies in Florida. I also started another C4 for the purpose of educating   Marijuana/Cannabis and how will that affect your business?
           and informing voters on the best marijuana supporting elected officials -          Let’s not use recreational, let’s call this adult use. I believe Florida will put this on
  which we are using to support favorable candidate and   the ballot for a vote in 2020, and will move forward with this at some point in the
           provide background on them.                                            near future after this because they want tax revenue to come in and do not like that
                                                                                  there is no tax on the medical system. However, Florida requires a 60+% vote and
                                                                                  not one state in the U.S. has achieved more than 60 percent of an adult use vote. So
             How can people in Florida benefit from the company you represent?
             If we hadn’t passed the amendment, Florida might only still have a low THC pro-  if we are to pass this we will need a very well-funded campaign, especially expecting
           gram that was serving less than 2,000 patients in Jan 2017. Our group put the med-  that there will be a well-funded opposition campaign.

        Back Cover Story: Trulieve Rapidly Expanding Footprint to Meet Patients’ Needs

         Continued from back page.          vides them with a comfort level,” said   strain varieties, the types of delivery
          “Florida has done a good job of making   Walker, adding that products are shipped   methods—including onset time and how
        sure that there is a safe and structured   twice weekly from the grow facility in   long it lasts in their systems—and what
        process from a quality assurance stand-  Quincy, FL to each of the company’s   their preferences are; our goal is to fit the
        point,” said Walker. “Plants at the baby   stores.                       person’s lifestyle and provide the kind of
        stage are assigned a batch number, and                                   relief they need.”
        everything that happens on their journey,   Helping Patients Choose       While there have been challenges
        from nutrients to water to harvesting and   In many cases, purchasing medical   along the way—including finding allow-
        drying, is under that number. Everything   cannabis is a huge learning curve for   able real estate, getting new products
        is tracked.”                        patients, and Trulieve strives to make the   out into the marketplace, and dealing
          That process is done in coordination   process easier.                 with ever-evolving rules, Walker said
        with third-party lab reports that assure   First-time patients can visit Trulieve’s   that Trulieve will continue in its quest to
        that whatever form the product takes,   website to see a list of preferred physi-  expand.
        whether capsules, tinctures, vaping car-  cians, as well as to watch informational   “We feel that it is our responsibility to
        tridges or more, are also pure and safe.   videos and see a list of the most com-  grow the business quickly,” she
          “Patients can see a three-page lab report   monly asked questions about medical   explained. “If we hadn’t pushed our-
        just by putting a batch number into our   cannabis. Once they’ve seen a doctor   selves to grow our footprint and to
        website,” said Walker. “This way, they can   and been approved for a Medical   increase our product line, there would
        be sure that there are no pesticides or   Marijuana Use identification card, they   be patients out there without access to
        residual solvents, and that the product is   can visit one of Trulieve’s stores for more   the medicine that they need.
        free from mycotoxins.”              advice.                               “It’s been two years, and we haven’t
          Trulieve grows more than 50 different   “Some physicians are very specific   slowed down at all,” she added. “If we
        strains of medical cannabis, and carries   about what they want patients to try;   don’t help people find a natural alterna-
        125 different product lines, including   others are okay with the dispensary giv-  tive, then we aren’t fulfilling our mission.”

        many under brand names such as      ing recommendations—we use the         To learn more about Trulieve, as well as
        TruClear, TruShatter and TruFlower.   physicians’ orders as a starting point to   to see a list of store locations, visit
        “Having our own brand helps to build   determine how to guide them,” said         
        relationships with customers and pro-  Walker. “We talk to them about different

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