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                                                       Palmetto General Hospital:

                            Providing Faster Treatment in Cardiac and Stroke Care

               BY DANIEL CASCIATO                                                                                     the patient. I think that's the key for a
                                                                                                                      successful implementation,” says Flynn.
          Since changing the protocol for han-                                                                          A willingness to work together is criti-
        dling the transfer of ST-Elevation                                                                            cal, says Dr. Diaz, because there are
        Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) patients                                                                        always hurdles to overcome. “Anytime
        in 2005, first responders with the                                                                            you try to put together a good working
        Hialeah Fire Department have decreased                                                                        relationship between an entity outside
        door-to-balloon time to 51 minutes.                                                                           the hospital, such as EMS providers, and
          Working closely with Hialeah, FL-                                                                           anything inside the hospital, such as the
        based Palmetto General Hospital, EMS                                                                          physicians, both parties have to want to
        providers can activate the cath lab while                                                                     work together.”
        a patient who is experiencing a STEMI -                                                                         Dr. Diaz adds that communication is
        the most serious form of heart attack - is                                                                    also important in any partnership such as
        en route to the hospital.                                                                                     this.
          As a result, the time that patient is seen                                                                    “Some of our STEMI doctors have
        at the hospital and intracoronary balloon      Chief Patrick Flynn                   Dr. Mike Diaz            given EKG courses or EKG tutorials to
        inflation occurs has decreased from an                                                                        the EMS providers,” he says. “Through
        average of 2 hours and 27 minutes to 51  responders will call in a stroke alert. A                            this we have a better understanding of
        minutes. By American Heart Association  neurologist on call will then communi-  patient outcome and leads to shorter  what each of us is seeing because we're
        standards, a STEMI must be treated with-  cate with that first responder on the  hospital stays,” he says. “Any time that  not always seeing the same thing. Our
        in 90 minutes, before the heart muscle is  scene and go over the signs and symp-  you can get physician knowledge out to  physicians learn what they're seeing in
        irreversibly damaged. This decreased  toms, while making preparations to treat  the field through different technologies,  the field and the challenges they're hav-
        door-to-balloon time has led to better  the incoming patient.             you can help with the triage process. Our  ing, and the EMS providers learn what
        patient outcomes.                      Flynn points out that his first respon-  goal is to help EMS and first responders  we’re seeing and the challenges we face
          If a patient is experiencing a STEMI,  ders undergo training at the University of  provide better care initially in the field so  in the hospital. If everyone can have the
        first responders will immediately call in a  Miami to learn about EKGs and troponin  that the patient outcomes improve once  same knowledge base when it comes to
        STEMI alert, notes Fire Chief Patrick  levels so they can better evaluate a  they arrive at the hospital.”    that, I think it streamlines things tremen-
        Flynn. Since Palmetto General Hospital  patient with an active myocardial infarc-  One of the keys to success, according  dously.”
        is the only hospital in the region that is a  tion (MI). This prevents any unwarrant-  to both Flynn and Dr. Diaz, is the work-
        recognized STEMI center, a majority of  ed calls to the hospital.         ing relationship between the two entities.            For more information
        cardiac patients are routed there. Thanks  “We're not perfect, but we've become  “Amazing things can happen when         visit
        to improved protocols and radio commu-  so good over the years that we're about  you can get two different organizations,
        nications, first responders can communi-  92% effective,” says Flynn. “This pro-  such as our fire service and the hospital,
        cate directly with emergency de-part-  gram has been essential in improving a  working together for the betterment of
        ment physicians who can help make a  patient's outcome. It truly has mades a
        prehospital diagnosis and begin prepara-  big difference.”
        tion to treat the incoming patient more  Dr. Mike Diaz, a cardiologist at
        efficiently.                         Palmetto, agrees and adds that imple-
          The Hialeah Fire Department has a  menting any technology with the ability
        similar telemedicine program in place  to streamline safe and beneficial care is
        with Palmetto’s Comprehensive Stroke  something all hospitals should consider.
        Center. The American Stroke Association  “In the realm of STEMI and acute MI
        recommends that qualified ischemic   care, time to treatment is extremely
        stroke patients receive the clot busting  important,” he says. “Anytime you can
        drug, tPA, within 60 minutes of their  institute a program where you can
        arrival to a stroke center. Over the past  reduce door-to-balloon times safely, it's   Specializing in Medically
        four years, Palmetto’s stroke program has  certainly something that the hospital and
        worked with interdisciplinary special-  the physicians who are taking care of the            Complex Patients
        ties to optimize the stroke patient path-  patients should be enthusiastic about.”
        way and provide timely care. Palmetto’s  Dr. Diaz notes that they are fortunate                   Kindred Hospitals are owned by Kindred
        average door-to-needle time is 30 min-  to have a strong program where the door-               Healthcare, Inc., a national network of Long Term
        utes, while the national average is 66  to-balloon times are well below the                    Acute Care Hospitals (LTACH's).
        minutes, says Flynn.                 county and national average.
          Through the use of an iPad, first                                                               Kindred Hospitals provide specialized, high quality
                                               “A program like this helps improve
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        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                                    July 2017                          17
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