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                Jupiter Medical Center Launches New Melanoma Screening Program

           Jupiter Medical Center is
         pleased to announce that its
         Comprehensive     Cancer
         Program will now offer a
         cutting-edge   Melanoma
         Screening Program specifi-
         cally designed to help in the
         early detection of skin can-
         cer, using advanced imaging
         technologies that can reduce
         unnecessary     biopsies.
         Confocal scanning laser
         microscopy is a revolution-
         ary imaging technique that
         creates a three-dimensional
         image of the skin’s many lay-
         ers, and provides a virtual
         biopsy of potentially dangerous skin lesions. It allows rapid imaging of multiple lesions and can be
         used to track trouble spots for growth or changes over time.
           Additionally Fotofinder mole mapping is a highly advanced way to track potential changes in moles
         and lesions for early detection of skin cancer. Experts in the Melanoma Screening Program use a
         sophisticated computer system to scan a patient’s entire body for areas that could potentially develop
         into cancer. High-resolution photos are stored and can be compared to new images taken at each fol-
         low-up visit for accurate tracking of moles and enhanced evaluation of lesions.
           “Early detection of melanoma is paramount to determine the best treatment approach and achieve
         a potential cure,” said Michael Borenstein, MD, PhD, Co-Medical Director of Dermatologic Oncology
         at Jupiter Medical Center. “Through the Melanoma Screening Program and the advanced technology
         for virtual biopsy, Jupiter Medical Center provides a level of comprehensive care to patients with com-
         plex cancers that is unmatched in our community. We’re raising the standard of care for skin cancer
         treatment in our region.”
           “With skin cancer’s prevalence in Florida, we saw a real need for an innovative and aggressive approach to diagnosis and treatment,” said John Couris, President and CEO
         of Jupiter Medical Center.  “Our new Melanoma Screening Program enhances the world-class care offered through our Comprehensive Cancer Center.”

                                                                                          Broward Health First to Offer
                   Mammograms Just Got More
                                                                                              Breakthrough Technology
                    Comfortable at Boca Raton
                                                                                       for Mastectomy Patients Seeking
                              Regional Hospital
                                                                                                  Breast Reconstruction
                   GE Healthcare has collaborated with Boca Raton Regional Hospital
                 to bring a more comfortable mammography system, Senographe          Broward Health Im -
                 Pristina™ to patients with next-generation 3D digital mammography  perial Point (BHIP) is
                 technology.                                                       the first hospital in
                   “Senographe Pristina offer patients a reinvented mammography    South Florida to offer
                 experience, one that had not significantly changed for the last 40  AeroForm®  Tissue
                 years,” said Kathy Schilling, M.D., Medical Director at the Hospital’s  Expander System for
                 Christine E. Lynn Women’s Health & Wellness Institute. “After having  women  undergoing
                 a mammogram on Senographe Pristina, women immediately recog-      breast reconstruction
                 nize a pleasant difference: it’s a faster and quieter exam with greater  following a mastecto-
                 comfort and less pain during compression.”                        my. This technique
                   Commenting further, Dr. Schilling noted, “Our goal is for all our  represents the first
                 baseline patients to have their mammograms with this new technolo-  major change in breast
                 gy with the intent that it will help to dismiss any preconceived fears  tissue expansion in
                 and encourage more compliance with annual screening.”             more than 40 years.
                   Senographe Pristina was designed to completely revolutionize the  The device, which
                 patient experience to make it more comfortable. The gentle, rounded  was developed by
                 corners of the image detector help reduce patient discomfort under  AirXpanders, is inserted underneath the chest muscle, similar to a saline-filled
                 the arms. New, comfortable armrests replace conventional handgrips  expander, and activated by a handheld wireless controller. The controller triggers a
                 which may cause tensing of the pectoral muscles, making it hard to  valve to release small amounts of carbon dioxide to gradually stretch the tissue of the
                 properly position the tissue. In addition, the redesigned armrest  chest wall to make room for a long-term breast implant. The patient activates the
                 allows women to gently support their arm during the exam in a     device by pushing a button a technique they can do from home or work to reduce
                 relaxed position making the exam more appealing.                  the number of doctor visits. In the past, patients had to return to the doctor repeat-
                                                                                   edly for saline injections to stretch the tissue.
                                                                                     Once fully expanded, the device is removed and replaced with a long-term breast
                                                                                     Research shows that patients using the AeroForm® device completed tissue
                                                                                   expansion in an average of 21 days, compared to 46 days for those undergoing saline
                                                                                   expansion. Those who utilized the AeroForm® device also progressed to breast
                         E-mail Your News Items to                                 implantation one month faster on average than the saline group.iii
                                                                                     “This is a significant step forward for breast reconstruction. It offers patients
                                                                                   enhanced comfort and convenience and provides them with a sense of control in
                                   their breast cancer recovery,” said Tracey Stokes, M.D., a plastic surgeon with
                                                                                   Broward Health.

         20                       July 2017                                                                                                                              South Florida Hospital News
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