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Sights on a Career in Vision Care

               According to the Bureau of Labor                                   Florida and the only one in Miami-   The state of Florida is one of about
             Statistics, the eyecare industry is                                  Dade County. The program takes five   half of the states that requires all opti-
             expected to grow at a rate higher than                               semesters to complete in a full-time   cal locations to have a licensed opti-
             the national average through the year                                capacity but students can elect the   cian on premises when dispensing eye-
             2026. The anticipated growth is attrib-                              part-time track, if needed, to allow   glasses. This requirement and the vast
             uted to the aging population which                                   them to better balance working and   number of optical locations in South
             thus creates the continued need for all                              going to school simultaneously.    Florida adds to the need for licensed
             eyecare professionals.                                                 The Vision Care Program at Miami   opticians locally and throughout the
               The three main eyecare professionals                               Dade College is also currently accept-  state. Graduates of the Miami Dade
             are ophthalmologists, optometrists,                                  ing applications for an evening pro-  College  program  are  typically
             and opticians. All three play important                              gram of study. At program completion,   employed at program completion
             roles in caring for and fulfilling the                               students earn an Associate in Science   because of skills earned throughout
             eyecare needs of their patients.                                     degree and become eligible to sit for   the program and through required
             Ophthalmologists and optometrists are    BY DR. SHEMEKA              the Florida Board of Opticianry    externship experiences or are easily
             physicians and require doctoral               COFER                  Licensure Examination.             placed upon licensure because of the
             degrees.                                                               In addition to the Florida state   need for licensed opticians.
               Opticians are also eye care profes-                                licensing exam, opticians are also   The Vision Care Technology/
             sionals and they work either on their   of an Optician is approximately   required to successfully pass two   Opticianry Program at Miami Dade
             own or with the ophthalmologist or   $48,000 ( with the   national examinations, the American   College is offered at the Medical
             optometrist. They make, verify, and   potential for additional income in   Board of Opticianry Examination   Campus and has been on the Medical
             deliver lenses and frames to patients   commission eligible positions.    (ABO) and the National Contact Lens   Campus since 1977. The program is
             based on the doctor’s prescriptions, the   There are two paths to becoming a   Examination (NCLE).      fully accredited by the Commission on
             patient’s needs and facial features. In   licensed optician, through an appren-  The ABO and NCLE must be passed   Opticianry Accreditation.
             addition to eyeglasses, licensed opti-  ticeship with a Florida licensed opti-  prior to becoming eligible to sit for the   The faculty instructors have been
             cians can also use the doctor’s pre-  cian, Optometrist or Ophthalmologist   state examination. Miami Dade College   with the program for decades and
             scription to fit, sell, and dispense con-  or through an accredited educational   consistently scores higher than the   bring their years of experience in the
             tact lenses.                       program. Apprenticeships require a   national pass rate on the national exams;   vision care industry and community
               Licensed opticians can work in vari-  high school diploma, completion of   the Miami Dade College pass rate aver-  partnerships to make the program suc-
             ous settings as self-employed or   6,240 apprentice hours within a five-  age is over 97%.              cessful and respected amongst its
             employed professionals. More specifi-  year period and passing the National   The program adequately prepares   peers.
             cally, they can own and operate their   and State Board examinations.    graduates to pass both the national and
             own optical or optical laboratory, work   The educational path is offered at   state examinations, assists with job   For more information on the Opticianry
             in retail settings, work in medical set-  Miami Dade College via the Vision   placement and increases their mar-  (Vision Care) program at Miami Dade
             tings with optometrists and ophthal-  Care Technology/Opticianry Program.   ketability through courses, hands-on   College, contact Liliana Mejia Rodriguez
             mologists, work in optical laboratories,   The Vision Care Program at Miami   labs, an on-site clinic with real patient   at (305) 237-4267 or email
             or work as frame or lens sales repre-  Dade College is one of three accredited   experiences, and community extern-
             sentatives. The average annual salary   schools of opticianry in the state of   ships.

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        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                                March 2019                          13
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