Page 67 - May 2019 with HCHeroes
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GREATER MIAMI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2019 HEALTH CARE HEROES                                                    ®

                          FIRST RESPONDERS                                                YOUTH VOLUNTEER RECIPIENT

                     KEITH TYSON                                                             ISABELLA ALLEN

                 Vice President, Education,                                          Volunteer, Holtz Children’s Hospital
                  Research and Outreach                                                     Jackson Health System

           Firefighter Cancer Support Network
                                                                                   Isabela “Bella” Allen, 18 is passionate about creat-
          Keith Tyson worked as a paramedic/firefighter for                       ing memories and making dreams come true for
        34 years with Miami-Dade Fire Rescue. Six months                          pediatric patients at Holtz Children’s Hospital.
        after retiring at the age of 55, he was diagnosed with                     The senior student at Miami Country Day School
        prostate cancer. He sought and received medical atten-                    became a youth volunteer with Holtz Children’s
        tion and today is cancer-free, but in the process of                      when she was in seventh grade, and immediately
        researching his own situation, learned that firefighters                  became one of the stellar volunteers in the Palliative
        had a much higher incidence of certain cancers than                       Care Department. She immersed herself in the plan-
        the general public. He began to work with other fire-  “As a retired firefighter and   ning of the annual prom, and under her leadership,
        fighters and fire departments to develop an education-  cancer survivor, Keith Tyson   it has become one of the most coveted events of the   “Bella Allen considers her-
        al program on cancer awareness and education.    might be expected to lead an   year. In addition to the months of planning, includ-  self very blessed, and always
          Today, that program is delivered through the   entirely private life. He has   ing fundraisers, collecting donations and recruiting   looks for ways to share her
        Firefighter Cancer Support Network (FCSN), a                              companies to volunteer their services, Bella also   time, and come up with
        national organization of firefighters who have had can-  chosen instead to spend his   organized a clothing drive to collect prom attire at   projects that will benefit the
        cer and who volunteer to assist and mentor others.   time and energy in service to   her school and at Jackson Memorial Hospital.    less fortunate. At such a
        Because of his passion and research, Mr. Tyson was   the cause of fighting the epi-  Over 250 patients and their families attend prom   young age, she understands the
        instrumental in developing partnerships with the   demic of firefighter cancer.”   each year, including teens with cancer, those in
        University of Miami Sylvester Cancer Center and also        Santiago Leon   need of lifesaving organ transplants, and others   importance of building a
        the Florida State Fire Marshal’s office and other univer-  Associate Director—   who have been paralyzed in car crashes, diving   stronger community. She finds
        sity research centers. He also helped to prepare the     Health & Benefits   accidents or through gun violence. For the past five   joy in cheering up sick
        FCSN’s 2013 White Paper entitled Taking Action         Willis Towers Watson   years, Bella and her sister and school friends have   patients, and creating magical
        Against Cancer in the Fire Service, which has been                        also been putting together Scaring for Caring, a   moments while they are going
        recognized as one of the decade’s most important doc-                     Halloween haunted house that raises money for Big   through their darkest times.”
        uments on firefighter cancer. Because of his efforts, resources have now been allocated   Brothers Big Sisters of Miami and Holtz Children’s   Kim Juanico, RN, BSN, CHPPN
        to research the causes of the epidemic of cancer among firefighters and develop methods   Hospital. Last year, the haunted house and a follow-  Pediatric Palliative Care
        to combat it.                                                             up fundraiser organized by the group raised
                                                                                  $360,000.                                                Nurse Coordinator
                                                                                                                                      Holtz Children’s Hospital

                                        C ONGRA TULA TIONS

                                                      Mr. Michael Fux

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                                                This achievement is a tribute to your longstanding devotion to improving
                                                      the lives of children and families throughout South Florida.

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