Page 63 - May 2019 with HCHeroes
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2019 HEALTH CARE HEROES                   ®

                        INDIVIDUALS OF MERIT

               JOHANNES W. VIEWEG,
                       MD, FACS
                    Founding Dean and                                                        Miami Jewish Health congratulates
                   Chief Academic Officer
                Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of                                            our colleagues at Florida PACE Centers
                   Allopathic Medicine
               Nova Southeastern University                                                       for being nominated for the

          Creating a new medical school is an undertaking
         like no other in academia and higher education. It                               Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce
         involves a significant institutional and community
         investment, strong leadership and a distinct vision   “Through a collabora-
         in an ever-changing health environment. Upon join-  tive approach, Dr. Vieweg            Health Care Heroes Award.
         ing Nova Southeastern University in spring of 2016,
         Dr. Johannes Vieweg’s charge was to secure prelimi-  has accomplished some-
         nary accreditation from the Liaison Committee on   thing most medical educa-
         Medical Education, the organization that governs
         MD programs.                                   tors have not endeavored
          Although it typically takes three to four years of   to—starting a new medical
         planning prior to launching a new school, less than   school. Not only that, but
         1-1/2 years later, the NSU Dr. Kiran C. Patel College
         of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) was given pre-  he did it in record time.”
         liminary accreditation, and today, more than 5,000   Barry J. Silverman, MD
         applicants are competing for a coveted spot. NSU   Chairman, Board of Governors,
         MD is now among only 151 MD-awarding medical      Health Professions Division
         schools in the nation and the eighth MD-awarding   Vice Chair, Board of Trustees
         school in Florida.                              Nova Southeastern University
          In addition to NSU’s existing $3.7 billion econom-
         ic impact to the state, by 2030, it is expected to gen-
         erate another $350 million in economic activity annually, supporting more than 2,000
         local jobs. Dr. Vieweg is passionate about promoting excellence in teaching, research,
         and healthcare delivery as well as enhancing the visibility of the medical school
         through meaningful relationships with community, business, and political leaders.
         Under his direction, the college is training future physician leaders about the impor-
         tance of evidence-based medicine and discovery.


                   Chief Operating Officer
                       UHealth Tower

          Dr. Kymberlee Manni has been the force behind
         the renovation, reinvention and expansion of
         UHealth Tower, the flagship hospital of the
         University of Miami Health System, South Florida’s
         only academic medical center.
          Manni and her team have transformed UHealth
         Tower’s care in the areas of brain and spine, cardiol-
         ogy, orthopedics, ear, nose and throat, and gastroin-
         testinal health, and Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer   “Dr. Manni always
         Center is also expanding its world-class oncology                                    Your devotion to our participants
         care in the hospital.  This transformation includes   goes the extra mile.
         the addition of 17 new operating rooms, two new   Offering the strongest
         MRIs, new catheterization labs, new interventional                                        is an inspiration to us all.
         radiology suites, multispecialty robotic surgery pro-  possible support for her
         grams and other technological advancements.    colleagues and providing
          Another distinction for the hospital has been the
         establishment of the LGBTQ Center for Wellness,   the most compassionate
         Gender and Sexual Health, one of the first of its kind   care for patients and their
         in the southeast U.S. Dr. Manni has been central to
         the recruitment of extraordinary team members,     families are her
         who provide compassion and an unmatched patient      top priorities.”
         experience.                                           Edward Abraham, MD
          Her leadership is also making pioneering clinical   Executive Vice President for
         research happen at UHealth Tower, where they are           Health Affairs
         working to discover new ways to prevent, treat and   CEO, UHealth—University of
         cure patients’ most serious disorders.
          Her influence is felt throughout South Florida as    Miami Health System
         her team of empathetic healthcare employees and    University of Miami Miller
         caregivers spread what she has taught them and          School of Medicine
         share it with those they mentor.

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