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GREATER MIAMI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2019 HEALTH CARE HEROES                                                    ®

                                                     HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS

                      LISA GWYNN,                                                     REYNALD JEAN, MD, MPH,
               DO, MBA, FAAP, CPE                                                        MSN, AGPCNP-BC

           Associate Professor, Clinical Pediatrics                                  Director, Tuberculosis, Epidemiology,
            & Clinical Public Health Sciences;                                      Disease Control, Clinical Laboratory,
             Medical Director, Pediatric Mobile                                            Immunization Services
              Clinic & Dr. John T. Macdonald                                            & Public Health Preparedness,
           Foundation School Health Initiative,                                          Florida Department of Health
                 University of Miami Miller                                                 in Miami-Dade County

                     School of Medicine
                                                                                    Dr. Reynald Jean has been with the Florida
          Dr. Lisa Gwynn’s rebuilding and ongoing direction   “Dr. Lisa Gwynn’s   Department of Health in Miami-Dade County since   “In 2016, when the first
        of the University of Miami’s Pediatric Mobile Clinic    passion and tireless   1989, where he has proven to be a dedicated physi-  locally acquired Zika case
        program has brought world-class health care to 3,000                      cian, director and innovator, and an expert at devel-
        uninsured children each year in Miami-Dade      efforts have improved the   oping and fostering effective collaboration with   was identified, Dr. Jean
        County’s most at-risk neighborhoods, 97 percent of   health and the overall lives   many public and private entities.    did excellent work in lead-
        whom are uninsured and 13 percent who have spe-  of thousands of Miami-     His numerous accomplishments include, but are
        cial needs. Through her fundraising experience, Dr.                       not limited to, the management and reduction of   ing the entire Zika
        Gwynn not only rebuilt the foundering program, but   Dade County’s        tuberculosis cases; the management of children with   response for Miami-Dade
        also secured funding to purchase a brand-new,       children each year.”   lead poisoning; the management of the Asthma   County. DOH-Miami-
        upgraded mobile unit that was delivered in April. Dr.   Edward Abraham, MD   Home-Visit Collaborative program, and the reduc-
        Gwynn became the director of the Department of                            tion of HIV perinatal and Hepatitis A transmission.   Dade is better prepared to
        Pediatrics’ School Health Program in 2016, which   Executive Vice President for   He has contributed to global health by providing   face the future challenges
        serves nearly 10,000 students a year who receive            Health Affairs   training to professionals from Africa, Japan and the
        healthcare through clinics in their schools.      CEO, UHealth—University of   Ukraine, and by working to control the spread of   of the Zika disease due to
          She raised funds to improve clinical care signifi-   Miami Health System   Ebola, Chikungunya and Zika.                his innovative and collab-
        cantly, which now includes a robust immunization    University of Miami Miller    Dr. Jean has spearheaded four successful HIV/AIDS
        program, reproductive health and mental health           School of Medicine   initiatives and contributed to the development and   orative accomplishments.”
        services, and access to specialty services through                        implementation of tuberculosis prevention and con-       Yesenia D. Villalta,
        telehealth. Dr. Gwynn’s advocacy for children’s health also extends to her work on the   trol guidelines used by Miami-Dade County home-  APRN, DNP, MSN
        Miami-Dade School Health Advisory Committee and her role as vice president of the   less shelters. When the first locally acquired Zika   Administrator/Health Officer
        Florida Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, where she influences policy   case was identified, Dr. Jean led the entire Zika   Florida Department of Health in
        changes to improve the lives of children on both a statewide and national scale.   response for Miami-Dade County, and was involved   Miami-Dade County
                                                                                  in the identification of every single case. He coordi-
                                                                                  nated testing among the major hospitals and public
                                                                                  health laboratories, and developed and managed processes for Zika test results. As a
                                                                                  result of his work on the front lines of emerging health issues, Miami-Dade is better
                                                                                  prepared to respond to public health emergencies.

                                                                                                RANU JUNG,
                                                                                         PHD, FNAI, FAIMBE

                                                                                     Wallace H. Coulter Eminent Scholars
                                                                                      Chair in Biomedical Engineering
                                                                                          Professor and Chair of the
                                                                                  Department of Biomedical Engineering,
                                                                                       Florida International University

                                                                                    As a WH Coulter Eminent Scholar endowed pro-
                                                                                  fessor and head of the Department of Biomedical
                                                                                  Engineering at Florida International University   “Dr. Ranu Jung is at the
                                                                                  (FIU), Dr. Ranu Jung is a champion for innovation
                                                                                  and entrepreneurship. She is especially interested in   cutting edge between engi-
                                                                                  biohybrid systems that merge biologically inspired   neering and neuroscience,
                                                                                  technologies with humans for recovery and restora-
                                                                                  tion of lost function. She and her team developed   developing devices that lead
                                                                                  the first wireless, implantable, neural interface sys-  to scientific advances with
                                                                                  tem for restoring sensations to amputees, and
                                                                                  received FDA approval to conduct a first-in-human   clear pathways to clinical
                                                                                  trial. A Fellow of the National Academy of           application.”
                                                                                  Inventors, she is the holder of eight U.S. patents,        James A. Knapp
                                                                                  two pending, and is the founder of a research and   Director of Community Relations
                                                                                  development company. She is also a champion of   Florida International University
                                                                                  improving the representation of women and under-
                                                                                  represented minorities in engineering and comput-
                                                                                  er science majors.
                                                                                    As the interim dean of the College of Engineering and Computing at FIU, Dr. Jung
                                                                                  started the Women of CEC Initiative geared to helping improve the recruitment,
                                                                                  retention and graduation of women in engineering and computer science majors, and
                                                                                  she has continued that effort as the biomedical engineering chair. She is the past-pres-
                                                                                  ident of the Organization for Computational Neurosciences, Inc., and her publica-
                                                                                  tions include Biohybrid Systems: Nerves, Interfaces and Machines, and the
                                                                                  Encyclopedia for Computational Neuroscience, and more than 140 research articles,
                                                                                  book chapters, and abstracts.

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