Page 56 - May 2019 with HCHeroes
P. 56

MOSS, KRUSICK &                                        CANNABIS
                                                                    ASSOCIATES LLC                                         SPOTLIGHT:
                                                                    Accounting Advice                                      Heather Schieferle
                                                                    from Seed to Sale                                      Preysz
                                                                                                                           Buds for Vets, Inc

                                                                                  page 52                                                page 53

                                          MAY 2019

              BioTrackTHC Provides Transparent, Customizable

            Software Solutions for Business, Government Clients

                    BY VANESSA ORR                                          tory is transformed into oil or another final prod-
                                                                            uct,” he explained, adding that the technology
          As the cannabis industry has evolved, so has                      was created by growers for growers.
        the need for technology to keep track of every-                       “Our software is designed for the way that
        thing from seed to sale. Depending on the state,                    growers think,” added Dr. Afaneh, who traveled to
        the reporting requirements and the types of infor-                  Colorado to research the industry before launch-
        mation that need to be kept can differ widely,                      ing the product. “We not only have a true insight
        which is why it’s so important to have a secure,                    and understanding of the growing process itself,
        comprehensive, customizable software product                        but also the regulatory side, compliance, enforce-    Victoria Walker
        to stay compliant.                                                  ment, and everything that goes into the business
          BioTrackTHC offers cannabis licensees all of                      side of the license.”
        this and more. For the past 10 years, the compa-                      The software program assigns a unique 16-digit   Trulieve —
        ny has been helping growers, manufacturers, and                     identifier to each plant or clone that records and
        dispensaries track the lifecycle of each plant, sim-                archives plant phases, additives and employee      Providing
        plifying record-keeping, and in turn optimizing   Dr. Moe Afaneh    interactions to ensure accountability. After the
        future yields and sales. It also provides software                  plant is harvested, the batched material receives a
        tracking solutions to government clients, ensuring that law   new 16-digit identifier that contains the plant’s history since prop-  Natural Relief
        enforcement agencies can enforce requirements, collect taxes and   agation. Test results, including potency, are automatically assigned
        prevent illegal activities.                            and printed on product labels, and a detailed manifest is created   BY DANIEL CASCIATO
                                                               before the product is transported, displaying the entire chain of
        Business Solutions                                     custody. Each sale is also tracked to the patient or customer.    After it was awarded the first license in
          According to BioTrackTHC COO Dr. Moe Afaneh, there are   In addition to tracking the evolution of plant-to-product, the   the state of Florida following Florida vot-
        many advantages for businesses that use the software, which cov-  software also helps growers improve their operations by providing   ers’  supermajority  approval  of
        ers cultivation operations, processing and manufacturing, and dis-  comprehensive reports, data-driven marketing tools, and integrat-  Amendment 2 in 2016, Trulieve immedi-
        pensing at the point of sale.                          ed hardware for minimal data entry.                     ately hit the ground running and hasn’t
          “Our flexible software accommodates all different types of   Different states require different types of information, so the   stopped.
        workflows, tracking all seeds, clones and tissues until the inven-                        Continued on page 50   “Trulieve has a passion and responsibil-
                                                                                                                       ity to grow as quickly as possible which
                                                                                                                       has been our focus over the last three
                Florida Law Firm Provides Guidance for Cannabis                                                        years,” says Victoria Walker, director of
                                                                                                                       marketing and community relations for
                                                                                                                       the medical marijuana company.
                Companies to Navigate Regulatory Complexities                                                            Last month, Trulieve also became the
                                                                                                                       first in the state to sell smokable cannabis
                                                                                                                       legally. It will offer smokable flower buds
                  BY DANIEL CASCIATO                                          “We advise clients on the wide range of legal,
                                                                             business and public policy issues surrounding   in several strains and plans to expand its
          Tara L. Tedrow believes that Florida can be a                      the cannabis industry, as well as questions   offerings to including pre-rolled marijua-
        good model for emerging marijuana markets.                           about entity formation, supply agreements,   na. Patients with smokable cannabis on
        One of the reasons is that the robust regulatory                     investments, land use and permitting, environ-  their recommendations will be allowed to
        standards in place have helped minimize many                         mental compliance, regulatory compliance,   be dispensed up to 2.5 oz every 35 days.
        of the mistakes other states made in failing to                      intellectual property, real estate, employment   In addition, patients with smokable
        regulate more on the front end.                                      contracts and policies, and non-disclosure and   cannabis recommendations may possess
          “Though the state’s delays in licensing new                        confidentiality issues,” she says.        up to 4 oz of cannabis flower at one time.
        companies has stymied the industry’s growth,                          Lowndes’ attorneys have handled hundreds   The company has 1,500 employees ded-
        Florida has also shown why ensuring strict                           of mergers and acquisitions, public offerings,   icated to serving the patients of Florida.
        standards for operating a business can better                        public debt placements, balance sheet and   Walker notes that it provides the highest
        protect product quality and patients,” says                          asset-based financings, and cross-border trans-  quality medication backed by transparent
        Tedrow, shareholder and chair of Cannabis &                          actions. Some have served as general counsel   3rd party lab reports.
        Controlled Substances Group at Lowndes, a        Tara L. Tedrow      to public and private companies and many    “We offer the most innovative and
        large law firm headquartered in Orlando, FL. “I                      have appeared before administrative and regu-  largest variety of medication to serve all
        am hopeful that between Governor [Ron] DeSantis and FDACS   latory agencies at local, state and federal levels.    patient needs,” she says. “Patient access
        Commissioner [Nicole] Fried, Florida will be one of the   “Our team brings together a diverse group of lawyers to   is critical which drives us to quickly
        strongest cannabis markets in the U.S.”                address many business issues in the medical cannabis indus-  expand locations and offer next day
          The Cannabis & Controlled Substances Group at Lowndes   try,” says Tedrow.                                   home delivery.”
        provides support and guidance to companies, individuals, and   Tedrow was first hired by one of the original medical mari-  Its products are designed to alleviate
        investors who are engaged in or considering entry into the   juana licensees in Florida to assist in getting their dispensaries   seizures, severe and persistent muscle
        cannabis market. Clients of Tedrow’s firm include businesses   approved statewide. From there, her career in medical marijua-  spasms, pain, nausea, loss of appetite, and
        involved in the cultivation, processing, distribution, and dis-  na took off.                                  other symptoms associated with serious
        pensing of cannabis across the U.S. and abroad.                                           Continued on page 49  medical conditions such as cancer. In
                                                                                                                                        Continued on page 48
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