Page 52 - May 2019 with HCHeroes
P. 52

Accounting Advice from Seed to Sale

                                                  Moss, Krusick & Associates LLC

                BY BARBARA R. FALLON                                              wide, which backs MKA with the acumen   process to meet client needs whether that
                                                                                  of a network of professionals, which   requires day-to-day management of the
           Who hasn’t heard the adage ‘No guaran-                                 includes firms who are in front of the   business accounting function or assistance
         tees in life except death and taxes.’? Well,                             curve of the cannabis industry.     through a temporary crisis.
         it’s not that simple for those on the cusp of                              Unique to the cannabis industry is a   MKA client services can staff for daily
         the cannabis industry boom and there are                                 base of contradictory laws and regulations   accounting functions, monthly financials,
         many legitimate reasons to contact a trust-                              between state and federal rules. This pres-  and year-end activities to enable clients to
         ed CPA firm.                                                             ents difficult challenges in banking and   spend more time building the business
           Experienced in accounting, tax, audit,                                 tax liabilities for the industry, for instance.   and less on bookkeeping, recordkeeping
         finance and business operations Moss,                                    While there is still a national hesitancy   and report filing. Experienced accounting
         Krusick & Associates LLC, (MKA) design                                   within the banking industry to work with   professionals work on recordkeeping and
         and maintain accounting systems that                                     the cannabis industry, this is a positive   help navigate robust rules and regulations
         provide valuable management guidelines                                   opportunity for local Florida banks. MKA   which is vital to assure compliance from
         and keep businesses in compliance with                                   brings a referral database of knowledge-  the ground floor.
         state and federal regulations.                   Jennifer Aros           able banking, legal and other professionals   In 2018, Florida elected a new
           Jennifer Aros, Quality Control/Audit   than later,” she advises.       to support cannabis entrepreneurs from   Commissioner of Agriculture who is tack-
         Manager, urges cannabis business entre-   MKA, a boutique firm well established   the start.                 ling the confusion over medical marijuana
         preneurs in this booming industry where   in the state of Florida, is knowledgeable   According to Ms. Aros, it is vital to work   regulations with the creation of a Director
         governmental regulations seem to evolve   about standards in the non-profit, govern-  with an accounting firm that not only has   of Cannabis position. The position will
         with each business day, to put accounting   ment, real estate and medical professional   experience in the accounting world but   provide a knowledgeable formal govern-
         on the front burner during their business   niches and can contrast the similarities   also the bold self-assurance to participate   mental liaison to share information, high-
         planning and operations phases. “Seek an   and unique differences from the cannabis   in the unique challenges of the cannabis   light issues and participate in solutions to
         experienced accounting firm that is will-  industry. As one of the pioneer firms serv-  industry. In order to engage in the market,   insure a safe, robust market.
         ing to work in the cannabis market to   ing Florida cannabis clients, they are a   MKA keeps abreast of constant changes   As activists, politicians, business profes-
         ensure expert advice on reporting obliga-  member of the BDO Alliance, USA, BDO is   and contradictions between state and fed-  sionals, investors, law enforcement, clini-
         tions and tax liabilities – sooner rather   the 5th largest accounting firm nation-  eral laws and the impact on accounting   cians and patients engage in the cannabis
                                                                                  procedures. As one of the few Florida   industry, the debate over cannabis remains
                                                                                  accounting firms willing to tally cannabis   heated but promises to lend clarity and
                                                                                  clients in their portfolio, MKA is involved   credibility to diminish some of the social
                                                                                  in many aspects of the cannabis-related   and cultural stigmas. There may be further
                                                                                  enterprises from conducting inventory   revolutionary changes in the landscape
                                                                                  observations, full inventory counts for   and one can anticipate the ancillary indus-
                                                                                  companies, to recommending related pro-  try will continue to grow. Skilled profes-
                                                                                  fessionals to provide guidance in navigat-  sional accountants can help position their
                                                                                  ing new waters.                     clients with useful management tools to
                                                                                    Florida is poised to be among the most   make business decisions that will sustain
                                                                                  highly regulated states in the U.S. so MKA   profitability during the inevitable turbu-
                                                                                  staff is involved with on-going educational   lence of this new and unique industry
                                                                                  programs to be aware of the specific laws,   growth curve.
                                                                                  guidelines and restrictions that the state of
                                                                                  Florida has recommended.                              For more information,
                                                                                    Detailed recordkeeping can put extra            visit
                                                                                  strain on small business owners but is a            or call (407) 644-5811.
                                                                                  vital requirement. MKA can customize a

                                                                                           Florida’s Resource for                JUDY GRAMM
                                                                                   Medical & Business Cannabis Developments     Editorial Manager

                                                                                              PO Box 812708                 CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
                                                                                          Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708              Daniel Casciato
                                                                                           Phone: (561) 368-6950                  Barbara Fallon
                                                                                                                                  Vanessa Orr
                                                                                                Website:                          Lois Thomson
                                                                                             CHARLES FELIX                       One Year - $45
                                                                                              CAROL FELIX                        Two Years - $70
                                                                                                Publishers                       Three Years - $85

                                                                                             ANDREW FELIX                 To subscribe, call (561) 368-6950
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