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            Insurance for

          Physicians and


          It’s a common misconception that    Back Cover Story: BioTrackTHC Provides Transparent, Customizable
          legal marijuana dispensary insurance
          is very expensive and unattainable, but
          it is actually very reasonably priced.   Software Solutions for Business, Government Clients
          We can provide you with many types
          of comprehensive insurance coverage
          which will help your business stay on   Continued from Back Page                          Government Solutions
          its feet should some type of calamity or   software is designed to follow customized workflows. “In some   Dr. Afaneh first came up with the concept of the monitoring
          unfortunate event arise.
                                             states, they follow a pharmacy workflow, for example, so that   software after working in the pharmaceutical industry. There,
                                             software needs to track disease states and physicians’ recom-  he partnered to launch the company’s original venture,
              • General Liability                                                                   BioScriptRX , working on the development of a product to
              • Property Protection          mended amounts,” said Dr. Afaneh. “That’s why we created a
              • Medicine Coverage            very robust system—it can accommodate everyone from small   track prescription drugs and methamphetamine precursors.
              • Business Income              mom-and-pop operations with three stores to massive multibil-  While demonstrating the software to lawmakers, the concept of
              • Extra Expense Insurance      lion dollar companies with 100 different locations.”   tracking cannabis was raised, and in 2010, BioTrackTHC was
              • Product Liability              While state-level tracking wasn’t such a big deal five years   born.
                                             ago, Dr. Afaneh says that today’s growers understand the need   The software provides a secure, online traceability portal that
          Danna-Gracey is the leading indepen-  for technology that can help streamline their workload. “Some   provides detailed analytics for regulatory agencies and law
          dent medical malpractice insurance   markets, like New Mexico, Illinois or New York, absolutely   enforcement, who can track cannabis transportation and inven-
          agency in Florida, and the top agency   require commercial-level software—the amount of manpower   tory in real-time. Lawmakers also receive detailed financial
                       for several of the lead-                                                     reports, ensuring compliance and adherence to industry stan-
                       ing insurers in Florida.     that is needed to do the manual work simply isn’t cost-effective,”   dards and state laws.
                       For more information   he said. “The product’s functionality saves time and money, and
                       contact Jessica Hoehn   reduces repetitive tasks and activities. It also integrates and scales   “We work in a consultative role with state clients, addressing
                       of Danna-Gracey at     with different systems, including state monitoring systems.”   potential issues in advance and guiding them with best prac-
                       888.496.0059.           An added advantage is that the software is built around a set   tices,” said Dr. Afaneh.
                                             of controls that protect licensees from making mistakes. “It is   As for the future, since merging with Helix TCS this year,
                                             geared to drive a licensee down a specific workflow in order to   BioTrackTHC is in the process of building the next generation
                                             keep the data clean,” said Dr. Afaneh, adding that security con-  of software, which will include a security grade camera system,
                                             trols also prevent the addition of dummy data or others breach-  access control system, and an analytics dashboard.
                                             ing the system.
                                                                                                          To learn more about BioTrackTHC, visit
         888.496.0059 •

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