Page 48 - May 2019 with HCHeroes
P. 48

Back Cover Story:  Trulieve —

                                                                                  Providing Natural Relief

                                 DADE COUNTY                                      Continued from back page.            are in the back of my mind everyday—to

                                                                                  addition, its low-THC/CBD products are   help make cannabis accessible and edu-
                                                                                  available for patients who need non-  cate people on the benefits so they become
                                 Cannabis Doctors of Florida                      euphoric care. Trulieve’s plants are hand-  comfortable considering it as an option for
                                                                                  grown in an environment specially    treatment,” Walker says. “Most of our
                                 Scott D. Segal, MD, MBA                          designed to reduce unwanted chemicals   employees have similar stories that drive
                                                                                  and pests, keeping the process as natural   them to be a part of this industry.”
                                 Cannabis Doctors of Florida was founded in       as possible at every turn.            Trulieve currently has 27 stores, six in
                                                                                    Like others who have dedicated their   the South Florida area and is aggressively
                                 2017 by Scott D. Segal, M.D., a triple Board‐                                         continuing to build out stores to support
                                                                                  careers to working in the cannabis indus-
                                 Certified Psychiatrist. Each of our cannabis     try, Walker has a personal stake in it.   its rapidly growing patient base.
                                 clinics feature a multi‐disciplinary team built   When she was in college, her stepdad was   One of Walker’s favorite initiatives at
                                 around a Certified Physician. Our mission is     diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer.  In   Trulieve is its “TruStory” testimonials
                                                                                  addition to brain surgery, chemo and clin-  where patients tell others about their
            1065 NE 125th St,    to be the recognized leader in Medical           ical trials, Walker and her family re-  experience using cannabis and how it
            Suite 300            Cannabis by providing the highest standards      searched many other natural therapies.     helped.
                                                                                                                        “I hope there are so many TruStories
            North Miami, FL      of quality of care and customer service            “I can’t even imagine what having safe,   someday that YouTube can’t hold them
            33161                through innovation, caring, and a team of        legal access to cannabis could have done   all!” she says. “The more people who hear
                                                                                  for him,” she says.
            (305) 893‐3989       dedicated professional staff.                      Unfortunately, he only lived one year   firsthand accounts of the benefits of
                                                                                  after diagnosis. This past year, Walker lost   cannabis, the more successful we will be
                                                         another close family friend to cancer.   making an impact.”
                                                                                  Cannabis was available in the state where
                                                                                  she lived but still refused to try it.            For more information, visit
                                                                                    “For me, I have two critical goals that     

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