Page 49 - May 2019 with HCHeroes
P. 49

Back Cover Story: Florida Law Firm Provides Guidance

         for Cannabis Companies to Navigate Regulatory Complexities

         Continued from Back Page            help move the needle forward in the   technology utilized for their grow opera-  marijuana, simple operational issues
           “I knew medical marijuana would be   medical community.”               tions, be able to predict problems they   arise for cannabis businesses that other
         one of the fastest growing industries with   One key factor that distinguishes   may face because of their operational   companies don’t face.
         a wide range of impacts to existing legal   Lowndes from others that offer similar   model and to provide referrals to outside   “From IRS 280E provisions prohibiting
         practice areas, so I was interested from a   services is value, according to Tedrow.   industry experts who can assist if prob-  the deduction of certain operating expens-
         business and academic perspective,” she   “Our firm brings an incredible value to   lems arise,” Tedrow says. “Having taught   es for tax purposes, to the inability to
         recalls.                            our clients,” she says. “We represented   the first Marijuana Law and Policy   obtain title insurance on properties
           As a land use attorney, Tedrow was   the first medical marijuana dispensary in   course at the University of Florida   intended to be used for marijuana opera-
         already used to representing clients’ con-  the state of Florida and our experience   Fredric G. Levin College of Law, I have a   tions, these businesses face unique chal-
         troversial development projects that   representing cannabis businesses from   deep understanding of this area and have   lenges every day,” says Tedrow. “Until
         drew opposition from the community.   seed to sale provides a solid platform for   been able to work with incredible   there are sustainable solutions for issues
         With medical marijuana dispensary   us to assist clients in navigating the busi-  thought and industry leaders from   such as banking, financing and payment
         approvals, that dynamic was no different,   ness, regulatory and legal complexities   around the country. The network of   options, medical marijuana companies
         she notes.                          facing this emerging market.”        referrals and advice our firm provides to   will continue to face unnecessary hurdles
           “I’ve never shied away from engaging   She adds that her firm also truly   clients helps to reduce costs and increase   to growth and productivity.”
         on controversial issues that I believed   understands its clients’ businesses and   efficiency, both critical components in an
         would significantly benefit our commu-  the intricate details of their operations.   increasingly competitive market.”
         nity and knew the key to getting every-  For example, “it’s not enough to just   There are still some legal struggles          For more information,
         one to embrace medical marijuana busi-  know that your client cultivates marijua-  faced by marijuana businesses in the   visit
         nesses was compassion and education,”   na indoors pursuant to state law,” she   state of Florida. Putting aside the obvi-  and-industries/industries/cannabis-and-
         she says. “It’s been a pleasure ever since   says.                       ous struggles caused by existing anti-               controlled-substances/
         to work with clients in this industry and   “You need to understand the specific   quated federal regulations of medical

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