Page 45 - May 2019 with HCHeroes
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Why Should Health Systems Care About the Local Economy?
Armed with a mountain of evidence that shows building wealth is linked to improving health,
a new South Florida group sets out to do something about it.
Those of us charged with improving Florida Anchor Alliance, a collaborative community transformation.
the health and well-being of people and of regional institutions — hospitals and The true power of the South Florida
communities across America are navigat- healthcare systems, education enterpris- Anchor Alliance lies in its members com-
ing what I’d call a “new era” in health es and municipalities — that will come ing together to take action. While indi-
care, a critical crossroad between innova- together to harness their collective multi- vidual institutions can and do have exist-
tion and a new way of thinking that has billion-dollar spending power and vast ing initiatives and programs that benefit
us looking at the root causes behind human and intellectual capital in order the communities in which they operate,
what ails us as a nation. In doing so, to create a more just and inclusive local it’s when they join forces to address iden-
many working the front lines of health economy. Health Foundation of South tified opportunities that they are able to
have reached a consensus: we cannot do Florida is leading the effort as the initia- accomplish much more. Collectively,
it alone. Health is intrinsically tied to too tive’s backbone organization, thanks to they can scale existing efforts and
many other factors — how we live, work support from our partners at Citi increase impact. They can lend their
and play to name just a few — and solu- Community Development. Already, a voice to an intentional conversation
tions must start prior to a patient receiv- BY DR. JANISSE SCHOEPP number of regional institutions are focusing specifically on efforts to
ing clinical care. Three years ago, admin- actively engaged in exploring how to improve health outcomes and leverage
istrators at a Chicago medical system tor: job training and education, contracts partner with the Alliance. new opportunities and resources exclu-
came to this same conclusion and took a for local small businesses, and nearby You might wonder how exactly a hos- sively available for collective action mod-
bold step. affordable housing developments. Soon pital would — or could — go outside the els. Ultimately, they will gain the recogni-
Rush University Medical Center had after, they recruited other local hospitals, traditional boundaries of its medical tion they deserve for being leaders at the
been growing increasingly frustrated that government agencies and nonprofits to services to affect something as broad and forefront of a movement to make our
efforts to address deep health disparities join the anchor institution effort. encompassing as a complex local econo- region healthier, stronger and more
among certain residents were proving Propelled by this new purpose, the my. In South Florida, across Miami-Dade resilient.
ineffective: for a staggering 70 years, the Rush administrators and their colleagues and Broward counties alone, public and Now, as Health Foundation of South
average life expectancy in low-income gave themselves an audacious goal: by non-profit educational and health insti- Florida makes plans to hold the first
neighborhoods was 69, while in wealthi- the year 2030, cut in half the disparity tutions spend $3.7 billion a year procur- Anchor Alliance convening this fall,
er neighborhoods just a few miles away it gap that had for so long dodged them. ing goods and services. Only a small per- where our charter members will begin to
was 85. Nothing they’d done — not the They’re still on their way to doing that, of centage of that goes to small, locally and design an actionable blueprint together,
educational and community programs course, but what’s most encouraging is minority-owned businesses, especially we are driven by a simple, but powerful
nor the interventions — chiseled away at they’re not alone on the journey. In fact, those operating in historically under-rep- belief: that everyone in South Florida
that nagging statistic. It was time to take Rush is among a growing number of resented communities. Imagine what should have the opportunity to lead a
a different approach: they adopted an health systems nationwide taking on could happen if just a small percentage of prosperous and healthy life, with access
“anchor mission,” using the hospital as a similar economic development chal- that overall spend was shifted to benefit to good health care, nutrition, education,
powerful economic engine that could lenges, with the clear understanding that the local economy? As has happened in employment and housing. We look for-
invest its resources into its surrounding it is impossible to improve health with- other cities — such as Cleveland, where ward to you joining us in this effort.
community. Rush invested in the every- out first building wealth and opportuni- similar efforts were pioneered more than
day factors that profoundly impact ty, especially for people who for too long a decade ago by the area’s world-renown Dr. Janisse Schoepp is the Vice President
opportunities people have (or don’t have lacked both. medical institutions — it would infuse of Operations and Strategy at the Health
have) to make healthy choices, even This year, South Florida is joining entire sectors of our community with Foundation of South Florida.
more so than their ability to access a doc- unprecedented capital, and it would fuel For more information, visit
those ranks with the launch of the South
May 9 May 17 June 12-13
South Florida Healthcare Networking Heroes in Medicine Awards Luncheon SFHHA Annual Healthcare Summit
Group Meeting The 16th Annual Heroes in Medicine Awards present- South Florida Hospital & Healthcare Association’s
You are invited to the monthly meeting of the South ed by the Palm Beach County Medical Society and 13th Annual Healthcare Summit: Innovations & Market
Florida Healthcare Networking Group (SFHNG) hosted Services will be held May 17 at Kravis Center’s Cohen Disruptors will be held June 12-13 at Signature Grand,
by Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Miami Pavilion in West Palm Beach. For information and tick- Davie. Register online at
on Thursday, May 9 from 7:45 to 10 a.m. Download the ets, contact Katherine Zuber, at (561) 433-3940, email
reservation form at or go to June 29
or call (561) 368-6950. DCMA Presidential Inauguration and Banquet
May 21 The Dade County Medical Association 2019
May 10 Health Care Heroes Awards Luncheon Presidential Inauguration and Annual Banquet will be
Tee Off for a Cause The 22nd Annual Health Care Heroes Awards held Saturday, June 29 at Douglas Entrance, 800 Douglas
A Safe Haven for Newborns will hold their 3rd Annual Luncheon presented by the Greater Miami Chamber of Rd, Miami. More information at
Tee Off for a Cause golf tournament on May 10 at the Commerce will be held May 21 at Jungle Island, Bloom
Trump National Doral Resort’s Red Tiger golf course Ballroom. For information, contact Tania Valenzuela at
with a 1 pm shotgun start. Call (305) 882-1304 ext. 105 (305) 577-5491 or or
or visit visit
E-mail Your Calendar
May 16 May 23
SFHEF Education Event South Florida Healthcare Networking Group Submissions to editorial@
South Florida Healthcare Executive Forum, Inc. pres- Meeting
ents Legalized Possession and Use of Cannabis in You are invited to the monthly meeting of the South
Healthcare: The Legal & Ethical Dilemma on May 16 Florida Healthcare Networking Group (SFHNG) hosted
from 5:30 – 8:00 pm at Florida Atlantic University. For by Hialeah Hospital on May 23 from 7:45 to 10 a.m. Call
more information, visit (561) 368-6950 or download the reservation form at
South Florida Hospital News May 2019 45