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                                FAU Launches New Second-degree, Part-Time BSN

                                                         for Working Professionals

           Many nurses are retiring                                               semesters, students can complete their   tuition payments from employers and a
         and with the aging popula-                                               BSN degree in two years.             self-pay option. A convenient install-
         tion of South Florida, a crit-                                             Features of the program include a ded-  ment payment plan is available to stu-
         ical nursing shortage is                                                 icated state-of-the-art education facility   dents who choose the self-pay option.
         anticipated. Florida Atlantic                                            on FAU’s Davie campus, clinical experi-  Tuition is deferred pending payment of
         University’s nursing pro-                                                ences in Broward County, and a dedicat-  financial aid and/or tuition reimburse-
         gram is responding to this                                               ed program adviser who guides the stu-  ment, if paperwork is submitted.
         call from the community to                                               dents in the working professional BSN   FAU’s Christine E. Lynn College of
         educate   more   nurses.                                                 track through their program of study and   Nursing is nationally and internationally
         Identifying a need in the                                                provides educational support from    known for its excellence and philosophy
         community, FAU’s Christine                                               admission to graduation. The VIP     of caring science. The college is ranked
         E. Lynn College of Nursing                                               concierge service is a full-service, all-  No.1 in online graduate nursing pro-
         has launched a new second-                                               inclusive BSN track specifically designed   grams in Florida and No. 23 in the
         degree part-time track in        BY MARLAINE SMITH, R.N., PH.D.,         for those who have busy personal and   nation by U.S. News and World Report.
         the Bachelor of Science in     AND KARETHY EDWARDS, DR.PH, APRN          professional commitments, as well as   With a 97 percent pass rate on the
         Nursing (BSN) program at                                                 those who prefer the convenience of a   NCLEX-RN licensure examination in
         FAU’s Davie campus. The                                                  full-service, structured cohort program.    2018, FAU BSN graduates, first-time test
         College of Nursing current-         sure as a registered nurse.            Program tuition is $719.84 per credit   takers, ranked among the highest (No.1)
         ly has an accelerated track for those with   The new program will commence in   hour and is the same rate for Florida res-  in Florida and the United States.
         a previous B.S. or B.A. degree, but those   August, and FAU’s College of Nursing   idents, out-of-state residents and inter-  FAU’s Christine E. Lynn College of
         admitted must quit their jobs due to the   already started accepting applications.   national students. The tuition covers   Nursing is fully accredited by the
         intensity of the program. This part-time   The application period closes on   assessment technology fees (approxi-  Commission on Collegiate Nursing
         program accommodates those who need   Monday, July 15. This program is two   mately $1,500), testing fees, a parking   Education (CCNE). For more informa-
         to continue working while studying.    years in length and will enroll 50 stu-  permit, student ID card, catered refresh-  tion, visit
           FAU’s new BSN degree is designed to   dents every fall semester.       ments and snacks, uniforms and lab coat,
         prepare working professionals with a   Course scheduling formats for the pro-  equipment, graduation regalia, recording   Dr. Marlaine Smith is Dean, FAU’s
         bachelor’s degree or higher in another   gram will include a live class one evening   of select courses, a pre-program orienta-  Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing. Dr.
         discipline, as professional nurses who are   a week, labs, classes and clinicals on   tion and a graduation banquet.    Karethy Edwards is Associate Dean of
         eligible to take the National Council   weekends, as well as online and live-  FAU’s College of Nursing methods of   Academic Programs, FAU’s Christine E.
         Licensure Examination for Registered   streaming video course formats. With   payment include financial aid, tuition         Lynn College of Nursing
         Nurses (NCLEX-RN®) to secure licen-  enrollment during six consecutive   reimbursement for students who receive

         Cover Story:   A Path for Unleashing Nurse-Led Innovation

         Continued from page 1
        dicts which elderly patients are likely to need post-discharge skilled care: their walk-  We found that though both clinical and business leaders value the innovation and
        ing ability, length of hospital stays and presence of a caregiver at home.    clinical acumen skills nurses bring to their organizations at most levels, they don’t yet
          Her findings evolved into a decision-support methodology to ensure patients have   value them fully at the highest leadership levels.
        the post-acute support they need after discharge. The methodology then informed a   Changing that is a care imperative and business imperative.
        software product, and later spawned a company, to help hospitals determine how to   Read “Unleashing Nurse-Led Innovation” where we outline how health systems
        optimize their care coordination.                                         and businesses can do so. Visit
          I’ve worked alongside nurse innovators like Bowles and have seen them create or
        improve processes and solutions to improve patient care experience and health out-  Karen Meador, MBA, is a board-certified pediatrician with 25 years of healthcare experi-
        comes at lower costs. Too often, stakeholders in the health system leave nurses com-  ence, having served in numerous clinical and administrative leadership roles
        pletely out of the process—and much to their own detriment.                        within health systems and primary care organizations. She is managing director
          That’s why, BDO embarked on a mission with Penn Nursing to survey clinical and   and senior physician executive in The BDO Center for Healthcare Excellence &
        business leader stakeholders on how they’re elevating nurse innovators today—and                      Innovation and can be reached at
        where they hope to get the most value from them by 2025.

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