Page 38 - May 2019 with HCHeroes
P. 38

Nursing ... Nursing ... Nursing ... Nursing ... Nursing ... Nursing ... Nursing ... Nursing ...

                         Collaboration Helps Nurses Navigate a Shifting Landscape

            As a nurse serving South Florida for                                  where nurses can make an impact. Data   5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., a free event spon-
           over 25 years, I have witnessed sweep-                                 suggests that a more diverse nursing   sored by Hubbard Media for all Palm
           ing changes in healthcare. From                                        workforce is part of the solution to   Beach County area nurses.
           changes in policy, to the rise of debili-                              achieving health equity. When nurses   •  Heart of Gold Reception  on
           tating health conditions, nurses have                                  understand a patient’s culture and com-  Thursday, May 9th from 6:00 p.m. to
           always been on the front lines, manag-                                 munity, they can establish better trust,   8:00 p.m. at Quail Ridge Country Club in
           ing the care that impacts our families                                 comfort and overall patient satisfaction.    Boynton Beach. The event will honor the
           and our communities.                                                    Nursing leaders can do their part   extraordinary work of local nurses and
            When I became a chief nursing offi-                                   through minority nurse recruitment. As a   recognize Palm Beach County’s 2019
           cer, I felt it was my duty to volunteer                                trustee at Palm Health Foundation, I am   “Nurses of the Year.”
           my time serving nonprofit organiza-                                    encouraged to see efforts to grow our   There are many things that we can do
           tions that had their finger on the pulse                               nursing workforce and its diversity by   as nursing leaders to anticipate trends
           of how we as a community are caring                                    providing annual scholarships to stu-  and overcome challenges. Collaborating
           for all our residents, especially the    BY RUTH SCHWARZKOPF           dents who pledge to stay in Palm Beach   with our healthcare partners and recog-
           underserved. I joined the board of                                     County and work locally after they grad-  nizing our nurses for their tireless efforts
           trustees at Palm Health Foundation   every five people in our community will   uate. The foundation has awarded near-  are both positive ways to help us, our
           because of its leadership in developing   become a senior citizen, and 80% of   ly $3 million in nursing scholarships   patients, and our community reach their
           innovative solutions for emerging   those seniors will have chronic health   since 2001.                  full health potential.
           health challenges and advancing the   conditions.                       Once hired, it is the nursing leader’s
           nursing profession.                  We know our aging population will   job to retain nurses. One important way   To learn more about Palm Health
            As our healthcare system continues   require new ways for healthcare to be   is through gratitude. In a 2004 survey*,   Foundation’s nursing programs, Thank a
           to evolve, collaborating with local part-  delivered, particularly in community-  84% of respondents stated that they do   Nurse and other initiatives, visit
           ners like Palm Health Foundation helps   based settings and through home visits   not feel respected and appreciated in
           us prepare nurses to deliver care in an   utilizing new technologies. Anticipating   some capacity within their organization.
           ever-changing environment. The foun-  this trend early on, Palm Health   Palm Health Foundation, with co-spon-  Ruth Schwarzkopf is the chief nursing
           dation relies on the insight of nursing   Foundation established and funded the   sors Tenet Health and VITAS Healthcare,   officer at West Boca Medical Center and
           leaders throughout Palm Beach County   Volunteer Nurse Corps of Palm Beach   is giving all healthcare organizations a   a Palm Health Foundation trustee.
           to determine the funding, education   County (VNC-PBC). Administered by   platform for recognizing their nurses   She is also an active member of the
           and initiatives needed to promote better   Palm Beach Atlantic University, the   through May’s Thank a Nurse campaign.   Florida Atlantic University Nursing
           health.                            VNC-PBC uses retired, volunteer and   I encourage my fellow nursing leaders to   Leadership Advisory Council and Palm
            One of the most evident challenges is   student nurses to help manage commu-  join us by encouraging their nurses to   Beach State College Advisory.
           how the residents of Palm Beach    nity care and home visits.          take part in two upcoming events:    *Source:
           County are aging at faster-than-ever   Responding to the changes in our pop-  •  Nurses Night Out at Delray   tent/uploads/2014/06/RN-Stress-Survey-Results-
           rates. In the next decade, one out of   ulation’s ethnic diversity is another area   Marketplace on Thursday, May 2nd from

                                                       TRENDS IN NURSING

           The nursing profession has grown                                       so they can provide for everyone, and   trends that nursing leaders are address-
         tremendously in the areas of respect,                                    although stressful, they do it well. Many   ing today is the widening gap between an
         accountability, and impact on patient                                    nurses are even seeking advanced     experienced nursing workforce and the
         and organizational outcomes. Several                                     degrees to better influence care at all   complexity of care required by the popu-
         significant challenges, however, must be                                 touchpoints on the continuum, while   lation served.
         addressed so that the difference nurses                                  assisting leaders in driving care to the   An experience shortage is developing
         can make is fully realized and the joy and                               appropriate access points. As a result,   because the knowledge and skill of baby
         fulfillment that the practice can bring to                               nurses are more relied upon and respect-  boomer nurses is disappearing as they
         nurses is fully appreciated.                                             ed now than ever for their contributions   retire, while the complexity of the
           External forces impacting the health-                                  both inside and outside of the hospital.   patient population is simultaneously
         care business, including governmental                                      Consumer experience also matters dif-  increasing. The gap driven by these two
         regulation, changes in reimbursement,                                    ferently now. In the past, patients’ expec-  countervailing forces needs to be recog-
         and complex requirements for serving                                     tations were primarily related to healing   nized and urgently addressed.
         sicker and older populations, all directly   BY MAGGIE HANSEN            and reduced suffering, and nursing inter-  To do so, progressive organizations are
         influence nursing practices. Historically,                               ventions were carried out accordingly.   quickly implementing nurse residency
         nurses could focus on facilitating the   the associated disengagement that con-  Today, patient experience is measured by   programs and formal onboarding pro-
         healing process, educating patients, and   tinues to climb. To combat these pres-  the government and publicly reported.   grams that seek to bridge the gap and
         reducing suffering.                  sures and enhance nursing retention and   Those published reports frequently do   advance the practice of nurses.
           Today’s nurses must also participate in   productivity, successful organizations are   not correlate with what nurses really   Overall, nurses are more recognized
         time-consuming initiatives to enhance   implementing measures to improve   believe their patients need, but the same   for the impact they make on the surviv-
         healthcare value as defined by the gov-  nurse engagement and emotional health.   nursing professionals are held responsi-  ability of healthcare organizations, and
         ernment, incorporate complex technolo-  Healthcare reform also left nurses with   ble for the results because of the nature   nurse leaders are increasingly becoming
         gy in diagnostic and treatment processes,   hope that patients would seek regular   of their interactions with the patients   active members of the executive teams.
         and reduce costs, all while performing   care at local access points that would be   evaluating the care they’ve received from   Nursing contribution at all levels of the
         their traditional care-oriented functions.   more health-promoting, leaving only the   a wider range of professionals.    organization and well-organized nursing
         Exacerbating this problem is the fact that   sickest patients to be treated in hospital   Further, organizations count on nurses   strategic plans greatly influence health-
         physicians, who are intended to partner   settings. This has not yet been realized.   to influence scores that are measured by   care system success.
         with nurses, are burning out at a rate   Patients continue to seek episodic care in   tools that don’t necessarily give nurses
         high enough to be considered a public   hospitals rather than primary care sites,   appropriate credit for the very complex,   Maggie Hansen, Senior Vice President
         health crisis.                       and highly acute patients still compete   highly technical, and scientific care they   and Chief Nursing Executive at Memorial
           The pressures from these factors can   for nursing care in the same hospital set-  must deliver with compassion.   Healthcare System, can be reached at
         be exhausting, and leaders must address   tings. This pushes nurses to ration care   Lastly, one of the most significant   (954) 265-3451 or

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