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Nursing ... Nursing ... Nursing ... Nursing ... Nursing ... Nursing ... Nursing ... Nursing ...

              UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI SCHOOL OF NURSING                                          BROWARD HEALTH MEDICAL CENTER
                             AND HEALTH STUDIES
                                                                                  Marlo Proctor, RN, MSN

        Cindy L. Munro, PhD, RN, ANP-BC,                                           Over the past 32 years, Marlo Proctor, RN, MSN, has
                                                                                  worked as a nurse at Broward Health Medical Center.
        FAAN, FAANP, FAAAS                                                         “I became a nurse because I wanted to learn about caring
                                                                                  for people and to help heal the human body,” she said,
          Cindy L. Munro, PhD, RN, ANP-BC, FAAN, FAANP,                           adding that her passion for nursing began when a relative
        FAAAS, dean and professor of the University of Miami                      became infected with the AIDS virus and was treated at
        School of Nursing and Health Studies, is an innovative                    Broward Health. “The nurses were treating patients with
        nursing leader whose focus on preventing complications                    respect and dignity. They cared for him in a way I knew I
        in critically ill adults has been supported by more than $18              would want to.”
        million in research funding. Her study of oral care in the                 Since her first day at Broward Health Medical Center on
        ICU changed national practice guidelines. Her National                    November 6, 1986, Proctor has worked in a number of
        Institutes of Health-funded study to prevent ICU delirium                 units. For the past 13 years she has held the role of nurse
        is ongoing. Dr. Munro has published more than 170 arti-                   manager of the Intermediate Respiratory Care Unit, which cares for respiratory, trauma,
        cles and is the co-editor-in-chief of the American Journal                liver transplant and stroke patients.
        of Critical Care. She belongs to the National Academy of                   Proctor earned her master’s degree with honors in nursing with a specialty in health-
        Inventors, and is a Fellow in the American Association for the Advancement of Science,   care administration in 2010 from Nova Southeastern University. She completed her
        the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, and the American Academy of Nursing,   Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Florida Atlantic University in 2001 and associate
        serving on the Academy’s Acute and Critical Care Expert Panel. She earned her PhD in   degree from Broward College’s nursing program in 1985.
        Nursing and Microbiology and Immunology at Virginia Commonwealth University.    After more than three decades, her advice to fellow nurses is to never stop learning.
                                                                                   “Nurses can learn something new every day,” she said. “We also need to share our
        Juan M. González, DNP, ARNP, AGAC-                                        experiences with each other so that the art of nursing is carried on for decades to come.”

        NP-BC, FNP-BC, CEN

          Assistant Professor of Clinical Juan M. González, DNP,                                   BROWARD HEALTH NORTH
        ARNP, AGACNP-BC, FNP-BC, CEN, has received numer-
        ous nurse educator awards since joining the University of                 Ruth Chibis, RN
        Miami School of Nursing and Health Studies in 2011. Most
        recently he was named UM’s Outstanding Graduate                            Ruth Chibis, RN, has been a nurse for 40 years and still
        Program Director of the Year 2018-19. He calls himself “a                 loves bedside nursing.
        student advocate” whose role is to “identify and remove                    “I love helping people,” she said. “I love my patients.”
        any barriers students have, and make every moment a                        Chibis, who works in surgical telemetry at Broward
        teaching moment.” He balances teaching with serving as                    Health North, has also nursed in medical surgical and
        director of the School’s Family Nurse Practitioner program                pediatrics, and she worked in a group home for medically-
        and working in South Miami Hospital’s emergency depart-                   fragile children, many of whom were on ventilators
        ment. He also helps run the School’s health care outreach                  “We took the children to Disney World, on cruises and
        in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. A board-certified adult gerontology, family, and   family vacations,” she said.
        emergency room nurse practitioner, Dr. González conducts research on ways to advance   Chibis said that as a nurse she is always learning, which
        emergency care through new knowledge and protocols, educating nurse practitioners on   is why she also instructs others. Chibis is adjunct faculty
        methods for using ultrasound to improve diagnosis and treatment in the emergency   at Broward College, where she is an instructor in the sim-
        department.                                                               ulation lab for the critical care course. She is also a BLS
        Denise C. Vidot, PhD                                                       If there is one piece of advice she could give to fellow nurses, Chibis said it would be
                                                                                  to love God and love your patients. Treat every patient with love, respect and compas-
          Denise C. Vidot, PhD, is an assistant professor at the                  sion.
        University of Miami School of Nursing and Health Studies
        whose pioneering work into cardiovascular and metabolic
        outcomes among marijuana users has gained widespread                                 BROWARD HEALTH CORAL SPRINGS
        attention as states and localities around the country debate
        legalizing marijuana for medical and recreational use. Dr.
        Vidot’s research has centered on marijuana use and its                    Nicole Concepcion, RN
        impact on cardiovascular risk, metabolic health, and phys-
        ical activity. She also has looked at the effect of marijuana              Nicole Concepcion, RN, is an intensive care nurse at
        use among bariatric surgery patients and eating behavior                  Broward Health Coral Springs. She was motivated to
        disorders among adolescents who use marijuana. She is                     become a nurse by her aunt, who was a registered nurse.
        currently conducting a study funded by the National                        “I was inspired by the experiences she shared with me
        Institutes of Health on the use of medical marijuana to                   and her apparent love and dedication to the nursing pro-
        manage HIV comorbidities in the context of cardiovascular                 fession,” she said. “At that point, I knew nursing would
        disease risk. She has a PhD in epidemiology from the University of Miami.   provide me with a profession that I could commit to.”
                                                                                   Concepcion graduated in 2002 with an Associate in
                                                                                  Applied Science and earned her Bachelor of Science in
                                                                                  Nursing in 2013. Her career started in a cardiac unit in a
                                                                                  hospital in New York.
                                                                                   “Specialty care nursing was a great choice for me,” she
                          Subscribe to...                                         said. “After leaving New York In 2004, I continued my career at Broward Health Coral
                                                                                  Springs, where I worked on the Progressive Care Unit for 10 years.”
                                                                                   Concepcion is proud to be part of a dynamic team that is essential to the recovery of
                 SOUTH FLORIDA HOSPITAL NEWS &                                    patients. Her advice to someone considering a career as a nurse is to strive to understand
                                                                                  the needs of the patients as well as the families.
                                                                                   “Nursing is a challenging profession that requires compassion and empathy to help
                       HEALTHCARE REPORT today!                                   others endure difficult times,” she said. “The reward is in every life touched by the
                               Subscribe online at                                unique and special care that a nurse delivers.”

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