Page 42 - May 2019 with HCHeroes
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            next month in                         It Is Time for Florida to Consider a BSN-in-10 Law

             South Florida
            Hospital News                        As Floridians celebrate Nurses Week, May 6-                        tive for ASN nurses to pursue their BSN
                                               12, it is an opportune time to consider BSN-in-                      degree. A BSN degree opens the door to
          and Healthcare                       10 Law for the state of Florida. It took 14 years                    better salaries, marketability, profession-
                 Report...                     of lobbying for New York to pass this law on                         al advancement, and greater job satisfac-
                                               December 20, 2017. The BSN-in-10 New York
                                               statute requires all nurses to obtain a Bachelor                       Professional nursing organizations

         •Annual Healthcare                    of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree within 10                         such as the American Nurses Association
                                               years of receiving their initial RN license.                         (ANA) and the American Association of
                                               Although New York may be the first state to                          Colleges of Nursing (AACN), are push-
             Planning Guide                    pass the law, many other states have plans to                        ing for the BSN degree. They view nurses
               • Emergency                     enact similar legislation.                                           as the heart of professional collaborative
                                                 In 2010, the Institute of Medicine reported                        practice, maintaining 24/7 continuity in
          Department Trends
                                               on the future of nursing, making a strong rec-                       the day-to-day care of patients.
           • Healthcare Real                   ommendation that 80 percent of the nursing   BY LINDA SIMUNEK,         Nurses are not only direct care givers
              Estate Update                    workforce have a BSN by 2020. Currently, the    RN, PHD, JD          but are managers and coordinators of
                                               Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that nurs-                       care. In these roles, nurses work with
          • Eldercare Update                   ing is among the top occupations in terms of                         physicians, pharmacists, social workers,
            in South Florida                   job growth. The nursing workforce is expected to grow from   physical therapists, diet therapists, spiritual advisers, and
                                               2.71 million in 2014 to 3.24 million in 2024, an increase of   other members of the health care team, most of whom are
          •Disaster Planning:                  439,000 or 16%. Approximately 60% of U.S. nurses have   required to have educational credentials that go beyond the
             Preparedness &                    BSN degrees.                                         bachelor’s degree. Thus, the call for nurses to have a mini-
           Trauma Medicine                       Florida has the educational infrastructure to support a   mum of a BSN degree for nursing licensure in Florida, is a
                                               BSN-in-10 legislative initiative. Many Florida schools offer-  fitting salute not only to Florida nurses but to the 3.6 mil-
              •EMR Update                      ing ASN programs also offer BSN programs. These schools   lion nurses in the U.S.

                                               are re-designing their ASN to BSN programs in order to facil-  A member of the Broward County Bar Association, Dr.
            For more information               itate the academic progression of ASN students who wish to   Linda Simunek is Associate Dean and Professor of Nursing
              on advertising and               earn a BSN degree. Florida schools offer RN to BSN pro-  at Broward College and has served in the Florida Board of
         editorial opportunities, call         grams specially designed for working nurses through online   Nursing
            (561) 368-6950 today!              programs. Most of these online programs can be completed
                                               in about a year of full-time study to two years of part-time      She may be reached at
                                               study. Employers offer tuition reimbursement as an incen-                           and at (954) 201-4880.

                                                                                          FAU Appoints Safiya George,

                                                                                      Ph.D., as Dean of the Christine E.

                                                                                               Lynn College of Nursing

                                                                                     Florida Atlantic University has named Safiya
                                                                                   George, Ph.D., as the new dean of the Christine E.
                                                                                   Lynn College of Nursing. She is only the third
                                                                                   dean to be appointed in the college’s 40-year his-
                                                                                   tory. George previously served as a member of the
                                                                                   faculty at Emory University’s Nell Hodgson
                                                                                   Woodruff School of Nursing until she was recruit-
                                                                                   ed in 2015 to the Capstone College of Nursing at
                                                                                   the University of Alabama, where she has served
                                                                                   as assistant dean for research, director of the
                                                                                   Office of Scholarly Affairs, and a member of the
                                                                                   advisory board of the Alabama Life Research
                                                                                   Institute. She also has served as faculty in the
                                                                                   Honors College and faculty-in-residence for resi-   Dr. Safiya George
                                                                                   dential honors students at the University of
                                                                                     George will assume her role as dean effective July 8, where she will spearhead
                                                                                   FAU’s College of Nursing, which is nationally and internationally known for its
                                                                                   excellence and philosophy of caring science.
                                                                                     George earned her Ph.D. and MSN degrees from Emory University and complet-
                                                                                   ed a postdoctoral fellowship at Duke University in religion and health. Since 2015,
                                                                                   under her leadership, Capstone College of Nursing has experienced tremendous
                                                                                   growth in scholarly activities, including significant increases in extramural fund-
                                                                                   ing. She is described as a great mentor, role model and colleague by executive lead-
                                                                                   ership, faculty, staff and students at the Capstone College of Nursing.
                                                                                     In 2017, George was elected to serve on the international board of directors for
                                                                                   Sigma Theta Tau, the International Honor Society for Nursing, where she also has
                                                                                   held numerous leadership roles, including chair of the International Service
                                                                                   Taskforce, elected member of the Leadership Succession Committee and vice pres-
                                                                                   ident of the Epsilon Omega Chapter.
                                                                                     George is a board certified adult nurse practitioner (ANP). In 2018, she was
                                                                                   inducted as a fellow of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners.

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