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GREATER MIAMI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2019 HEALTH CARE HEROES                                                    ®


          Community Health of South                                                                  FLORIDA PACE CENTERS
         Florida, Inc. (CHI) has been a bea-
         con of hope for the people of South                                            (PROGRAM OF ALL-INCLUSIVE CARE FOR THE
         Florida since 1971. It is a place                                                   ELDERLY) AT MIAMI JEWISH HEALTH
         where people can receive high qual-
         ity healthcare regardless of their                                         For 15 years, Florida PACE Centers
         economic background, insurance                                           have improved the lives of more than
         status and immigration status. CHI                                       2,000 low-income seniors ages 55 and
         has a holistic approach to health                                        older who are in declining health by pro-
         and offers primary care, pediatric,                                      viding an interdisciplinary support sys-
         dental, OB/GYN, behavioral health                                        tem of healthcare that allows them to
         for children and adults, urgent care, walk-in   “Community Health of South   safely live in their communities rather
         services pharmacy, radiology, vision and even                            than be placed in nursing homes.
         free transportation.                        Florida’s motto has always     The average participants are 77 years
          It offers a sliding fee, income-based scale for   been ‘Patient Care Comes First’   old and have multiple medical condi-
         the uninsured, and offers evening and weekend                            tions, often a cognitive impairment, and
         hours to ensure access for all. Last year, CHI   and it lives up to that, making   significant long-term care needs. With
         cared for more than 82,000 unduplicated    sure that there are no barriers   multiple locations throughout Miami-
         patients via 282,000 patient visits/encounters.                          Dade and Broward counties, Florida
         To try to meet the needs of the growing doctor   to healthcare for the indigent,   PACE Centers provide a continuum of   “Florida PACE Centers exemplify
         shortage nationwide, CHI became the first and   the homeless, the working poor,   care and on-going behavioral health   a healthcare hero for successful deliv-
         only Health Resources Services Administration-  the undocumented and even   management.                        ery of a care model to a population
         designated teaching health center in Florida in                            Seniors are transported five days a
         2014, and now has physicians receiving spe-  those who don’t understand   week to the centers where they partici-  of the elderly that otherwise would be
         cialty training in family medicine, psychiatry   how to navigate what can be a   pate in activities and receive individual-  left to navigate an unforgiving sys-
         and OB/GYN.                                                              ized healthcare.
          Its comprehensive AIDS Resources and      complicated healthcare system   The Centers are at the forefront of      tem with poor outcomes.”
         Education Services (CARES) program provides      in this country.”       innovative population health manage-         Brian J. Kiedrowski, MD, CMD, CPE
         HIV testing and counseling and links patients          Brodes H. Hartley Jr.   ment with interventions that help low-  Executive Vice President and Enterprise
         with medical, dental and behavioral health                  President/CEO   income elderly residents enjoy a better             Chief Medical Officer
         services along with case management and med-                             quality of life despite chronic conditions.            Miami Jewish Health
         ication management. Its Medication Assistance   Community Health of South Florida,   Records show that participants experi-
         program helps patients who can’t afford their                  Inc. (CHI)  ence fewer falls, minimized hospital and emergency department stays and reduced
         medications by getting it at reduced rates, and                          stays at skilled nursing centers for rehabilitation services. According to the latest Vital
         their Migrant Health Program reaches out to                              Research survey, nearly 97 percent of family members are satisfied with the support
         migrants and seasonal farm workers offering high-quality, affordable healthcare.   they receive through the PACE program, and 97.5 would recommend PACE to some-
                                                                                  one in a similar situation.

                                                                                   For 45 years, the Roxcy Bolton Rape        “Since the 1970s, the Roxcy
                                                                                  Treatment Center (RTC) at Jackson Memorial
                                                                                  Hospital, a nonprofit, hospital-based sexual   Bolton Rape Treatment Center
                                                                                  assault crisis center, has been advocating, serv-  at Jackson Memorial Hospital
                                                                                  ing and providing emotional support to victims
                                                                                  of sexual assault in Miami-Dade County.    has been a safe haven for ado-
                                                                                   It is one of the first rape treatment centers in   lescents and adults who have
                                                                                  the nation. Since its inception, RTC has provid-
                                                                                  ed treatment to more than 70,000 sexual assault   been the victims of sexual
                                                                                  victims. RTC is the only comprehensive rape   assaults. It has made a tremen-
                                                                                  treatment center in Miami-Dade County, and it   dous impact in healthcare in
                                                                                  is one of the few centers nationwide to provide
                                                                                  an all-inclusive approach to the care of these   South Florida, and has espe-
                                                                                  victims.                                  cially benefited the lives of this
                                                                                   Staffed by Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners
                                                                                  (SANE-trained), RTC provides confidential,   vulnerable population.”
                                                                                  patient-centered care 24/7 to victims and non-    Girish “Bobby” Kapur, MD
                                                                                  offending family members free of charge, and     Chief of Emergency Medicine
                                                                                  also runs a weekly support group and a 24/7       Jackson Memorial Hospital
                                                                                  Crisis & Sexual Assault Helpline. Victim advo-
                                                                                  cates also provide in-person support to emergency medical/forensic services, law
                                                                                  enforcement interviews, doctors’ appointments and court appointments to ensure the
                                                                                  survivors’ interests are represented and their rights are upheld. In 2018, RTC served
                                                                                  122 patients and provided therapy to 808 survivors, participated in nearly 70 com-
                                                                                  munity outreach events and educational programs, and received nearly 1,000 calls
                                                                                  from people seeking support and/or medical services.

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