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                                    Empowering Teens to Tackle Health Education

          In 2009, the Berrin sisters started a not-                             graders each year. Our partnership with   raised my awareness for the issues in our
           for-profit organization to help South                                 58 schools, both public and independent   community. From that point on, I made it
                                                                                 private schools, has revolutionized   my goal to provide people with reliable
        Florida high school students redefine what
                                                                                 health education in Miami-Dade County,   information and resources to deal with seri-
            it means to be “HIP”. The Health
                                                                                 and we hope to continue to grow      ous issues.
          Information Project (HIP) is changing                                  throughout the state - and nation.     Several years after Risa founded HIP,
        high-school health education by empower-                                   To become a HIP educator, juniors and   her sister Valerie joined as Director of
             ing students to be the teachers.                                    seniors must participate in an extensive   Operations to champion a cause both sis-
                                                                                 interview process. Once selected, they   ters are passionate about:
                                                                                 attend trainings throughout the year on
          Health education is crucial for every-                                 public speaking, classroom management   Having worked in the New York City
        one, but especially high school students                                 and how to address difficult conversa-  public school system, while studying at
        who are experiencing the last develop-                                   tions in a frank, non-judgmental way.   Barnard College – Columbia University, I
        mental milestones before becoming                                        Students are the ones leading bi-monthly
        adults. Open communication about the                                     discussions, providing their peers with   was aware of the many physical and emo-
        physical, cognitive, emotional and social                                practical health information, facilitating   tional health needs of the students and the
        changes that 14-18 year olds experience                                  discussions about critical health topics   lack of resources in their schools and com-
        is fundamental.                                                          and connecting other students to vital   munities. This experience left no doubt in
          Society’s lack of education and open                                   health resources at their schools and in   my mind that I would go on to join my sis-
        discussion on critical health issues such   (l-r) Valerie and Risa Berrin  their communities.
        as suicide, anxiety, obesity, abuse and   teens to tackle the health crises of their                          ter in her efforts to make health education
        depression creates a mental health stig-  generation by recruiting and training   Risa Berrin, Founder &      more approachable.
        ma which can lead to discrimination,   them to be peer educators at their own   Executive Director of HIP,
        reluctance towards treatment or lack of   schools. In this environment, students   Throughout my time at University of   HIP is determined to ensure every stu-
        understanding. Over 10 years ago, we   are more comfortable opening up about   Miami School of Law, I taught health edu-  dent in the US is healthy - both physical-
        realized this was a missing link in health   personal issues and discussing with   cation to female juveniles who were incar-  ly and emotionally. Our goal is to create
        education, and knew we had to take   peers in a judgment-free zone.      cerated and worked as a court-appointed   high school campuses that are safe, sup-
        action. With that in mind, The Health   HIP currently trains 1,700 11th and   special advocate for children who are mis-  portive and inclusive.
        Information Project (HIP) was born. We   12th graders to serve as peer health edu-  treated, abandoned and neglected. The
        work tirelessly every day to empower                                     exposure to abuse, drugs and mental health   To learn more, please visit
                                             cators, teaching more than 34,000 ninth

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