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Cannabis Spotlight

                Paula Savchenko, Esq., Associate                                                  How did you get started within the
                Law Offices of Moffa, Sutton & Donnini, P .A.                                     Cannabis industry?
                                                                                                   I was assigned to write a paper on the litigation
                                                                                                  revolving around the rule promulgation for the initial
                What benefits do you see for patients                                             application and licensing process for Dispensing
                throughout Florida within this space?                                             Organizations while in law school. I instantly became
                  As this is a highly competitive and regulated market,                           fascinated by the fast pace of the industry, specifically
                patients have access to many different options with regard to                     the administrative court litigation revolving around the
                providers, route of administration and delivery services within                   rule promulgation and licensing process. From there, I
                the state. This is only going to expand moving forward.                           started working with a group that was applying for a
                                                                                                  Medical Marijuana Treatment Center License, then grad-
                What motivates you to be a part of the                                            ually grew into working with groups on the hemp side
                Cannabis industry?                                                                and now do multi-state work on both the marijuana and
                  This industry is ever changing and moving extremely fast on   Paula Savchenko   hemp side.
                all fronts, especially from a legal perspective, which keeps
                working in the industry competitive and interesting.             Do you see Florida moving forward with recre-
                                                                                 ational Marijuana/Cannabis and how will that
                What field are you in within the Cannabis space                  affect your business?
                and how can people in Florida benefit from the                     Yes, I see Florida moving forward with recreational marijuana within the
                company you represent?                                           next five years. This will obviously significantly open up the market, mean-
                  I am an administrative law attorney at The Law Offices of Moffa, Sutton,   ing more players can get involved, which will in turn mean more work for
                & Donnini, P .A. We work with groups that are interested in getting involved   every ancillary business for the industry.
                in the cannabis space or are already involved in the cannabis space from an
                administrative law perspective. We handle the application process, adminis-
                trative litigation, and regulatory compliance aspects of the business.

                              Cannabis News Florida

                                      Hummer Wrap

                                         COURTESY OF

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