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Florida Hemp Council Launches

          The Florida Hemp Council (FLHC)                                     Florida and The Florida    created ( to share public docu-
        has been formed by representatives of                                 Hemp Council has been      ments and association news.
        industry leaders: Blue Moon Hemp,                                     formed to showcase and pro-  As a University of Miami graduate, Stevens received
        Blume Hemp, Evello Global, Evio Labs,                                 mote the ‘good actors’ in the   an endowment to start a study on medical marijuana
        GenCanna Global, Green Roads,                                         industry and assist the State in   policies across the United States. This expanded into
        Mission Lago Farms, Natural Life and                                  holding the ‘bad actors’   his work in his home state of Massachusetts on the
        Veritas Farms. The Florida Hemp                                       accountable.               state’s Medical Marijuana campaigns as well as becom-
        Council is a working group of farmers,                                  Hemp products can touch   ing a senior member with both United for Care and
        processors, manufacturers, wholesalers,                               lives in dozens of ways, from   Florida for Care, to help lead the 2014 and 2016 med-
        retailers and professionals dedicated to                              papers used to the plastics   ical cannabis constitutional amendment campaigns and
        the future production of all hemp prod-                               that are disposed. These prod-  implementation. He currently is serving in a dual role
        ucts.                                                                 ucts can create biodegradable   of executive director and director of business develop-
          According to newly appointed FLHC Executive    solutions that will save Florida landfills, forests and   ment at Kaycha Group that owns and operates EVIO
        Director Eric Stevens, the nonprofit’s mission is to work   oceans and, of course, hemp for food and CBD.   Labs Florida, ISO accredited cannabis testing labs and
        collectively toward creating an ecosystem that will cat-  “We want to have everyone from farmers to retailers   the MJ Buddy App, a cannabis/hemp research, efficacy
        apult the Florida Hemp industry and those who sup-  represented as this new economy is formed to discuss   and patient outcomes tool.
        port it to the forefront as the leader in Hemp produc-  best practices,” shared FLHC Vice President Jeff   News will soon be shared on the FLHC’s inaugural
        tion. The vision of the organization is to have all chan-  Greene, who added that FLHC leadership attended the   Hemp Conference in June/July 2020 in Fort Lauderdale
        nels of the state’s economic engine represented from   June rule-making sessions held by the Florida   and annual trade shows being produced for B2B FLHC
        farmers to retailers with everything represented in   Department of Agriculture and has retained Dean Mead   members in north and south Florida.
        between.                                         to represent the Council through the process.
          “This is truly a pivotal time for Hemp in Florida as   FLHC is sponsoring the next three workshops for the    To learn more about TFHC or how to become a
        we formally announce the establishment of this futurist   University of Florida/IFAS Industrial Hemp Workshop   member, visit to access membership
        association and its founding members of trailblazing   and Field Day with details featured at the website    documents, email
        leaders in the current market,” shared Stevens. “Hemp                         or call 1(833)-4FL-HEMP.
        is projected to become a multi-billion dollar industry in   Stevens reported that a preliminary website has been

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