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DADE COUNTY                                                          COLLIER COUNTY

                                  LifeCannMD                                                               Regenerative Institute
                                  Dr. Fernando Fandiño-Sende                                               of Medicine

                                                                                                           Heather Smith-Fernandez, MD
                                  LifeCannMD was founded by Dr. Fernando
                                  Fandiño‐Sende who is dedicated to the eval‐                              Regenerative Institute of Medicine focuses
                                  uation, education and treatment of Medical                               on regenerative and natural modalities to
                                  Marijuana patients. Dr. Sende is a Board‐                                restore function and provide relief from joint
                                  Certified Internal Medicine Doctor and                                   and spine conditions. We focus on preventa‐
             1063 SW 8th          Cardiologist with more than 30 years of med‐       2350 Vanderbilt       tive health and utilize holistic and integrative
             Street               ical experience. LifeCannMD aims to be the         Beach Rd, Suite       therapies to achieve an optimal state of
             Miami, FL 33130      alternative healthcare partner for all             302                   health for our patients. This may include
             (833) 543‐3226       patient's Medical Marijuana needs. The com‐        Naples, FL 34109      BHRT, IV therapies, neutraceuticals, proce‐
                                  passionate LifeCannMD staff provides a                                   dures with PRP or Orthobiologics. We utilize
                                                                                     (239) 513‐0055
                                  patient forward experience centered around                               cannabinoids for appropriate patients in this
                                  evidence‐based research on the medical ben‐                              model, with specific and customized recom‐
                                  efits of cannabis for qualifying medical condi‐                          mendations for each patient.

                                                                                                         Socrates Perez-Rodriguez MD, PA

                                                                                                         Socrates Perez, MD

                                                                                                         Dr. Socrates Perez is Board Certified in Internal
                                                                                                         Medicine. He did his residency at the Jersey
                                                                                                         City Medical Center and later became an
                                                                                                         attending physician at the Department of
                                                                                                         Medicine at New York Presbyterian Hospital.

                                                                                     870 111th Ave
                                                                                                         Our practice focuses on quickly and accurately
                                                                                                         diagnosing your symptoms so that we can cre‐
                                                                                     Naples, FL 34108
                                                                                                         ate any effective treatment regimen. Dr. Perez
                                                                                     (239) 331‐5114
                                                                                                         practices preventive medicine which means
                                                                                                         that he encourages routine physicals, cancer
                                                                                                         screening, medical testing and maintaining a
                                                                                                         healthy life style in order to reduce the risk of
                                                                                                         illness. Dr. Perez practices the most up‐to‐date
                                                                                                         diagnostic care including screening for genetic
                                                                                                         predisposition and modern screening labs for
                                                                                                         auto‐immune disorder. If you need to be
                                                                                                         referred to a specialist Dr. Perez will refer you
                                                                                                         to top physicians in our community.

                                                                                                         What set us apart from other practices in our
                                                                                                         community is that we are not under a multi‐
                                                                                                         specialty group or large HMO practices allow‐
                                                                                                         ing us to provide our patients with personal‐
                                                                                                         ized medical care. This allows us to spend more
                                                                                                         time on your individual needs establishing an
                                                                                                         efficient physician‐patient rapport.


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