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FLORIDA                                   CANNABIS
                                                                                HEMP                                      SPOTLIGHT:
                                                                                COUNCIL                                   Paula Savchenko. Esq.
                                                                                LAUNCHES                                  Law Offices of Moffa,
                                                                                                                          Sutton & Donnini, P.A.

                                                                                         page 39                                         page 37

                                         August 2019

                                       SR Construction Services

                                          Homefield Advantage

                 BY BARBARA R. FALLON                                      and construction statewide.
                                                                             According to Seddon, a two decades-long,
           When you meet someone with a passion                            robust network of longstanding relationships
         for his/her work there is often a compelling                      across a diverse landscape of disciplines that
         personal reason which contributes to success.                     include the tenant improvement market where
           So it is with Ryan Seddon, Principle of SR                      their   significant  experience  in   the
         Construction Services, a turnkey vertically-                      medical/health field creates an awareness of the
         integrated Florida general contractor with                        mutual issues that building for patients require.
         multiple statewide licenses offering synergy                        “In addition, SR Construction Services is
         with clients. As a third-generation contractor,                   unique in bringing our knowledge of Florida’s          Vijay S. Choksi
         Seddon initially had little intention of follow-                  cannabis legal parameters to the design and con-
         ing in the footsteps of his grandfather and                       struction table. For example, as a real estate
         dad, but when the ‘bug’ bit him in 1999 he                        identification source we are aware that strict  GrowHealthy:
         went into the construction field by starting                      zoning requirements result in a finite map of
         his own company and worked towards              Eric Rogers       available properties, often in need of major   Helping Patients
         obtaining his CGC, PCC, MRSA and MRSR                             repair. We take a partnership stance and promote
         Florida state licenses.                               transparency in evaluating costs involved to recognize and     Live Their
           Now, the success of this company’s investment in the   resolve existing condition issues for available properties.
         cannabis industry construction space is also driven by his per-  Repairing and rehabbing existing properties typically con-
         sonal experience. Witnessing a young family member’s medical   sumes the majority of construction schedule on individual   Best Life
         and surgical therapy struggles with cerebral palsy as compared   projects. We make value add decisions - together with our
         to the benefits derived from CBD oils as a treatment, boosts his   clients/partners – to quickly resolve and rehabilitate properties   BY DANIEL CASCIATO
         passion to bring single sourced expertise in cannabis dispensa-  to ensure the coveted smooth rollout that all existing and
         ry, agriculture, distribution and lab buildouts backed with   future Florida cannabis license holders demand,” he explained.   GrowHealthy, Florida-based vertical-
         SRCS’s invaluable experience in dispensary buildout design                                Continued on page 35  ly integrated operator, is dedicated to
                                                                                                                        helping its customers in South Florida
                                                                                                                        live healthier and happier lives through
                                                                                                                        its premium-quality cannabis products
           Medical Cannabis Just One Facet of Point Lumineux’s                                                          designed to provide relief from a host
                                                                                                                        of conditions and to promote general
                                   Holistic Approach to Health                                                          wellness.
                                                                                                                          Their mission is simple: to help you
                                                                                                                        live your best life. They deliver on that
                   BY VANESSA ORR                                         Dr. Timothy Hoffmeister, came on board,” said   promise by providing the highest-qual-
                                                                          Balderston. “He was an ob/gyn surgeon, but    ity, all-natural, cannabis-derived prod-
          While medical marijuana and cannabis                            wasn’t able to work because of a back injury. He   ucts to Florida’s medical cannabis
        products are starting to become more popu-                        had tried all of the conventional routes, includ-  patients. Its compassionate-care advo-
        lar in the U.S., their healing properties have                    ing surgery, cortisone shots, nerve blocks and   cates are champions of natural and
        long been known in Chinese medicine. So it                        more, but they didn’t work. Once he started   alternative  medicinal   healing.
        was no surprise when Dr. Sera Balderston, an                      using medical cannabis, in addition to acupunc-  GrowHealthy offers unmatched prod-
        acupuncturist who follows natural and holis-                      ture and the correct hormones, vitamins and   uct purity and safety, supported by
        tic philosophies, decided to add medical                          diet, his health greatly improved.”           ongoing research and education, with
        cannabis and CBD products to her practice.                          So did his personal life: Dr. Hoffmeister and   exceptional service.
          “As a Chinese medicine practitioner,                            Dr. Balderston are now married, and work in the   iAnthus Capital Holdings, Inc.
        cannabis made sense because it has been                           practice together. “I like to say that we met   ("iAnthus"), (IAN.CN) (ITHUF),
        used as a Chinese herb for thousands of                           because of cannabis,” she laughed.            owns, operates, and partners with best-
        years,” Dr. Balderston explained. “The fact is,                     Because of his unique experience, Dr.       in-class cannabis operations across the
        if Oriental medicine doctors had more lobby-   Dr. Sera Balderston   Hoffmeister is well-versed in medical cannabis,   United States, including GrowHealthy.
        ing money, we’d all be prescribing cannabis.”                     and takes the time to truly explain its risks and   As  GrowHealthy’s  Compliance
          In addition to providing acupuncture and cannabis recom-  rewards to patients. “He’s the type of physician that when you   Manager, Vijay S. Choksi oversees all
        mendations, Marijuana Doctor Now by Point Lumineux pro-  walk out of your appointment, you know what to get at the   GrowHealthy compliance operations
        motes the therapeutic properties of herbal and plant-based   dispensary,” said Dr. Balderston. “He can pinpoint the types of   throughout Florida.
        medicine, and includes vitamin therapy, hormonal therapy and   cannabinoids and terpenes needed for different conditions,   “We’ve curated a team of world-
        nutritional counseling as part of its services. Point Lumineux   and provides a really detailed explanation of what to look for,   renowned experts across key opera-
        also offers an aesthetic service line that includes facials,   even if they don’t have the specific strain he recommended.”   tional facets of the cannabis industry,
        CoolSculpting®, radiofrequency body contouring, laser hair   Patient education is at the forefront of Point Lumineux’s   with a focus on elevating Florida
        removal, skin tightening and more.                     mission, and in addition to speaking one-to-one with patients,   natives in the space,” says Choksi.
          “We first began offering cannabis when our medical director,   the practice also holds a monthly community education event   “Our state-of-the-art 240,000 sq. ft.
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