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                                                                                                                          Insurance for

                                                                                                                        Physicians and


                                                                                                                        It’s a common misconception that
                                                                                                                        legal marijuana dispensary insurance
                           BLUE MOON HEMP:                                                                              is very expensive and unattainable, but
                                                                                                                        it is actually very reasonably priced.
                                                                                                                        We can provide you with many types
                           An Innovator                                                                                 of comprehensive insurance coverage
                                                                                                                        which will help your business stay on
                                                                                                                        its feet should some type of calamity or
                                                                                                                        unfortunate event arise.
               As the Founder of BMH Ventures, Inc.—a family of brands that includes Blue Moon
             Hemp, Swiss Relief, Physician’s Choice, and Blue Bayou Hemp — it is my great pleasure                          • General Liability
             and honor to have this forum to tell you more about our products. BMH was conceived in                         • Property Protection
             2015 and began operations in 2016, which qualifies us as a pioneer in the industry.                            • Medicine Coverage
               It has been an interesting journey to watch the evolution of CBD; from its starburst with                    • Business Income
             Charlotte Figi, who went from 300 Grand Mal seizures a month to virtually zero and was                         • Extra Expense Insurance
             the genesis for Charlotte’s Web. From that epicenter, CBD has grown in popularity because                      • Product Liability
             of its efficacy – It Works! There is so much publicity and information which is now being   BY CHRISTOPHER D.
             published about CBD, much of which can be confusing to the public. The FDA and FTC   COWART                Danna-Gracey is the leading indepen-
             have been very clear that manufacturers and retailers cannot make any medical claims, nor                  dent medical malpractice insurance
                                                                                                                        agency in Florida, and the top agency
             do we. But CBD does work in balancing your EdnoCannibinoid System (ECS). Just as your Central Nervous System            for several of the lead-
             (CNS) regulates your respiratory and circulatory, the ECS regulates your neuropathy. When CBD is introduced into the    ing insurers in Florida.
             body, it serves as a physiological agent to improve the efficiency of the ECS. That means you are “In Balance” and thus   For more information
             functioning more as nature intended. The community and their stories are the best endorsement for CBD.                  contact Jessica Hoehn
               BMH is pleased to announce that we are now a charter member of the Florida Hemp Council ( The FLHC        of Danna-Gracey at
             will help shape public policy regarding the Hemp Industry in Florida. Although all our products are sourced from ‘seed-  888.496.0059.
             to-bottle' through a single vendor in Kentucky, we are headquartered here in Pompano Beach, Florida. As a responsible
             CBD vendor and provider, we strive to be stewards within this industry, helping educate consumers and working to pro-
             vide better access to quality CBD products.

                                                          To learn more, please visit us at or
                                                                                                                       888.496.0059 •

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