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ST. LUCIE  COUNTY                                                       ORANGE COUNTY

                                  Medicus Cannabus                                                        IMS Medical Solutions
                                  James O. Hill II, DO                                                    Kyron C. Tamar, MD, FACS

                                  James O. Hill II, DO, of Medicus Cannabus                               Dr. Kryon Tamar has over 30 years of experi‐
                                  in Port St Lucie, Florida, is a specialist in                           ence delivering competent and compassion‐
                                  osteopathic medicine, board‐certified                                   ate care, as a Board Certified Surgeon.
                                  emergency physician, and an expert in the                               Listening to the patient and establishing trust
                                  benefits of medical cannabis. With a back‐                              is the foundation of the physician‐patient

           10870 South US         ground in the military and in addiction            2441 S. Hiawassee    relationship. The partnerships formed leads
                                                                                                          to the best approach in achieving wellness,
           Hwy 1                  treatment, Dr. Hill brings invaluable expe‐        Rd                   using medical cannabis and other integrative
           Port St. Lucie, FL     rience, specialized training, and a compas‐        Orlando, FL 32835    approaches. As a physician, Dr. Tamar under‐
           34997                  sionate attitude to every patient he               (407) 598‐0876       stands that quality of life is what’s most
           (954) 895‐8062         treats.
                                                                                                          important. The benefits of medical cannabis
                                                                         in achieving wellness is surpassed only by the
                                                                                                          still unknown possibilities.


                            SARASOTA COUNTY                                                         PALM BEACH COUNTY

                                     Compassionate Cannabis

                                     Clinic ‐ Venice                                                     MedClub Medical Marijuana
                                     Barry Gordon, MD,                                                   Jennifer Gutthrie, MD (Dr. Jenn)
                                     and Heather Auld, MD
                                                                                                         Dr. Jenn and her staff are some of the original
                                     Compassionate Cannabis Clinic ‐ Venice, a                           OMMU doctors and one of the first to pre‐
                                     medical marijuana clinic, is a revolution‐                          scribe smokable flower most recently in the
                                     ary medical practice that serves patients                           State of Florida. She has practiced functional
                                     suffering with chronic and debilitating ill‐                        and private concierge medicine in the Palm
                                     nesses. Our goal is a simple one. We pro‐      333 Southern         Beaches since 2014. Dr. Jenn has been fea‐
           425 Commercial            vide a greater level of service to our         Blvd. Suite 404      tured on Vice News, Local TV and Radio, and
           Ct, Ste C                 patients, so they achieve a better stan‐       West Palm Beach,     multiple podcasts. MedClub works hard to be
           Venice, FL 34292          dard of wellness. And patients use a more      FL 33405             an industry leader while staying affordable to
           (941) 586‐2426            natural substance to achieve a higher          (833)‐FL‐GREEN       everyone.
                                     level of quality of life. Our three tenets     (833‐354‐7336)
                                     are to provide a superior level of care,                  
                                     education and advocacy for our patients.
                                     We believe in the use of medical cannabis
                                     and its derivatives as a successful thera‐
                                     peutic device.


                             Cannabis News Florida

                                     Hummer Wrap

                                         COURTESY OF

        Cannabis News Florida                                                                                                                               August 2019                          41
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