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Recruitment and Retention… Recruitment and Retention…

                                               Industry and Market Trends Impact

          As we enter 2020, a new                         assessing organizations   nurse at 56 years,” Hatcher said. “This   previous generations – to stay and estab-
        decade of healthcare innova-                      based upon their digital   demands our attention, as much of our   lish a lifelong career at Broward Health,”
        tions and trends emerge.                          presence. It’s imperative   clinical workforce will be retiring in the   said O’Brien.
        New technologies, research                        to promote your organi-  coming years. And we must be support-  Jean Seaver, associate vice president of
        and strategies will influence                     zation and actively man-  ive of career development and flexible   learning and development at Broward
        not only the care of patients,                    age your online reputa-  with our employee partners.”       Health, said the system is very engaged
        but also the healthcare                           tion to encourage candi-  Due to the transient nature of South   in ongoing learning opportunities, as
        workforce. This ultimately                        dates to join – and stay –   Florida, there can also be turnover as   well as student affiliation agreements
        impacts the recruitment and                       with your system.”      caregivers and management exit the   with local academic centers.
        retention of top talent –                           These tactics, while   region. And while in the past, manage-  “Student affiliations are a key compo-
        both clinical and non-clini-                      not unique to health-   ment and clinical positions could be   nent to our workforce development
        cal. To match the evolving                        care, are imperative in a   filled by professionals from out of state,   plans,” said Seaver. “These affiliations
        healthcare    workplace,                          market as competitive as   O’Brien said, it has become more chal-  enable students to gain practical experi-
        Broward Health’s human          Eileen O’Brien    South   Florida,  said  lenging to relocate people south for   ence within our hospitals and ensure the
        resources leaders are evalu-                      Melanie Hatcher, senior   career opportunities due to South   next generation of caregivers is wel-
        ating factors and measures                        vice president, chief   Florida’s rising housing costs and overall   comed into our system and want to
        to manage South Florida’s changing envi-  human resources officer at Broward   costs of living.               remain a part of the Broward Health fam-
        ronment.                             Health. “Florida already has a shortage of   To counter these issues, Broward   ily.”
          Broward Health has quickly adapted to   seasoned licensed professionals in the   Health uses a multi-prong approach to   Ultimately, retention of top talent will
        the digital climate and no longer relies   areas of critical care, emergency, surgical   attract and retain a diverse group of top   often be dependent on culture, said
        on traditional methodologies. The sys-  services and management, and to com-  talent by ensuring compensation meets   Hatcher. “We are unique from other
        tem recognized early on that new strate-  pound the issue, each health system is   market values and benefits, incentivizing   industries because of our mission. We
        gies to recruit talent, digital assets must   competing for that same talent pool.”    through affiliations and educational   want people who have compassion and
        be used.                               Hatcher added that recruiting and   opportunities to enable career growth,   connect with our purpose to provide the
          “Social media and referrals are key to   retaining talent is also becoming more   and by creating a passionate environ-  highest quality care to all those we serve.
        recruitment,” said Eileen O’Brien, associ-  dynamic due to the area’s aging work-  ment of caring.            We must find and build career-spanning
        ate vice president of talent acquisition at   force.                       “We are actively researching what will   relationships with our employee partners
        Broward Health. “Glassdoor, LinkedIn   “According to the Florida Center for   influence millennials – who in some   who share our vision and want to live a
        and Facebook are key drivers for recruit-  Nursing, the average age for the Florida   instances have been documented to   career with purpose. At Broward Health,
        ment. Caregivers and executives are   nurse is 49 years old with the average OR   change employers more frequently than   it’s not just a job; it’s a calling.”

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        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                             January 2020                          15
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