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Publisher’s Note
           A Special Thank You                   Publisher’s Note

             to the December                          “Reports of My Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated”

            2020 Hosts of the                                                                                       -Samuel Clemens aka Mark Twain

               South Florida                    The year 2019 was a time of change and challenges for  South
                                              Florida Hospital News & Healthcare Report. While we continued to                   Think Print is Dead?
                 Healthcare                   grow our original publication, websites and social medium plat-                    THINK
                                              forms, we also welcomed Cannabis News Florida as an important
                                              permanent addition (even if it did take several tries to get the
            Networking Group                  reverse pages and page numbers to make sense.) But despite these                     AGAIN!
                                              initial growing pains, Cannabis News Florida in print and online
                                              has become an important part of our company and the Florida med-
                                              ical cannabis and healthcare community. Who said, “Print is dead?”
                                                While many might perceive print as antiquated, print can truly
                                              captivate readers. What does print offer that digital doesn’t? Aside
                                              from the tactile experience, with print, you have an uninterrupted
                 CLEVELAND                    reading experience. There are no distractions, pop-ups, auto-videos,
              CLINIC WESTON                   or notifications. Just think about it, how many times have you been reading something on your phone or iPad and your mind
                                              veers off to something else on your screen? Even more frustrating, how many times have you tried to find something online
                & BROWARD                     to finish reading when it seems to have completely disappeared? And based on my experience, print has a 100 percent open
              HEALTH NORTH                      Carol is probably our company’s biggest cheerleader for “Print.” A voracious reader, routinely juggling 3 or 4 print and e-
              For information about           books, an audiobook and daily print and online newspapers, she has always maintained her full attention is only fully oriented
                                                            to specific content when it’s engaged with print.
               our next meeting of                              And to our advertising partners, print marketing also is alive and well for those very same reasons. Print
                     SFHNG,                                    allows the reader greater engagement with your brand, especially through the value-added benefit of con-
                                                                tent marketing, since the reader is more likely to be impacted by it and consequently remember it long
                    please email                                term. And here’s another important reminder from what many of you have termed “Mr. Networker,”

                     charles@                                   never, ever discount the importance of networking and connecting with the professional and personal
                                                              community around us. While it may take weeks, months or in many cases years to see a ROI, take it from
                            me it does eventually pay off. A good turn today can be your golden ticket in the future.
                                                                      Well, that’s my diatribe for the cusp of 2019/2020. Let’s all start 2020 with good
                                                                     wishes, good health and positive attitudes. And most importantly,  don’t forget to go
                                                                     the extra mile for those who walk beside you.
                                                                                                                              Charles Felix

                                                     You can reach Charles Felix at


             practice medicine

              There’s a reason you became a doctor. A calling. A purpose.  A need

              to fi ll your life with meaning--and help your fellow man. There’s a
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         2                         January 2020                                                                                                                       South Florida Hospital News
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