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The Evolution                                                                                                   SPECIAL  C ONTENT

               of Clinical Trials

               at Sylvester Comprehensive Canceer Center

               BY DIANA GONZALEZ

                        hen new cancer treatments show prom-  Every year thousands of ppatients enroll in clin-  with the develop-
                                                                                                        ment of immuno
                        ise in the laboratoryy,, they move into the   ical trials at NCI-designatted cancer centers like  ment of immuno-
                                                                                 ted cancer centers like
               Wcareful evaluation of how they work in      Sylvester. Being part of th hat network of 71 cen-  therapies and hold
                patients, called Phase 1 Clinical Tr        ters nationwide means gre eater access to more in-  more promise.
                                           Trials. Sylvester
                Comprehensive Cancer Center, the only cancer   vestigational treatments.
                center in South Florida to earn National Cancer                                         “This is a very ex-
                Institute (NCI) designation, also has the only   “With NCI designation, we e are able to bring new   citing moment in
                Phase 1 Clinical Tr                         opportunities in the form of clinical trials in re-  cancer research, es-
                              Trial program in the region.
                                                            gards to new agents, new d drugs that will be able   pecially in Phase 1
                                                            WR       EHQH¿W PRUH                                                                DQQ                                    G PRUH                 D SDWLHQWV ´ VDLG -DLPH         W                                                   research, where we
                                                            Merchan, M.D., director o of Phase 1 Clinical Trri-  are actually seeing
                                                            als at Sylvester.                                  QW   QW     VLJQL¿FDQW EHQHILLW    VLJQL¿FDQW EHQHILLW     I    I
                                                            als at Sylvester.
                                                                                                        in  many  of our pa-
                                                            Luis Martinez participated in a Phase 1 trial at   tients. Five or ten
                                                            Sylvester. “Research, as we understand it here,   years ago the main
                                                            is very careful investigation. So when you come   objective of a Phase 1 Clinical  T Trrial was to see
                                                            into a clinical trial, you’re really under a lot of   how safe a drug was,” said Dr. M
                                                            very special care,” said Martinez.
                                                                                                        Raymond Mathews  is currentl ly enrolled in a
                                                            Sylvester’s Phase 1 Clinical Tr             clinical  trial.  His stage 4 kidn
                                                                                    Trials research clin-
                                                                                                                                   ney cancer  had
                                                            ic makes it possible for cancer specialists and   spread to his liver, but he is now
                                                                                                                                  w in remission.
                                                            research support staffff to provide specialized care
                                                            in one location for study participants.     “As a patient, you don’t know if f the treatment is
                                                                                                        going to have  any side effffects.  I basically have
                                                           “This is a space that we have developed that is   no side effffects. I take it at the  same time each
                                                            fully and exclusively dedicated to conduct clin-  day and it’s paid  offff for me,” s said Mathews. “I
                                                            ical research with patients with advanced can-  probably wouldn’t be here today
                                                                                                                                   y if I wasn’t part
                                                            cerr,,” explained Dr. Merchan. “All personnel are   of the study.”
                                                            WUDLQ     HG LQ VSHFL¿F SURWRFRO JXLGHOLQHV  IRROORZ                                                                                                                                      I
                                                                                                                                   hat there have al-
                                                            safety procedures, and provide the special sup-  While Dr. Merchan points out th
               “WWee have a very important responsibility to our   port that patients require.”         ways been “exceptional respond ers,” he is seeing
                                                                                                                                   ants with impres-
                communityy,, which is to have therapies avail-                                          more and more Phase 1 participa

                                                                                                                                   ational therapies.
                                      h i ii i l
                able for patients when their initial treatment   ,Q                      VRPH                                          FDVHV  6\O   YHVWHU                                                                                     LV WKH ¿UVW FHQ                                                             WHU LQ   sive responses to these investiga
                doesn’t work,” said Sylvester director Stephen                       the world to evaluate these investigational treat-  It is no longer considered only a a last resort.
                D. Nimer, M.D.                              ments, which have evolved in the last decade
                                                                                                        “There will be more and more Ph
                                                                                                                                   hase 1 trials that
                                                                                                        will not be only for patients at th
                                                                                                                                  he end of the line
                                                                                                        of their treatment, but can be o
                                                                                                                                  offffered at earlier
                                                                                                        stages,” Dr. Merchan said.
                                                                                                            S ylv es t er C ompr ehensiv e Canc er
                                                                                                            C ent er is South Florida’ ’ s only
                                                                                                            NCI-designa  t ed canc er c ent er
                                                                                                            and serv es pa tients fr om se v en
                                                                                                                                   m se
                                                                                                            loca tions:  Miami, C or al G ables,
                                                                                                            K endall, Holly w ood, Deerfield
                                                                                                            Beach, Planta tion, and C or al
                                                                                                            Springs. A v entur a loca tion t o
                                                                                                            open early 20 20 .  T o sc
                                                                                                                                  chedule a
                                                                                                            c onsulta tion a t a loca tion near
                                                                                                                                   on near
                                                                                                                                   E (46
                                                                                                            y ou, call  844- 32 4-HOPE (46 7 3)
                                                                                                            or visit  S ylv es t er . or g.

        South Florida Hospital News                                                                                                             January 2020                            3
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