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Cover Story: Ged Lawyers: Helping Providers Recover Millions of Dollars in PIP Benefits

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        performing revenue stream for hospitals.    sure they capture the necessary informa-  was unpaid,” says Ged. “This hurts cash   benefits under the No-Fault Law. At this
                                             tion.”                               flow and exposes the provider to    point in the process, the Statutory
        Collecting PIP Benefits                Next, they will assist the provider by   exhausting the medical benefits that are   Demand letter is sent to the insurance
        for Providers                        seamlessly gathering all the necessary   available.”                     carrier. If necessary, Ged says they will
          The law firm can help providers    records, including:                                                      file a lawsuit to collect overdue benefits
        become more proactive in collecting PIP   • Assignment of Benefits (AOB)   Conducting Retrospective Audits    and litigate through final judgment.
        benefits in several ways, first by educat-  • Explanation of Benefits (EOB) and   of Unpaid PIP Claims          For one hospital system in Florida,
        ing and training the provider’s admis-  Billing Ledger                     In addition to recovering this lost rev-  Ged and his team were able to collect
        sions staff. They will review the intake   • Auto Insurance Information   enue for current claims, Ged says they   over $2.8 million. They deployed mobile
        forms to ensure the provider is capturing   Sometimes the carrier will deny claims   can also help with the recovery of forgot-  scanner vehicles and an audit team to
        all necessary information.           based on the following:              ten PIP receivable accounts through a   scan over 10,000 boxes of medical and
          “Hospitals are missing a significant   • Reduced according to an alleged   retrospective audit.             billing records. They also helped an
        stream of revenue under the No-Fault   usual and customary charge or based   “Under the Florida statute, we can go   imaging center in Florida collect over
        Law because they are not asking the right   upon geographic region        back five years and audit these unpaid   $3.7 million using the same method.
        questions on the intake forms,” says Ged.   • Denied based upon an IME cut–off   bills because the claim is based on a   What distinguishes the law firm from
        “This is a simple fix.”                • Denied for failure to appear at a EUO   breach  of  contract,”  says  Ged.  others in regards to recovering PIP
          Some providers only ask if the injured   • Denied based upon an alleged mate-  “Sometimes, we can go in and find hun-  claims is that they have a dedicated team
        patient owns a vehicle. If the patient   rial misrepresentation           dreds of millions of dollars for clients.”   solely focused on PIP.
        answers no, they could still be covered   • Paid at 200% of Federal Medicare   This retrospective audit is relatively   “Many people try to do this type of
        under the No-Fault Law if they were a   Fee Schedule or Florida Workers   simple. The healthcare provider author-  work for providers, but they don’t have
        passenger in the vehicle, live with a rela-  Compensation Fee Schedule    izes access to the Ged Lawyers’ audit   specialists as we do,” says Ged. “Our staff
        tive who owns a vehicle in Florida, or   If they do not pay within 30 days, Ged   team for their PIP billing cases. If the   of lawyers who handles these claims used
        was a pedestrian. But some intake forms   Lawyers will send a Statutory Demand   records have not been electronically pro-  to work for insurance companies. We
        do not ask these other questions mean-  letter on behalf of the providers giving   vided, then the audit team will have the   make the process seamless and take the
        ing that the provider can lose out on   the carriers another 30 days to pay. As a   files delivered to the law firm’s 85,000 sq.   burden off hospital employees who can
        $10,000.                             result, Ged says about 80 percent of the   ft. offsite facility and deploy mobile scan-  focus on other things.”
          “If you have 100 patients come     time; the bill gets paid.            ner vehicles to scan the files. The audit
        through, that’s one million dollars of lost   “Providers lose revenue as well   process begins by indexing each case and       For more information,
        revenue,” adds Ged. “We offer a free   because they were not sending a    applying its internal algorithm. Through          visit
        evaluation of their intake forms to make   Statutory Demand letter when the bill   this process, they can identify overdue


                                                                                               Visit us online at
                   UM-NSU CARD Launches
               Free Early ASD Screening and

                   Parent Coaching Program

            With one in 59 children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD),
          research buttresses the fact that early identification and family support have long-
          term, positive benefits for children.
            Now parents in South Florida have a new resource to help them screen toddlers
          from 12 to 24 months old, for developmental delays and may also be eligible to par-
          ticipate in a national research program aimed at closing the gap between early iden-
          tification of ASD and access to early intervention programs.
            “With small children, pediatricians and parents often take a wait and see
          approach,” says Dr. Michael Alessandri executive director of the University of
          Miami - Nova Southeastern University Center for Autism and Related Disabilities
          (UM-NSU CARD). “But what ends up happening is that some kids fall through the
          cracks. They are either misdiagnosed or diagnosed later, which research shows often
          results in longer and more intensive intervention. But that’s not necessary, because
          we have the researched-backed tools that allow us to screen for early signs of ASD.”
            Funded by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
          (NICHD) and developed by UM-NSU CARD along with Florida State University,
          Boston University, and the University of Massachusetts Boston, UM-NSU CARD has
          launched the ACTION Network program to close this gap.
            The ACTION Network, which stands for Autism Adaptive Community-based
          Treatment to Improve Outcomes using Navigators – provides parents with the
          coaching and skills they need to support their child’s development. Once enrolled
          in the research program, specially trained family navigators meet with parents in
          their home, up to two times per week for six months, to learn new ways to help
          their child develop social interaction, language and play skills, and manage chal-
          lenging behavior. These home-based parent-coaching style interventions are tai-
          lored to daily activities, routines, and problem solving on issues important to the
          individual family. The program is offered in English, Spanish and Creole in the tri-
          county area at no charge.
            “We don’t have to wait until children enter school or are sidelined in their devel-
          opment to give them the help they need,” Alessandri added. Families and health
          care providers can access the free initial screening tool for communication delays
          online    at    the     My     First   Words     Project    website,

            “We are excited to be able to offer this tool and assistance to families and physi-
          cians, which will allow many more families to access much-needed evidence-based
          early interventions and related resources,” says Alessandri.

                 To learn more visit parents and doctors can also contact the research program
                                directly at or call (305) 284-6894.

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