Page 1 - Feb 2020 Cannabis News Florida Newspaper
P. 1

SPOTLIGHT:                                             PAYMASTER:
                                                                   Brit Francis                                           Deductible Payroll
                                                                   The Canna Academy                                      Expenses for
                                                                                                                          Cannabis Businesses

                                                                                    page 44                                                 page 45

                                         February 2020

                                         2019 Cannabis Business Award’s Publication of the Year

                                                         ACCC’s Spring Congress

                                                       to Provide Equal Education

                                                       on CBD, Medical Cannabis

                                                  BY VANESSA ORR

                                              The use of CBD and medical
                                             cannabis products is booming;
                                             in fact, 57 percent of patients 55
                     Marc Egort              years old and older have used                                                        Shamaya Chah
                                             CBD or marijuana for medical
          Federal Taxation                   reasons, and interest continues
                                             to grow. Yet for many physicians                                          Global Advanced
             of Cannabis –                   and allied healthcare profession-                                                Botanicals
                                             als, this is still an untapped area,
             An Overview                     mainly because of a lack of tar-  Dr. Mark Hashim   Dr. Michelle Weiner
                                             geted information on how to use
                                             these substances in their practices.                                              BY SHAMAYA CHAH
               BY MARC EGORT, CPA             On March 14-15, 2020, the American College of CBD & Cannabis (ACCC) will
                                             present its first annual Spring Congress in Orlando, FL, targeted to helping practi-  In this ever-growing cannabis indus-
          In 1982, Congress enacted Internal   tioners learn more about the medical benefits of cannabidiol (CBD) and medicinal   try, how do you know what you are get-
        Revenue Code Section 280E, which     cannabis. Unlike similar conferences, the Spring Congress will provide an opportu-  ting. There are so many new companies
        states:                              nity to learn more about CBD and medical cannabis equally.                popping up and flooding the market
          “No deduction or credit shall be    “We are really excited about this event because while most conferences are focused   with products that all look the same and
        allowed for any amount paid or incurred   on medical cannabis and only provide about an hour of information on CBD, we’re   all say theirs is the best.
        during the taxable year in carrying on                                                    Continued on page 42   As the researcher and developer of
        any trade or business if such trade or                                                                         products for our company, Global
        business (or the activities which com-                                                                         Advanced Botanicals, I am always ques-
        prise such trade or business) consists of   FastFingerprints - Serving Florida                                 tioning where the products are sourced
        the trafficking in controlled substances                                                                       from, extraction method, are plants from
        (within the meaning of schedule I and II                                                                       seedlings or clones, and what are their
        of the Controlled Substances Act) which     with Dependable Level 2 Live                                       agricultural practices.
        is prohibited by Federal law or the law of                                                                       We make a point of visiting the farms
        any State in which such trade or busi-          Scan Background Checks                                         and labs where our product is sourced
        ness is conducted.”                                                                                            from during harvest time. This allows
          Based on the constraints placed on    BY DANIEL CASCIATO                                                     me to eyeball the health quality of the
        businesses in the cannabis industry by                                                                         plants and proof of pesticide use.
        Section 280E, a major objective of such   Looking for help with your live                                        Our business directive is to make sure
        businesses is to capitalize as much of   scan and fingerprint background                                       that the product is something we would
        their costs as possible in arriving at cost   check needs? FastFingerprints is                                 give to our family members and loved
        of goods sold. Generally, businesses look   your one-stop shop for the state                                   ones. Our GAB Elite line checks off all
        to the provisions of Internal Revenue   of Florida and nationwide.                                             the boxes.
        Code Section 263A for guidance regard-  With  40  FastFingerprints                                               GAB Elite tinctures are sourced from
        ing cost capitalization.  Unfortunately,   Florida locations, the company                                      seedlings and grown in Oregon. The
        the provisions of Section 263A are not   provides a reliable network of live                                   farm is pesticide free and uses organic
        available to businesses in the cannabis   scan providers that can capture                                      farming practices. Our Elite tinctures
        industry.  Instead, businesses in the   fingerprints for a Florida Level 2    Jade Perez      Lisa Kirk        use 4 different strains of hemp and are
        cannabis industry must look to Internal   background check electronically                                      combined into a single tincture. This
        Revenue Code Section 471 for guidance.   (with or without AHCA photo) and transmit the data direct-            results in an extraordinary combination
          Regulation Section 1.471-3(b) states   ly to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE).               of the cannabinoid and terpene profiles.
        that, generally, only the cost of the mer-  FastFingerprints has been in the South Florida market                Our Elite tinctures are ethanol
        chandise purchased, net of any trade or   since 2011, but has been in the biometric software industry          extracted and naturally winterized.
        other discounts, plus any freight in and   and processing fingerprints since 1999. Including Florida,          Winter ization means that all the fats and
        any other cost incurred in acquiring the   they now have over 200 locations nationwide.                        plant matter are removed, allowing for
        goods and preparing them for sale, are   “In this capacity we can fulfill the background check needs           maximum bioavailability.
        includible in inventory.             of a host of industries including, but not limited to, Medical              We are in constant communication
          Due to the constraints placed on busi-  Marijuana, Compassionate Care, Insurance, Home Health,               with the physicians and their patients
        nesses in the cannabis industry by                                                                             using our products. We are always told
                                             Hospice, Massage Therapy, and Nursing,” says Jade Perez,
                         Continued on page 41
                                                                            Continued on page 37   Nick McCleese                       Continued on page 40
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