Page 8 - Feb 2020 Cannabis News Florida Newspaper
P. 8
New Rules Take Effect
for All Hemp Products Sold in
Florida and What to Expect in 2020
Although there have been Florida stat- must also clearly label the total number Then there is a new issue as products USDA rules, we expect to see some
ues in place regarding the requirements of milligrams of “hemp extract” in the previously using GRAS certified hemp changes there soon also. Separately com-
for hemp and CBD products for months container. It must also state an expira- products like seeds at your local Winn panies need to be wary of federal restric-
now, enforcement began in January. tion date, serving size and even though it Dixie or Whole Foods did not need all of tions as the FDA continues to issue
Inspectors have a wide array of new is not a dry product it must contain a these same label rules but in Florida warnings to businesses. These include
things to look for and stores were given statement that “this product does not until a bill passes, that is currently being not making medical claims on your web-
an initial 30 days to comply before being contain more than .3% Tetra- the rule required by FDACS. If the bill site and a host of other guidance. Make
reinspected and having these products hydrocannabinol on a dry weight basis.” filed in the Florida House passes by sure to become a member of the Florida
pulled. However this deadline will be Any of these can be reasons for a non- March, some of this may change again Hemp Council to make sure you stay up
extended slightly from what we have compliant product to be pulled, and they slightly but for now the rules are the to date with all the latest compliance
heard. That is why you need to make are also starting to test products for con- rules. There is also language to clarify news and get our helpful FLHC compli-
sure you stay informed. Non-retailers tamination. It is not the time to wait for the seed rules and more. ance checklists, State Labeling differ-
also began their inspections too, and we the enforcement, the time is NOW! There have been rumblings in ences, FLHC Member FAQ’s and FDA
expect the cultivation rules to come out Many states around the country have Tallahassee that legislators may try to hold Summaries to help prepare before so you
very soon. been setting up their programs and to out on doing anything that would help can cut down your potential legal costs,
Unless there is a policy or statute make things more complicated, they hemp farmers as it could be seen to bene- ramifications and bad news stories in the
changes sometime in the next 2 months aren’t all going to be the same at this fit the sole democrat in office, but they future.
while the legislature meets, the follow- point and they may all need different would be helping Florida's farmers not the All of these things may change as the
ing will continue to be required in labels. This can add a cost and time bur- Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried. legislature meets these next two months
Florida. One must clearly have the name den, but they want to make sure we have Would they really trade Florida's agricul- and we have regular calls and emails to
of the product, a website for the compa- safe products, correctly labeled. There is tural future and suffering farmers over a keep people informed.
ny and also a scannable QR code that also some disagreement on the labeling gas pump sticker? You can't just use that
can take them to the certificate of analy- of hemp as a food versus a dietary sup- as a logical reason to not do anything for
sis proving that the product has under- plement, and we expect more clarity on Florida agriculture or Hemp ‘s future. Find out more at
gone the required testing to be sold. You that soon. With comments closing on the initial
Back Cover Story: Federal Taxation
of Cannabis – An Overview
Continued from Back Page
Internal Revenue Code Section 280E and Section 471, it is of the utmost importance
that such businesses seek the guidance of tax professionals with expertise in these
matters who can assist their clients to best navigate this challenging terrain.
Marc Egort, CPA, P.A., can be reached at (754) 301-2183 or
Cannabis News Florida February 2020 41