Page 12 - Feb 2020 Cannabis News Florida Newspaper
P. 12
Back Cover Story: FastFingerprints - Serving Florida with Dependable
Level 2 Live Scan Background Checks
Continued from back page. list, county/state/federal checks, and name this mission, and are known as the compa- In the long term, FastFingerprints is
who works out of the company’s corporate checks. This information can also be ny that answers the phone with a live per- continually looking to keep customer
office in Tampa. In addition, its Florida found online at https://www.fastfinger- son, so that customers don’t need to go service at its forefront as they continue to
locations also offer customers the ability to into voicemail,” she says. “We always seek grow in Florida and beyond.
have their fingerprints put on cards services.html to bring a level of humanity and profes- “We believe that no fingerprint livescan
(Fingerprint Cards). FastFingerprints is 100% woman- sionalism to our customers, while they are company can match our commitment to
For companies looking to have services owned and was established in 1999. The on their journey.” the customer, and this is news too good to
brought to their location, FastFingerprints owners saw a need in the fingerprint back- While it might seem easier in theory to keep to ourselves,” says McCleese.
provides a Mobile Service at no extra ground check industry, and an opportuni- handle background checks in-house, most In the short term, FastFingerprints is
charge. ty to make the background check process HR departments are already swamped, focused on adapting to the ever-changing
“This has been a huge component of our for nursing students, real estate students, which is why it may make sense for your background check requirements of the
business, as our customers seek to make and potential insurance agents much easi- organization to outsource this work. industries it serves. Currently, it is the
the background check process easier for er. The company grew from there to “FastFingerprints has been in the finger- Florida Medical Marijuana industry that is
their applicants,” says Lisa Kirk, the com- include countless other industries. print background check industry for over requiring a great deal of attention, as peo-
pany’s Florida Regional Representative What distinguishes FastFingerprints 20 years and can truly help make the ple seek to become involved in one way or
who manages all FastFingerprints loca- from others that offer similar background process bearable for the already over- another.
tions in the state of Florida. “We usually check services is its customer service, worked HR department, or for anyone We are here to help, and we want any-
require a minimum of 20 applicants for a notes Nick McCleese, the South Florida providing part-time HR services,” says one in need of a fingerprint level 2 back-
mobile appointment, and can support Sales Representative for FastFingerprints. Perez. “Because of our longevity in this ground check to give FastFingerprints a
groups as large as 500.” McCleese is responsible for marketing, industry, we consider ourselves to have a try,” says Perez. “They will be pleasantly
Lastly, for applicants seeking a Florida generating sales, and tapping into new level of expertise that can really come in surprised!”
fingerprint background check, who may markets in the South Florida region. handy in this day and age of compliance.
not currently be in the state of Florida, “FastFingerprints is here for the cus- You can trust that FastFingerprints will For more information, visit
they offer a: tomer and we have made it our corner- know state and federal requirements to, or call
• National network of fingerprint live stone,” he says. “All of our locations ensure that background checks are done (813) 437-6540 for questions.
scan providers that can process electronic accept walk-in customers to make it easy correctly and efficiently.
Florida level 2 background checks. for the busy lives of our customers. Online
• Card scanning option that allows for scheduling and payment is another option
customers to submit fingerprint cards to for our customers if that is what they pre-
its corporate office for scanning into the fer.”
FDLE, for their background check. Kirk adds that they also acknowledge
As the final option, FastFingerprints that the main reason for a background
offers public database searches for cus- check is for licensing or employment—
tomers seeking to do non-fingerprint customers seeking to move on to the next
background checks including, but not lim- phase of their life.
ited to, social security check, global watch “To that end, we try to help them with
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