Page 7 - Feb 2020 Cannabis News Florida Newspaper
P. 7
Back Cover Story: ACCC’s Spring Congress
to Provide Equal Education on CBD, Medical Cannabis
Continued from page 47 from the Intervention Pain Institute of December of 2016, he was invited to “We have brought the best and bright-
taking a 50-50 approach in order to fill West Florida and The Herbal Clinic, and speak as the sole physician to the Florida est to the Spring Congress, so that we can
everyone’s thirst for knowledge,” said Michelle Weiner, DO, a double board- Senate Health Committee and provide help every different type of clinical prac-
Jordan Desnick, founder of the American certified physician in interventional pain his expertise and advice on recommenda- tice,” said Desnick, adding that a wide
College of CBD & Cannabis. “Our physi- management and physical medicine & tions to create the statute for range of practice groups, including
cian presenters will be providing real-life rehabilitation from Spine and Wellness Amendment 2 and ways to improve the pathologists, chiropractors and more,
examples of how they incorporate CBD Centers of America. registry site for the state of Florida. have registered for the conference.
and medical cannabis into their own According to Desnick, Dr. Hashim is Dr. Michelle Weiner is the chair of the Up to 14 CME credits are available to
practices.” regarded by his colleagues and clients as Florida Medical Marijuana Advisory attendees, who will also have the oppor-
According to Desnick, physicians are the leader in the Florida medical mari- Committee and founder of the tunity to visit the Exhibit Hall, directly
often uncomfortable prescribing CBD juana industry and is considered a pio- Cannabinoid Health Institute. Known as next to the session rooms, to learn more
and cannabis because they don’t have the neer in the field, having been active with South Florida's medical cannabis and about products from Green Roads,
information they need. “There are a lot of medical cannabis since its inception. CBD expert and educator, she practices OnePlant and other cannabis and CBD
questions out there about dosages, and “His presentations are engaging and personalized medicine focusing on the eti- companies.
how much cannabis that patients should thought-provoking, and are changing the ology and offering individualized holistic An early-bird discount is still available
use,” he said. “Before patients go to a dis- way we view cannabis and influencing treatment options. for attendees registering for the confer-
pensary, they need to know how much the industry as a whole,” said Desnick. Dr. Weiner serves on the faculty at Nova ence, which will be held at the Rosen
and how often, and if there may be any Dr. Hashim specializes in pain manage- Southeastern University and at Florida Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando, FL.
drug interactions. Physicians can’t find ment and has more than 23 years of International University, where she con- Cannabis News Florida readers can also
this information in the media or at med- experience helping thousands of patients ducts research on using cannabis as a sub- save 20 percent on registration by using
ical schools. We wanted to fill this gap.” manage their chronic painful medical stitute for opioids in chronic pain patients. code CNF20 when signing up.
To do this, the Spring Congress has conditions. He was one of the first physi- She is currently participating in research at
brought in experienced presenters, cians in the state of Florida to qualify University of Arizona evaluating the phar- For more information on the ACCC Spring
including Mark Hashim, M.D., diplomat, with the Department of Health to be a macokinetics of water-soluble, nano- Congress, visit or
the American Board of Anesthesiologists, provider for medical cannabis. In cannabinoid and terpene products. call 800-383-6034.
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42 February 2020 Cannabis News Florida