Page 5 - Feb 2020 Cannabis News Florida Newspaper
P. 5


                       Cannabis Spotlight

        Brit Francis                         people in this industry to be genuine,   able education for all. Whether someone
                                             supportive, and sincere. What motivates   is looking to launch a new career,
        The Canna Academy                    me to continue being a part of this indus-  become a cannabis coach, budtender, or
                                             try is first and foremost a deep passion   fill one of the hundreds of other posi-
        What benefits do you see for         for cannabis therapeutics. Secondly, as an   tions available in the industry, complet-
        patients throughout Florida          educator, I feel a responsibility to inte-  ing an evidence-based cannabis educa-
        within this space?                   grate myself into all aspects of the indus-  tion course from The Canna Academy is
          Cannabis has the potential to unlock   try so that I am better able to serve our   advantageous for them.
        countless therapeutic benefits for   community and cannabis patients alike.
        patients across Florida. In fact, as a                                    How did you get started within      Do you see Florida moving
        cannabis coach and educator, I see on a   What field are you in within    the cannabis industry?              forward with recreational
        daily basis how CBD and Medical      the Cannabis space?                   My background is in Functional and   Marijuana/Cannabis and how
        Marijuana are safely and effectively   Currently, I work with Dr. Merna   Integrative medicine. This model of   will that affect your business?
        incorporated into patients’ lives. During   Matilsky at The Boca Center for Healthy   health care aims to identify, treat, and   The U.S. is expected to remain the
        my time as a cannabis coach, it has been   Living as a cannabis coach. I am also the   prevent the root cause of disease and   largest cannabis market in the world,
        beyond rewarding to help these individ-  founder and lead educator at The Canna   chronic illness. In order to achieve this, a   reaching $66.3 billion by 2025.
        uals create personalized cannabis proto-  Academy. The Canna Academy is Palm   combination of nutrition, exercise,   Therefore, I believe a shift towards adult-
        cols. Observing the health benefits of   Beach County’s first in-person cannabis   lifestyle modifications, and cannabis is   use or recreational marijuana in Florida
        plant based medicine and seeing the   academic institution that is exclusively   used. After having much success using   is inevitable. Further, I am confident that
        transformations it makes for patients has   dedicated to cannabis industry education   cannabis myself, and with my patients, I   the need for a trained workforce will
        been nothing short of astonishing.    and vocational training.            quickly realized the powerful healing   continue to grow as well. In terms of
                                                                                  properties these plants have. From here,   how this will affect The Canna Academy,
        What motivates you to be a           How can people in Florida ben-                                           I foresee the demand for our services
        part of the Cannabis Industry?       efit from the company you rep-       I knew I had a duty to continue expand-  scaling up, however, our commitment to
                                                                                  ing my knowledge of cannabis therapeu-
          Florida's cannabis industry is perhaps   resent?                        tics in order to augment patient care.    the industry will remain the same. This is
        the most gratifying and worthwhile     In 2018, 65,000 jobs were added to the                                 to continue educating our students with
        space to work in. Whether it has been   cannabis industry alone. The Canna   Are you personally an MJ card-   the highest level of academic integrity
        interactions with patients or other   Academy benefits Floridians as we pro-  holder?                         and excellence.
        cannabis professionals, I have found the   vide high-quality, accessible, and afford-  Yes, and proud of it!

         44                       February 2020                                                                                                                                       Cannabis News Florida
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