Page 13 - Feb 2020 Cannabis News Florida Newspaper
P. 13

Benzinga Cannabis Conference Opportunity for Companies, Investors

                BY LOIS THOMSON             ence. Whereas at other conferences you
                                            might sit through a 30- to 45-minute
         "Everyone needs money to operate their   keynote speaker presentation or a panel
        business," said Patrick Lane, and anyone   that runs for an hour, that's not how
        looking for opportunities in the cannabis   Benzinga organizes its events. "We move
        industry might be able to find them at the   quickly through our content. A panel to us
        Benzinga Cannabis Conference at the   is 25 minutes long, a keynote speaker no
        Fontainebleau Miami Hotel, Feb. 24 – 25.   longer than 15 minutes. It's a bit different
        As Senior Vice President, Partnerships,   from what you would see at other events,
        Lane said Benzinga is a financial media   and we like it that way. I think the age of
        company that covers markets, and    sitting in a room and listening to an hour-
        cannabis is currently one of the hottest sec-  long panel is gone. We're in that sort of
        tors.                               fast-food culture, and the content has to be
         He said the conference plans to show-  fast and engaging."
        case the best possible companies and   Day 2 of the conference will consist of
        investment opportunities for its users,   company presentations and networking.
        which in this case are investors. "The goal   According to Lane, each company that reg-
        is to facilitate networking between them –   isters will receive 20 minutes in a breakout
        companies and investors – as well as the   room, generally with 75 to 125 people
        business-to-business   relationships  attending in each room.
        between companies that are interested in   However, that's not to say attendees will
        partnering in order to help grow the busi-  not be able to enjoy a bit of Florida sun-
        nesses. Those are the two core pieces of   shine during their stay. Nicole LaPointe,
        what we do."                        Executive Vice President of Operations for
         Lane mentioned some of the topics, say-  Benzinga, explained she handles day-to-
        ing one focus will be on the American   day operations, including logistics and
        multi-state operators, who will discuss   speaker management, and makes sure all
        building businesses for both medical and   events are on track. She said that while
        adult recreational customers. There will   Benzinga holds cannabis conferences
        also be a panel focused on the licensed   around the country, this one will be the
        producers (LPs) gaining a foothold in the   second in Miami, with people coming
        United States, much of which is through   from all over the nation, as well as from   for all of Benzinga's conferences, not just   will you have the caliber of executives in
        the hemp CBD.                       Canada and overseas.                 ones relating to cannabis, and Lane added   one room (that will be at this conference)
         "We'll talk about the Cannabis 2.0 roll-  "(Last year) we made the Miami event   that working in different areas "offers us an   in terms of the companies themselves, as
        out in Canada, the different products and   feel like a retreat. We gave time for outside   interesting perspective in terms of how we   well as a really well-vetted group of
        companies. That's going to be really inter-  activities and receptions, and we're doing   approach this industry. A lot of companies   investors. We're talking about family
        esting because it's not from LPs' perspec-  that again this year. People really enjoyed it   in cannabis only do cannabis, but we're   funds, private equity, institutions – which
        tive, it's going to be from the folks that are   because it was not just 'Oh let's go to this   approaching it from a different angle.   is really the bread and butter of what these
        helping prop up this new aspect of the   conference,' but instead, 'Let's take some   We're more associated with the Wall Street   companies are looking for in terms of rais-
        industry – the extractors, the edible mak-  time in the sun and also get some business   crowd, with investors, with people who are   ing capital."
        ers, probably a retailer like High Tide.   done.' So we had really good outcomes   trading, moving capital in the market. It's
        Those are the different perspectives we're   from that, and that's why we're doing it   important that we have the ability to focus   For more information,
        going to get."                      again." Approximately 750 people attend-  on any sector, and cannabis is just one of    call (313) 723-2000 or visit
         Because so much activity will take place   ed the previous conference, and Lane is   them."                           www.benzingacannabisconference.
        during the two-day conference, attendees   estimating 800 or more this year.   He concluded, "There are a lot of confer-               com/miami.
        should be prepared for a fast-paced experi-  LaPointe manages her responsibilities   ences these days, but hardly anywhere else

                                                                                           Florida’s Resource for
                                                                                   Medical & Business Cannabis Developments   CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
                                                                                                                                 Daniel Casciato
                                                                                              PO Box 812708                       Barbara Fallon
                                                                                          Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708                Vanessa Orr
                                                                                           Phone: (561) 368-6950                  Lois Thomson

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         36                       February 2020                                                                                                                                       Cannabis News Florida
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