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                                                             Qualified Transportation Fringe Benefits
                 South Florida's
                     Monthly                                                   and Parking Benefits

             Healthcare Newspaper

                                               The creation of the IRC §512(a)(7)                                     QTF exceeds these limits is includible as
                    PO Box 812708            had a strong impact tax-exempt organi-                                   taxable compensation to the employee.
               Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708     zations. When the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act                                    IRC §274(e)(7) provides an exception
                Phone: (561) 368-6950        “TCJA” was signed into law in 2017, it                                   to the disallowance under IRC §274(a) if

                                             added Internal Revenue Code “IRC”                                        the goods, services or facilities expenses
                      Website:               §274(a) which states that no deduction                                   of the taxpayer are also made available to
   will be allowed for expenses of qualified                                the general public.
                                             transportation fringe benefits (“QTF”)                                     With the introduction by the TCJA of

                                             provided by an employer to its employ-                                   IRC §512(a)(7), tax-exempt organiza-
                   CHARLES FELIX             ees. IRC §512(a)(7) which requires tax-                                  tions were required, effective January 1,
                    CAROL FELIX              exempt employers (including multiem-                                     2018, to treat, as UBTI, amounts that are
                      Publishers             ployer benefit plans) to treat QTFs disal-                               determined to be nondeductible under
                                             lowed under IRC §274 as unrelated busi-                                  IRC §274 and paid by the tax-exempt
                   NANCY LAMMIE              ness taxable income (“UBTI”).                                            organization for any QTF defined in IRC
                       Editor                                                               BY JOHN SMITH
                                               The TCJA added §512(a)(7) to the                                       §132(f) above or any parking facility
                    JUDY GRAMM               IRC, which, effective for amounts paid or   During 2018, under IRC §132(a)(5),   used in connection with qualified park-
              Editorial Manager & Webmaster   incurred after December 31, 2017, cer-  the maximum amount of a QTF that   ing.
                                             tain employee fringe benefits for tax-  could be provided to an employee and   While many are hopeful for the repeal
                   JMC GRAPHICS              exempt organizations are treated as UBTI   excluded from the employee’s gross   of IRC §512(a)(7), the outcome is still
                    Art/Production           unless they would otherwise be                                           unknown. For now, most tax-exempt
                deductible under IRC §274. QTFs      income was $260 per month. This     organizations have chosen to take the
                    412-877-5321             include (1) transportation in a commuter   amount increased to $265 per month for   conservative approach and continue to
                                             highway vehicle between the employee’s   calendar year 2019. Any QTF provided   treat any QTF and parking benefits that
               CONTRIBUTING WRITERS          residence and place of employment; (2)   to an employee in excess of this amount   are disallowed under IRC §274 as UBTI
                   Daniel Casciato           mass transit passes; and (3) qualified   is taxable compensation reportable on   and report these amounts on their Form
                   Barbara Fallon            parking. Qualified parking is further   Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement.   990-T, Exempt Organization Business
                                                                                   Under IRC §274(e)(2), QTF expenses
                     Vanessa Orr             defined under IRC §132(f)(5)(c) as park-  are deductible to the extent the fair mar-  Income Tax Return.
                    Lois Thomson             ing provided to an employee on or near
                                             the business premises of the employer or   ket value of the QTF exceeds the limit         John Smith, Supervisor,
                                             on or near a location from which the   discussed above in IRC §132(a)(5). This   WithumSmith+Brown, PC, can be reached
                                                                                  is so because any amount by which the
                                             employee commutes to work.                                                               at
               LOOK FOR OUR
                 NEXT ISSUE

                 IN AUGUST                   Cover Story:  Ensuring Quality Patient Care
                                             Every Step of the Way
                 TO REACH US
                                             Continued from page 1
                                             organization, including and especially   be part of the larger, cohesive team to   processes. We focus on patient access,
                 OR EDITORIAL                finance. That means more than simply   help maintain critical focus across a   thoroughly screening patients and help-
                 Call (561) 368-6950         making sure the numbers add up; it   broad organizational spectrum. There   ing them qualify for Medicaid or
                                             requires hands-on management. An     must be consistency in resource alloca-  Medicare funding, if applicable.
                      or e-mail
                                             accessible, knowledgeable CFO should   tion and decision making based not only   From the moment a patient steps
                                             not only be able to ensure financial acu-  on financial considerations, but also on   through the doors of one of our hospi-
                                             ity, but also understand the multiple,   data-driven, patient-centered insights   tals, it is our job to provide them with
                                             often-fluid variables that drive revenue;   that enhance the quality of care we pro-  the highest-quality care and positive,
               SUBSCRIPTIONS                 how to meet desired revenue goals; and   vide.                           seamless experience. The new realities

                                             why these numbers matter in the larger   Such consistency must also be main-  facing non-profit hospitals—escalating
                   One Year $40              picture.                             tained across spending. To be successful,   costs, reimbursement reductions, and
                                               To maintain the same standard across   organizations must implement standard   the shift from volume- to value-based
                  Two Years $60
                                             all Broward Health hospitals, we employ   revenue cycle management processes   care—need to be met with an outcomes-
                 Three Years $75             educators and other professionals who   and procedures that ensure systems are   based financial model. The model must
                                             routinely conduct site visits to foster   reimbursed appropriately for the services   influence data to maximize reimburse-

                                             cohesive patient experiences. For exam-  performed. To achieve this fundamental-  ment while leveraging the latest tech-
                   To subscribe,             ple, an educator visits our hospitals once   ly important goal, Broward Health creat-  nologies and advancements in medicine
                call (561) 368-6950          a week to help standardize processes and   ed revenue cycle committees across the   to deliver the highest quality of care for
               or subscribe online at        procedures, while another focuses on   system to develop and enforce best prac-  our patients.
                                             customer service to ensure the patient   tices from the moment a patient sched-
      experience meets the same high-quality   ules an appointment to when they    Alex Fernandez is Senior Vice President
                                             standards—no matter where in our sys-  receive and pay their bill. In addition, we     and Chief Financial Officer

                                             tem patients receive care.           have launched a scorecard system that                  at Broward Health.
               All rights reserved. Reproduction    Ultimately, that means the CFO must   checks the revenue cycle and overall
               in whole or part without written
            permission prohibited. Copyright © 2017.

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