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A Special Thank                                     ADVANCES IN TECHNOLOGY

             You to the June
                                                                  Advancing Patient Care with Telemedicine

            2019 Host of the
                                               Support for telemedicine is                      mobile device to meet   patients. Cleveland Clinic in Ohio devel-
               South Florida                 gradually building across                          with a doctor by video   oped a tele-ICU program called eHospital,
                                                                                                365 days a year.
                                             Florida and the nation.
                                                                                                                      which allows Cleveland-based board-certi-
                                             According to the American                            Nearly 3,000 patients   fied intensivists to remotely monitor the
                 Healthcare                  Hospital Association, three                        in Florida have used   sickest patients from a command center
                                             out of four U.S. hospitals con-                    Express Care Online   between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. They oversee
           Networking Group                  nect using video or remote                         since it was first intro-  ICU beds within our community hospitals
                                             monitoring technologies. In                        duced, two-thirds of   in Ohio as well as our Florida hospital in
                                             Florida, legislators passed a                      whom are women.       Weston. Through early intervention, we’ve
                                             bill this year that establishes                    Acute sinusitis and   increased quality of care and reduced
                                             new telehealth practice stan-                      acute upper respiratory   length of stay in our ICUs.
                                             dards and allows out-of-state                      infection are the two   In Florida, our team of cardiac electro-
                                             providers to extend their tele-                    leading diagnoses fol-  physiologists provide long-term remote
                                             health services to Florida res-  BY WAEL K.        lowed by urinary tract   follow-up and remote monitoring of
                                             idents.                        BARSOUM, MD         infection and acute   patients  who    have   pacemakers,
                 NORTH SHORE                   Cleveland Clinic has been                        bronchitis.           implantable cardioverter defibrillators,
                MEDICAL CENTER               moving rapidly in recent                             Physicians in our   and cardiac resynchronization therapy
                                             years to incorporate telemed-                      orthopaedic  surgery  devices. They also use remote surveillance
                                             icine in our delivery of healthcare services   and neurosurgery departments in Florida   of injectable subcutaneous cardiac moni-
               For information about
                                             in pursuit of the triple aim -- enhancing   have been conducting post-operative vir-  tors for diagnostic rhythm monitoring,
                our next meeting of          patient care, improving the health of pop-  tual visits for the past year, making care   atrial fibrillation management, and crypto-
                                             ulations, and reducing the cost of care.   more convenient and easily accessible for   genic stroke.
                                             Telemedicine, in the form of virtual visits   patients. When appropriate, patients are   In addition, our cardiologists are using a
                    please email             and the use of remote patient monitoring,   able to video conference from their home   mobile app to monitor telemetry data for
                                             allows us to deliver care that is cost-effec-  or office with their surgeon in the weeks or   hospitalized patients. This data is integrat-
                                             tive and efficient while maintaining our   months following a procedure, such as   ed with our electronic medical record sys-
       patient safety and quality standards.   total joint replacement, as part of routine   tem, providing all our physicians with
                                                                                  follow-up care.                     access. Our goal for remote monitoring is
                                             Virtual Visits                        Last month, we also began conducting   to provide the most efficient, high quality
                                               In 2015, Cleveland Clinic partnered   follow-up virtual visits for patients under-  care that supports the best outcome and
                                             with American Well to connect patients   going non-surgical orthopaedic treat-  patient experience.
                                             with healthcare providers via a download-  ments, as well as within the endocrinology
                                             able app to receive advice for minor health   department. Plans are in place to roll-out   Telemedicine Roadblocks
                                             issues. Available any time of day or night,   virtual visits in other departments in the   Two major federal bills passed last year
                                             Cleveland Clinic’s Express Care Online   coming months.                  included elements to broaden access to
                                             allows patients to use their computer or                                 telemedicine across the nation. The
                                                                                  Remote Monitoring                   Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 changed
                                                                                   Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is   Medicare reimbursement and coverage for
                                                                                  defined as the collection of medical   certain telehealth services, as did the SUP-
                                                                                  devices and applications that connect to   PORT for Patient and Communities Act.
                                                                                  healthcare IT systems through online   Unfortunately, the recently passed Florida
                                                                                  computer networks. These devices and   telehealth legislation failed to require
                                                                                  apps are helping providers track chronic   health plans to cover telehealth services.
                                                                                  illnesses for patients by recording medical   More national and state legislation is
                                                                                  measurements such as EKG, glucose level,   needed to address barriers to telemedicine,
                                                                                  and blood pressure outside of the health-  including current reimbursement limita-
                                                                                  care setting. They are also providing physi-  tions and restrictions. Until then, hospitals
                     Specializing in Medically                                    cians with near real-time access to remote   and health systems will continue to strug-
                                                                                                                      gle to bring these innovative programs to
                                                                                  monitoring information for hospitalized
                            Complex Patients                                      patients while away from the bedside. This   patients.

                                                                                  allows for the early identification and
                                                                                  intervention of health problems before   Dr. Wael K. Barsoum is CEO and President
                                Kindred Hospitals are owned by Kindred            they become critical.                              of Cleveland Clinic Florida.
                             Healthcare, Inc., a national network of Long Term     One of our earliest remote monitoring             For more information, visit
                             Acute Care Hospitals (LTACH's).                      programs involves providing an extra layer

                                Kindred Hospitals provide specialized, high quality    of inpatient care for our intensive care
                             care for acutely ill patients. For more than a decade,
                             we have fine-tuned the art of medically complex care.

                                Our services range from complex catastrophic
                             illnesses that require intensive care, post-surgical medical
           rehabilitation to patients suffering from chronic diseases requiring respiratory and
           rehabilitative therapies. Kindred Hospitals provide outcome-oriented
           cost effective care for patients with a wide spectrum of
           medical conditions.

                  Admissions to Kindred Hospitals may be
           recommended by physicians, acute-care hospitals,
           rehabilitation hospitals, managed care providers, case
           management companies or by the patient’s family.
           In all cases family tours are encouraged.

             Kindred Hospital                  Kindred Hospital             Kindred Hospital             Kindred Hospital
               Fort Lauderdale                      Hollywood                     Coral Gables               The Palm Beaches
             1516 East Las Olas Blvd.                         1859 Van Buren St.                 5190 Southwest Eighth St.          5555 West Blue Heron Blvd
             Ft. Lauderdale FL 33301                       Hollywood, FL 33020                 Coral Gables, FL 33134               Riviera Beach, FL 33418
          954-764-8900, ext. 5136                    954-920-9000                       305-448-1585                       561-904-8451

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