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Publisher’s Note
           A Special Thank You                   Publisher’s Note

               to the January                   BREAKING NEWS:

            2020 Host of the                    “Unseasonable cold temperatures litter
                                              South Florida with stunned iguanas.”
               South Florida                    “Iguanas falling from trees in South Florida

                 Healthcare                   due to cold temperatures.”
                                                And finally, courtesy of a tweet from the
            Networking Group                  National Weather Services: “This isn’t some-
                                              thing we usually forecast, but don’t be sur-
                                              prised if you see iguanas falling from the trees

                                                As if Carol doesn’t get cold enough when the temperatures hover at 70 degrees, we’ve just spent a week listening to all these
                BOCA RATON                    dire warnings about poor iguanas. Like many original Northerners, one of our favorite things about South Florida is the weath-
                  REGIONAL                    er. But lately I must say, the Felix household has had a few complaints. When even I break out my old fleece, it’s cold. And to
                                              exacerbate the problem, I live with a bloodless human being … Carol. This is a woman whose first reaction to a Weather
                   HOSPITAL                   Channel Alert in Chicago or NYC is to check to see if OUR thermostat is working. In short, Carol thinks the most crucial
              For information about           option in a car is a seat heater. So, can you imagine her reaction to weather cold enough to stun iguanas.
               our next meeting of                          But seriously like many Floridians, Carol’s quest for warmer clothes never seems to extend to her footwear.
                                                              For some odd reason, she thinks if she wears a wool sweater and scarf, the cold won’t notice she has flip
                                                               flops on or no socks. So, she immediately makes the giant leap to her Uggs. But does a 60-degree temper-
                    please email                                ature really necessitate Sherpa-lined suede boots?
                     charles@                                     Let’s face it … for those of us who live in South Florida summer isn’t a season, it’s our yearlong climate
                                                               (and hopefully it will stay that way – but that’s a whole other discussion.) So, let’s hope the Polar Vortex
                                                                 stops messing with our Solar Vortex!

                                                                                                                              Charles Felix

                                                     You can reach Charles Felix at


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         2                         February 2020                                                                                                                      South Florida Hospital News
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