Page 2 - Cannabis News Florida August 2022
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Back Cover Story: Advising the Advisors
Continued from back cover I’m not an HCP, can I help fix and flavonoids, the clarification of isolate eyes to a large swathe of potential cannabis
awareness of these products. That, cou- this problem? v broad-spectrum v full spectrum prod- educators and enthusiasts who can be
pled with knowledge of the best resources This isn’t a quick fix, but YES, you ucts will start to make sense. You’ll plant a your biggest cheerleaders in the current
in their area, as well as on-line will give absolutely can. Perhaps you’re a dispensa- (cannabis) seed, and you’ll give it time to paradigm of medical cannabis use, and in
them enough information to make educat- ry owner or employee. Maybe you’re a bloom (flower?). future expansion to adult-use.
ed recommendations. cannabis advocate by profession. Or
maybe you’re a current or former cannabis Where do I start? Dr. Kevin Morley is the head athletic train-
Who’s advising who? user who wants to shout from the rooftops That’s the best part, you can start wher- er for the Nashville Predators of the National
In order for us to consider how medical that cannabis use helped your post-opera- ever you want. It’s all about baby steps. If Hockey League and a researcher in the
providers are advising potential cannabis tive pain and allowed you to skip the opi- you have access to HCPs in the sports Global Initiative for Cannabinoid Research
customers/patients, let’s peel back a few oids completely. HCPs, as a group, want to medicine or orthopedics space, start your and Education at Florida International
layers of the health care delivery system help people. They want to do it safely and “Cannabis in Sports Medicine” dossier. If University. To learn more about FIU’s
onion to find out who is who. It’s not only within the confines of their scope of prac- your neighbor is a clinical psychologist cannabinoid research and education initiative
physicians who advise on cannabis use. tice and ethical standards. The Card- and has welcomed you into their social you can visit their website at
With the figurative weaving of hemp prod- approving physicians are already on circle, then maybe your “Cannabis Use in
ucts into the fabric of our society thanks to board. They understand the ECS, CB1 and Mental Health Care” dossier is a better
the 2018 Farm Bill, a major barrier to CB2, and the landscape of cannabis and first step. Once you’ve gained entry into Views represented in this column do not
entry has been eliminated. Consumers hemp products. They’re not your target the medical community, you’re off to the reflect that of the Nashville Predators, the
know what CBD is … or they think they audience. The “there’s not enough races. Acknowledging that the spectrum National Hockey League, or Florida
do. And since they heard their co-worker, research” folks are your audience. You’re of HCPs is broad, and their collective International University and are solely
partner, teammate, teacher, or family going to need to put together a cannabis influence is nearly infinite will open your attributed to Dr. Kevin Morley.
member gush about how a hemp product dossier of sorts. It needs to be “medical
helped ameliorate their pain, inflamma- enough” that it has high-level information
tion, disordered sleep, anxiety … they are that they can use. We’re talking studies. I E-mail your Cannabis news to:
curious now too. But they may not make mean real studies. Like double-blind,
an appointment with a Card-providing placebo-controlled studies. Maybe a meta-
physician just yet. They see a chiropractor analysis. Most of the best cannabis-related
weekly, so maybe they’ll ask that person. research is happening external to the
The chiropractor is part of a wellness cen- United States. That’s ok. This is a global
ter. There are nurses, athletic trainers, issue not limited to domestic patients and
physical therapists, mental health coun- providers. Skip the case reports. They’re
selors there too. Those professionals work interesting, but that’s one of the lowest
with patients every day. Perhaps they have levels of research. Lastly, consider the spe- Compassionate Care.
some knowledge about how CBD can cific person you’re addressing. Are they an
help. And since medical marijuana is legal athletic trainer or physical therapist work- True Relief
in Florida, maybe there’s an ongoing ing in an out-patient orthopedic surgery
pathology that qualifies for a Card. Do practice? If so, they’ll really respond to the
they know about cannabis too? studies comparing post-operative out-
comes and pain measures using CBD v a
There’s not enough evidence CBD and THC combo v a traditional opi- DO YOU SUFFER
Talk to some of the medical profession- oid. But if you’re addressing a physician FROM CHRONIC PAIN,
als mentioned above, the ones from the assistant or nurse practitioner working in
wellness center, and ask them about a VA hospital with PTSD patients, you can ANXIETY OR PTSD?
cannabis use to treat post-operative pain skip the post-op knee pain articles and
after a total shoulder replacement. Or to focus on those addressing mental health The c ompassionate doctors at Florida's largest,
most trusted, medical marijuana physician's
treat insomnia secondary to anxiety about and wellness, anxiety-related insomnia, practice can help!
a missed promotion at work. Many of and emotional trauma. It’s all out there,
them will explain that there’s not enough you just have to look. What’s that adage DocMJ doctors hav e been making a difference in
research to support cannabis use in those about leading a horse to water? patient's liv es since 2016.
situations, and while they’ve heard that it
helps too, they wouldn’t feel comfortable Will anything else help? Medical Marijuana
endorsing it or counseling someone to see Or is it just studies and
l Rlif F
a Card-approving physician. The reality of research papers? P o vides Real Relief For
this very real-life scenario is that it hap- Tread lightly here because if you trend Thousands Of Patients
pens all the time. Medical providers don’t toward magazines and articles on websites
know what they don’t know. They weren’t written by non-scientific outlets, you may Appr o v ed by the Office of Medical
Marijuana Use, our fully licensed
taught about the endocannabinoid system lose some traction and a whole lot of cred- physicians hav e helped thousands of
in school. CB1 and CB2 receptors weren’t ibility. In today’s content-rich environ- patients just like y ou!
on their radar. But that doesn’t mean that ment, no, you don’t have to limit your Disc ounts av ailable for V eterans,
the ECS, CB1 and CB2 aren’t here to stay. dossier to articles and journals. But you First Responders and Pediatric Patients
What is true is that peer-reviewed studies better vet everything you choose to pro- RISK FREE 100% Money Back Guarant
in high-level journals absolutely do exist vide. There are some incredible lectures If w e cannot pr o vide y ommendation n,
ou with a
medical marijuana rec
… but not in the most mainstream jour- available on TED Talks and YouTube. y ou get a full refund.
nals medical providers are reading. As There are some very informative docu-
such, the research isn’t familiar to them. mentaries on Netflix, Hulu, and other
There’s a chasm here that needs to be streaming services. Repetition matters. If Book Y our Appointment No w
spanned for healthcare providers (HCPs) the NP from the VA center or the athletic
to be able to fairly, and ethically provide trainer from the orthopedic surgery office Visit docmj.c om to book online and see if y ou qualify
current and accurate information to the gets this content in front of them, and they
patients, clients, and athletes seeking their take the time to digest it, the repetitive For more information call: Serving Florida State wide
care and counsel. explanation of the ECS, how it affects 888-908-0143 Visit docmj.c om to find y ourr
nearest location
homeostasis, the explanation of terpenes
Cannabis News Florida August 2022 27