Page 6 - Cannabis News Florida August 2022
P. 6

Florida’s Resource for
                                                                                                                                 Medical & Business
                                                                                                                                Cannabis Developments

         Back Cover Story: Trulieve’s Cultivar Collection                                                                     Boca Raton, FL 33481-2708
                                                                                                                                  PO Box 812708
                                                                                                                                Phone: (561) 368-6950
         Continued from back cover
          “Our rooms are small craft-style setups designed around indi-  The effects of cannabis vary widely. Some people may feel very   Website:
        vidual cultivars so each can grow in the perfect environmental set-  relaxed, while other users may report they feel dizzy or confused
        ting,” adds Soreng. “All of this, combined with our state-of-the-art   when trying cannabis. Being educated and gaining personal expe-  CHARLES FELIX
        LED lighting, allows all flower in the Cultivar Collection to not   rience on proper dosing strategies can help limit these side effects.    CAROL FELIX
        only achieve its full genetic potential, but thrive.”    Here are some descriptions for two of the collection’s best-sell-  Publishers
          Trulieve launched Cultivar Collection in 2020 because it strives   ers in Florida:                               NANCY LAMMIE
        to provide the best possible products to its customers. To do this   • Rae Bae: Rae Bae is a unique indica that was created by cross-  JMC Graphics
        with flower, the company knew it had to define a unique and   ing Double OG and Sour Diesel. The aroma of this exceptional   Art/Production
        unrelenting process in the pursuit of quality - one that empow-  cross has undertones of earth and spice but presents citrus and the
        ered the men and women behind the plants to achieve this next   gassy diesel notes known only to sours to your nose immediately.   JUDY GRAMM
        level.                                                 Don’t let the natural structure fool you, Rae Bae hits like a champ.   Editorial Manager
          “It’s our process, and the passion we pour into it, that makes   If you have anxiety steer clear, Rae Bae can have very racy effects     CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
        our product extraordinary,” says Soreng. “The greatest art in the   before the cerebral calmness and deep relaxation sets in.   Daniel Casciato
        world is not celebrated for the paint used, but for the genius and   • Siberian Peach Cake: Siberian Peach Cake is a uniquely fla-  Barbara Fallon
        brushstroke of the artist. We're constantly looking for additional   vorful indica cultivar created from crossing a Black Russian female   Vanessa Orr
        ways to ensure every customer can find the relief they're looking   from Delicious Seeds with pollen from an exceptional Wedding   Lois Thomson
        for.”                                                  Cake male known as Trophy Wife. As the name suggests, Siberian
          Cultivar Collection has a unique focus on the whole picture of   Peach Cake has rich fruity flavors on both the inhale and exhale   SUBSCRIPTIONS
                                                                                                                         One Year - $45
        beneficial cannabis chemistry. Soreng notes that they look at   that is sweet, cakey, and reminiscent of classic peach rings. While   Two Years - $70
        THC, TAC, terpene levels, and more for every product and every   Siberian Peach Cake is an indica it tends to stray to the relaxing   Three Years - $85
        batch. This combined with Trulieve’s extremely high standards   side over being an outright sedative. This can make this cultivar a   To subscribe, call (561) 368-6950
        helps them to provide a level of consistency in potency and flavor   powerful choice for those who look for options to switch their   Or email:
        that may not be found elsewhere.                       days from rushed to relaxed.
          “Cultivar Collection firmly stands behind the idea that wellness                                               All rights reserved. Reproduction
                                                                                                                         In whole or part without written
        through cannabis is a deeply personal journey and are proud to   Follow @thecultivarcollection on Instagram for the latest news,   permission is prohibited. Copyright ©2022
        have incredible genetics across indica, sativa, and hybrid cultivars                   updates and product drops!
        in eighth and 1g pre-roll options,” he explains.

        Cannabis News Florida                                                                                                                              August 2022                         23
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